We are starting to use right brain education to our son

Just want to share something about my 19-month old son: we
started some right brain DVD lessons to him a month
ago and we see a difference - We noticed a big
learning improvement in him but didn’t click that
it’s the DVDs until we looked at the timing… and
my husband said it must be the right brain training.

My son saw a speech pathologist at the end of
April because I thought he was slow in talking. At
that time he had less than 10 spoken words. 1 month
later he is over 60 vocabularies that he speaks on his
own. This is not including the 20 alphabets + 1 to 9
that he can recognize and pronounce! I also notice
that he is speaking new words every day! He is still
using his right brain because he learns fast but still
not able to logically bring 2 words together to make a
meaningful phrase. My 3.5 years old daughter is more left brain as
she was already in full sentence when she was 18
months. Too bad she is not at home all the time and I
can’t religiously show the DVDs to her.

I started teaching my son Chinese characters last week and
the next day he could recognize and speak 2 out of 3 that I showed
to him just once! We are amazed. :slight_smile:

Yesterday night I wrote some alphabets on an erasable
board and had both kids speak out the alphabets
loud. Many times my son said it faster (and knew more)
than his sister did! We think visual recognition is
probably my daughter’s weak point. At her age now, she still
mixes up left and right shoes! My son is still a right
brain kid. He uses his right hand to draw every time.
He can draw circles now! This is something my daughter could
not do until she’s 2, as long as I can remember.

We haven’t started diaper train on my son, but a week ago
he started to let us know that he needed to go poo.
Not every time but it’s a surprise for us.

We are thinking of buying a relaxation CD for our daughter
so that she can be in a right brain learning
mode before learning. :yes:


Thanks, Teresa, for sharing your experience, and congratulations on the progress you are making!

Right-brain education is a very intriguing subject, and I’m happy to see more and more people getting familiar with it.

Which DVD’s did you use, btw?


I bought the DVD sets offered by Right Brain Kids. This is the set: http://www.rightbrainkids.com/jv/hop/?af=742989. When I had my first child almost 4 years ago, I knew nothing about right brain education. After my second child was born, my husband read a newspaper article about a mother doing right brain training for her son and got fabulous payoff. I was impressed. One day I got an email talking about right brain education and they are promoting a teleseminar. I bought the teleseminar right away because I was always wondering what right brain education was involved. My husband and I were totally blown off after the first session and I started to Google more about the issue on the internet. We decided to try their DVDs and the 1 month leap from our son is really a pleasant surprise. We didn’t expect to see a result in such a short time! :clown:

This is the first time I hear about right-brain learning! :slight_smile: Thanks Teresa :slight_smile:

Do you have more links so I can learn more about it?

You’re very welcome, nohayo! Yes, they offer a free ebook which you can download through http://www.rightbrainkids.com/jv/hop/?Clk=2320028

They also have a sample of DVD lesson that I bought. You can find it from here: http://www.rightbrainkids.com/jv/hop/?Clk=2320030

The flashcards that we can download from Brillbaby is really good too! I think I will use both if time allows.

Have fun!
Teresa :wink:

Thank you for those links. I look forward to checking them out!

I am curious to know, did you also purchase the overview course or just the dvds? I guess I want to know if you were able to figure out how to effectively teach your children using the program without having to buy the manual (which is $100).

Noha, if you want to know more about right-brain teaching, don’t forget to read the article on the website (second on the list in the Teaching Babies menu). There are also articles about right-brain instant math: go to Teaching Babies => Math.

Hope you find them interesting!

Teresa, thanks so much for these references - I had heard of TweedleWink and will look forward to reading the ebook.


Maddy and nhockaday, you are very welcome!

I bought the 4-series teleseminar initially (I don’t think they are offering it anymore but they put the recording in a CD for sale) and it gave me an overview on how right brain works, how to set up a right brain learning environment and when is the best time of the day for right brain training etc. I did not buy the manual. I just bot the DVD set knowing that I have to play to them 1-3 times before going on to the next lesson.

I am attaching an email that they sent to me on a two-year-old child memorizes 2000 Cards in 2 months. We actually decided to buy the DVDs after reading this email… so powerful!

Dear Teresa,

We hope that your family is well and happy.

We had to share this with you. It came in recently
from a mother of one.

She writes:

“Thank you for the DVDs. When is the
next one going to be released? My son (age 26 months) has already
memorized all 12 lessons. He knows the words before they come up
on the screen!”
– T.S., USA

You may be thinking, “Wow.”

We know, it seems impossible. But, it’s really not.
It’s so natural.

We’ve used flashcards for years. We know it’s
possible. We know the power of flashcards and how much little children
just soak up.

But when this e-mail came in, the power packed in
these little
educational DVDs dawned on us in a whole new way.

I mean, do you realize what she is saying?

Fact 1.) She’s had the DVDs for less than 2 months
and her son knows all 12 lessons.

