Tell us the latest achievement of your baby

issam was with me in the kitchen and he open the cabinet doors under the sink. he stepped inside the cupboard and smile while saying 'heheeeeeeeyyyyyeeeeyyyyy"it seems he found himself a new play area/hiding place :ohmy:

When the day is not windy and not rainy my friend ,Jake and me we go for a walk.Before we went out I prepared something to eat for his father so that if he comes from work it will be ready.As we along we chat and because it was a nice day i decided that take him out for that night.When we returned back he took out 2 plates and forks and set them on table and pointed to oven to give him to eat. Although jake is non verbal Iam noticing that he understand what we are saying.

issam made progress with his walking! :yes: :yes: he can now walk on the carpeted area of the house!b4 only on the bed and holding to our hands…
so excited to see him walking on his own…just can’t wait to see him run! :wub:

Jonas makes a sad face as we read the story colors of the rainbow in the brillkids lite- he saw the clouds crying… he returns his toy in the toy box everytime he wants to go out of the room to stroll… yesterday i put my credit card billing statement in the side table of our room and when i return i could not find it… so i asked jonas “please return the paper you took in the table” then he moves around and went back to me stretching his hand with my billing statement… so nice to know he really understand as i talk to him (",)

my L is now starting to spell & read simple words while my N is cooing a lot & likes to look at what his big brother does.

Laurana was looking at a book today with single words naming kittens and for the first time ever she pointed at the words rather than the pictures waiting for me to name them for her.
Also today my brother came in while I was showing Laurana her flashcards today and with them all out he asked her to give him three different words and she gave him the correct one each time (these are words she has only seen between 2 and 5 times)

i have always kept a routine for issam on his daily activities. when issam finished his cereals, i normally leave him for a while so that he can poop then we will go the bathroom to have a bath. today, while i was in the bedroom fixing the bed, i saw issam crawling into the bathroom and he called me"mmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaami"as if he is telling me, lets go have a bath now, poop is out! lol

Good Day everybody…my daughther recognizes each of the numbers , alphabets… and she can read graphics signs which are very family to her…and shes learnning to read the Book i always read to hear…Mommy Loves me…we just cant under estimate our kids… how fast they can learn… we just need to support and nurture them always…

today issam played pretend game of eating with his spoon n fork n plate. this is the first time he did it! :yes: although i have to correct which hands to hold the spoon n the fork. he also pretended his feeding his teddy!

Laurana stood on one foot entirely by herself (not holding anything) for about a second yesterday.

its official now!i have a walker in the house!issam has moved from his funny crawling (he does not used his knees when he crals, plus his bum his lifted, he used his hands n feet flat on the floor)to funny walker (his arms still in upward position for balance support) :clown:
i am so proud of my son, he is now walking!!!

Ohhh, a place to brag!! It’s so cool to read what the other babies are doing and have a chance to post about our little one.

My son is speaking so very clearly for his age, it’s quite remarkable. He has a large vocabulary and an amazing sense of retention and recollection. We don’t drink coffee in our house. The times I’ve mostly pointed it out has been at Costco when we’re walking by the grinders and I say “coffee - yucky” since it’s so stinky in my opinion. Today we walk into an waiting room and before I can stop him, he runs over to a tall, steaming cup without a lid, looks in and says “Coffee, Hot”. After I picked up my jaw from the floor, I think it must have been when Grandpa was visiting in December and would have a cup of coffee…

Children never cease to amaze me!

Can u teach me how it works? Do I just let my son watch one of the video before he sleeps and continue to play it while he sleeps? Kids mind are so amazing!!!

now E can make sentences. when she talks us, she knows how to make sentences. before she just use a word. if she want ask me to read her for a book. she will say book only. now she used to say “wheres the pooh book”

Oooh, ooh, I want to hear how it works, too. What kind of things are on the DVD?

I have been excited, as my boy is starting to sign more. I think he used to intentionally not sign. But, now he is. It is so nice to better understand what he wants. Today’s new sign was “outside”. :biggrin:

Sophia has started commando crawling, and is starting to clap her hands, and is starting to put vowels and consenants together saying dada and baba

I have been plagued with questions about any new words that my son has heard that he doesn’t understand. This is good right??? But it does take lots of patience… :smiley: “What’s a cave?” “How did it get there?” “Why?” “Who lives in the cave?” “Why?” “Will we live in a cave?” “Why?” “Where are the caves?” “Can we see one?”… and on it goes!!! The other day the word was ‘critical’ you can imagine all the “Why?” questions in between all the explaining… lol


Hi luckymommy1307,

I just saw your question now…

I did say it was a DVD, but it’s actually a CD - sorry all this technology… Anyway, he has a CD play next to his bed plugged into some old computer speakers we had lying around. Initially we let him use the ear piece, but he kept turning the volume up and I couldn’t monitor it with out disturbing him. So my husband came up with the computer speaker idea. The CD’s are Bible Stories and they get put on after his story from Dad or Mom and then he goes to sleep listening to them. He went through a patch where he wouldn’t let me change the one CD and must have listened to it over a dozen or more times. I just let the CD play till it’s finished or switch it off when we go to bed. Just this weekend we took the book that the CD is read from and my husband read him a story. At one point he stopped for some reason and our son just kept ‘reading’ (reciting from memory). Usually if the first two or so words of a sentence were said, he could finish off the sentence. The next story was the same. It was actually quite exciting… I really do think that playing information while they are sleeping goes into their long term memory.

I was thinking about starting to play classical music to him as at least he will be in one place and not jumping around! lol

Anyway, that’s what we are doing and it’s working…


My son learns a few words each week. I keep adding to his vocabulary. For the first time he said his uncles name. He was watching him out the window. He also answered his dad today with yeah and shaking his head yes. It surprised his dad, but me he does it all the time. We love watching our son growing up so fast. And my infant thanks to crawling exercises can now sit up on his own. He can actually sit up from his back. To us this is great. My toddler now says and recognise lots of words thanks to the flashcard system.

TABS, That is too funny about all the Why questions. How old is our son? Mine is 20m/o, so I imagine the Whys are right around the corner :slight_smile: