Tell us the latest achievement of your baby

My little one could say about 6 words when she turned 12 months old. But then when we were at her 12 month doctor visit, I was unbuckling her in the car and I said that we are going to see the doctor and she said “doccer”. I was shocked! And then she said it again about 4 times in the waiting room so I decided to try a couple more words and said Tiger and she repeated “tigur” and then I say Pa Pa (as in her grandpa) and she clearly said Pa Pa. My husband I nearly fell over!

So by the time she got in to see the doctor she knew 8 words instead of 5. Of course she doesn’t say any of these words clearly and some just the beginning sounds but I still count every single one of course.

Hi norcalmommy,

My son is 4 next month. But believe me the Why’s start as soon as they can put a sentence together!!! lol


Koen has started to regonise what “don’t touch” and “no” means. Hopefully we won’t have to move everything in the house that is down low!

Azaria, just turned 16 months, loves her dummy (pacifier) so doesnt speak that much, but now signs ball (and says the word), more, hat and shoe. She tries to put her own pants on, and manages one leg in but then rakes it off again. She also puts her own shoes on and tries to feed the velcro bit through the other side to hold the shoe on. She also has an obsession with seat belts, and when you undo her car seat or pram seat belt she insists on trying to put it on again. She play acts with dolls of babies, putting them into seats and carriers and doing the seatbelts up. Feeding them bottles, giving them dummies etc. She’s a real little mummy.

We have been doing this for about a month now. I’m not testing him so it is nice to have encouragement. I know that he can read “Roosevelt” and “Chevrolet.” I wonder how many other words he knows, but I know he is learning!

Rowan, now 17 months, is saying several new words every day. Today’s new words included @*#! I guess I have to start watching what I say around her :rolleyes: . Her twin brother Desmond has become very enthusiastic about signing. He still doesn’t say many words but he has greater range of pitch than his sister. Both have been trying to sing.

now zaku can sing full songs.twinkle twinkle,ring a ring a roses, abc, i love u(barny song)
and ba baa blak cute lol lol

When I hold two cards up and ask Sophia “which word says tiger or dog or hi or nose etc etc” 9/10 she picks the right card. YBCR really works. I am so happy that she is showing signs of reading.

Woo Hoo and she is only 6 1/2 months old.

Thank you to everyone who posts on this site it is because of you I have kept persisting with Sophia’s early learning and these results are all of yours to share to.

One very proud and ecstatic Mummy

hi just got few minutes but thought i will share what our little man 6 months old is doing : can sign milk , wave bye , blow raspberries for going potty , and well he is creeping all over the house , still exclusively nursing showed interest in our food so i tried pureed fruits he hated it and cried , he loves when i give him a piece of apple or banana in his hand to chew on . reading program is not consistent yet , still trying , cannot figure out how to restart with his 3 years old sister still , any advice is apreciated .

Catalina can get down off the bed on her own, she is 14 months, she turns around, rolls over,and get her feet on the floor and she is already on the floor on her own, no more afraid jump oout the bed!( i mean mom’s bed)she still sleeps in the crib.

My baby boy is practicing his crawling and smiles a lot. He’s begining to grab at his toys with meaning rather than reflexes. :slight_smile:

Colin learned to stick out his tongue. Now it is out all the time :).

Now when we say reach, Valerie knows what we are talking about and she extends her arms to reach either for what is in front of her or two reach our arms when we are going to hold her. We love it! :smiley:

My baby is walking well now, and really enjoying himself and having a ball. He can also say his cousin’s name even though I haven’t heard him say it (others have).

My son just started creeping.Im so happy to see him creeping. :smiley:

17.5 month old saying “A, B, C, D, E” and identifying those letters, even some in uppercase.

My daughter is signing a lot of words. I won’t try to tell you how many because there’s new ones each day. She is obsessed with the Baby signing time and Signing time video’s.

She is reading several words such as her name, cat, dog and animal.

She is recognizing continents and can name the continent ASIA.

She also says one, eight, eighteen. We aren’tsure where she got this information but she’s right eighteen is a one and an eight.

The more she learns the more she wants to learn.