Fact 2.) That’s about 150-200 picture or word cards
per lesson.

Fact 3.) In all, that’s… 120 Art, 120 Science, 120
Cultures (12 countries), 80 Perfect pitch (12 notes), 80
Speed reading, 1050 Vocabulary, 120 Math, 120 Phonics, 120 Whole
words, 60 Word-building, 24 PhotoEyeplay, 12 Poetry, plus
title cards and affirmations.

Fact 4.) Which means this little 2-year-old boy has
memorized over 2000 cards in less than 8 weeks time and is
eager for more!

That’s a whole lot of learning.

And it’s so gentle.

It’s an 8 minute lesson. Each lesson is designed to
be shown just 1-3 times before going on to the next set. You play
it when the time is right for you – when your child is happy,
well-fed and eager for mental stimulation. If the lesson is viewed just
once in the morning, the rest of the day can be spent in play,
natural exploration and interaction with you.

That’s it! It doesn’t have to be a big deal. We
believe that flashcards given in an environment of relaxation and
love make longer-lasting memories.

Thanks for the links and for sharing with us your experience!

Yes, right-brain education is indeed very powerful. I’ve heard of Tweedlewink before too. From what I can tell, it’s modeled very closely after what your child would get or learn if he/she were to attend a Shichida class. Unfortunately, Shichida classes seem to be only held in Japan, Singapore and Malaysia so far.

I’d be most interested to hear from people in Japan/Singapore/Malaysia who’s child/children have attended Shichida before, and your experience with it.


Teresa thanks so much for the links and for the insights as a whole :slight_smile: I agree, that mail is powerful !!

Maddy, I found the link on the website and am reading up as we speak :wink:

OK, so can you share with me the basics? Like What is the best time of day?
When to stop (if my baby is not focused or loses interest) (and then should I resume or start over later?)
Which dvd lessons do you start with, and you said each lesson 1-3 times?
Anything else that may help me or that you learned by using them?

I just watched the sample DVD and have a question to add to nhockaday’s:

Does every DVD have a mix of content like that one? What if some of it is too advanced for your child? or you don’t want him/her to learn musical notes just yet?

Hi nhockaday and nohayo,

According to the overview, the best time is when your baby (kid) is using his/ her unconscious mind. This is when he/ she is sleepy, or when baby is in a very relaxing stage. If your baby still crawls, play the DVDs / play classical music/ play foreign language when they are crawling because this is when he/ she is using the right brain.

Your baby doesn’t need to sit still when you are playing the dvd, they can even be bouncing (especially when he/ she is a kinesthetic learner). It’s okay if they miss some of them… after all, it’s only 8 mins per lesson and they will absorb majority of it. The guideline to keep them focus is really to put the baby beside you or on your lap and to watch with them - they said relationship before result. This is a good time to bond with your kid.

The lesson is designed to be played 1-3 times before you go onto the next. Yes, I do one a day and sometimes add some lessons from the math/ phonics/ language another time during the day. I go back to lesson 1 when all lessons are finished. Yes, the lesson DVDs all have a mix of content like the sample ( except for the math/ phonics/ languages which have their own focus). In fact many materials are new/ advance to me. To answer the question why we show them advanced knowledge at this stage, I think what we should ask is “why not” instead of “why”. To the kids learning quantum physics is the same as learning 1,2,3. If they are learning in their right brain mode between 0 and 6 years old, they will absorb every knowledge like a sponge. Don’t let conventional thinking block the development of our future! Kids really have no limit. The only limit that they have is the limit we put on them.

Anything else?? I would say is try to make it fun and interactive. If they lose focus, try to refocus them by pointing at something they are interested in the lesson, like “look! that’s a flower!”. I taught my son to pat his chest every time the DVD says “I am special/ I am loved” and now he does it on his own every time! Praise them well done and hug them in the end so they are looking forward to it.

Have fun and enjoy!


Teresa you explain it better than the website :biggrin:

Yes, she helped me more than the website!

Then I would say this entails a karma point to you Teresa :wink:

Thank you nohayo and nhockaday! It’s my pleasure to share. Would be awesome if all our kids become super kids!! :yes:

Hi Teresa,
I’m a new member here and I’m very interested on twinkle wind DVD. Are you buying the DVD online? Are we able to buy it locally? Because I’m not prefer to buy through online. I’m from Penang.

Thanks a lot for your information,
Wai Leng

Hello Wai Ling,

Nice to meet you here in the forum! I am sure you will fall in love with all the discussions and information that you can find from here!

I bought my DVD through http://www.rightbrainkids.com/jv/hop/?af=742989 online. I am not sure if there’s any store that carries the actual product… I guess you can email them and ask. I looked at the web site and saw that they are based in Chicago.

You can go to their web site http://www.rightbrainkids.com/jv/hop/?Clk=2320029 and send them an email. They have a contact page!

Hope it helps!
