We are starting to use right brain education to our son

You both are very welcome, Sapna and Nikki! Nikki, glad to know that your son enjoys the DVDs! My son likes phonics and math better than the language DVD and my daughter likes all 3 of them (more than the lesson DVDs). :rolleyes:

Thanks Teresa for the info, I will have a look at the DVDs as well. Will try it with my 15 months old and see if she likes it, and it will no doubt benefit my soon to be born baby too!

You are very welcome, Nanayaya! I think your 15 months old will like it. Usually girls can sit longer than boys! lol I am also looking forward to doing it with my soon-to-be born baby :yes:


Hi All of you
Actually i was out of town bcoz of long weekend so guys i was not in touch.I got mail from right brain kids ie tweedle wink for teleseminar.Actually i have not seen it.But i think it not live one.it is the one which is recorded from it’s past classes.so i want to ask you whether this is the teleseminar which you were talking about.


Hi Sapna,

Yes, that teleseminar on a CD is the one that I was in. They only did it once live and then record it in a CD. I found the teleseminar very useful since I did not know anything about right brain education at that time. If you are thinking of alternative, try to read the free ebook that they offer and get some basic ideas:



I have been using tweedlewink and wink for couple of months for my 31/2 year old daughter.I would say they are quiet good.It is quiet useful when are too busy to make flashcards and do it for them.This program can be used as home training lessons for shichida .
Saw a online store in Singapore selling tweedlewink and wink www.mylearningkid.com

Hi all,
Does anyone knows where I can get the tweedle wink in Malaysia?

hm… not sure, I only know that we can order online. Why don’t you ask them?

Click on “contact” on the home page: http://www.rightbrainkids.com/jv/hop/?af=742989


I’m a new member and really excited about teaching my 11-month old baby boy new things. Thanks Teresa for your recommendation on the DVDs. I checked the website and downloaded the ebook and it seems really interesting. I plan to buy the DVDs too :slight_smile:

I wanted to check if anybody has used Glenn Doman’s educational materials? He’s got books, DVDs and flashcards, etc.? I would appreciate if you can share your experences with your child if any. I’m really curious and been thinking of buying some of his materials too.


Hello Diana,

What a good time for your 10-month old to learn all the exciting things and have a stimulation boost to his brain. :yes: Hope you enjoy the learning process with him. It’s a great bonding time!


Hi Teresa
You discussed your friend experience about tweedle wink in earlier posting of 2 yrs old son and he memorised everything.But i have 1 question regarding that.That is it something like that to play dvd when they are sleeping so that they are in unconsious state and that will help them to remember faster.Because who have mention in your earlier posting to play dvd when they are sleepy.or tweedle wink dvd provide the information for when to play dvd how much time for 1 section and how long say for 1 week and all.


Hello Sapna,

Actually it’s not my friend’s son. I got an email from Tweedlewink featuring this story and after reading this story we decided to try the DVDs. Yes, what they said is when the kids are sleepy, they are using their subconscious minds and if we are flashing information to them at this state, they will use their right brian to remember (which is faster). Each DVD contains 4 8-minute lessons. We play one lesson each time. Tweedlewink suggests playing the same lesson 1-3 times before we go onto the next one.

Hope it helps!


Hi Diana, welcome! i’m sure many people have used the Doman materials - at least we have! :slight_smile: We have most of the flash card sets (English and math), and used them mostly between ages of 4months - 9 months, then we used YBCR, home made materials, powerpoint slideshows, and an early version of Little Reader.

You might consider posting a separate topic about Glenn Doman stuff too.

But Teresa my question is if we flash dvd’s when baby is sleeping they will not be able to see as they are sleeping right.They will only be able to hear.Then how it will work.Please explain be this part.


You are right, I don’t quite understand this when they said when they are sleeping… I take it as when they are sleepy and they did said sleepy times are one of those times we should play the DVD because it’s when they are using their subconscious minds…

ok Thanx Teresa

Teresa it will be enough if we make them watch 1 set of dvd for only3 times and than move to another one.They will pick up all those things only in 3 times and will able to recognise.or we have to make them watch again the same dvd after few days


yeah, this is what Tweedlewink said. Of course after I finished all the lessons I will go back to lesson 1 and do the same thing again… :yes: It’s amazing that baby has a mind that can absorb so much information in such a short time, right? :rolleyes:

Teresa i am planning to buy right brain education course.but i m confused which course i should purchase for my son who is 2 yrs old.tweedle wink or wink.Actually i m interested in wink course which is for the age of 4-12 yrs but my son is 2 yrs old.if i purchase wink course will it give any benefits to my son as winks course age group is 4-12 yrs old .Can u pls share me your views.Actually wink course has very interesting things.


Hi Sapna,

Yes, I think Wink has some interesting products, but since my kids are all under 6 years old, I have not bought any of the wink product. Tweedlewink is the course for kids at 0-6 years old. Therefore, I can’t comment on the Wink course but as you said, some of the sounds quite useful! For me, I am using the 7 DVD set. Heard from my friends today that they are going to have more lessons out soon.
