Tell us the latest achievement of your baby

Colin has learned to twinkle his fingers with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Just today Jacob signed “diaper”

I smelled something suspicious :mellow: and asked “do you need a new diaper?” That’s when he did it.

I have never actually used that sign with him, he just picked it up watching the Baby Signing Time videos.

My daughter has started to say necklace and demonstrated that she knew which of her socks was pink and which was white.

My son is learning general knowledge


Blaise wrote a recognizable capital and lowercase I today on his own.

My son has started to tell me facts from a DVD that I have been letting him listen to at night before he sleeps!

My son told me that the ice outside “melted”

Gabriel can sign “fish” when he sees one

Colin learned to sign open. He can show me his toes and he now shakes his head NO. I hope the latter is a good achievement :yes:

My son read “DEER PARK” from water bottle .I am so happy for my son he read that for the first time.


K is using the sign for hurt.

Me and my wife were arguing very loudly and my 2 year old shouted on top of his voice, “Stop shouting like that”

While shopping in a big supermarket we were all looking for decorations reading the sings on top when my 3 year old shouted-CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS pointing to the sign.At the same place my 1.5 year old didn’t let go of a box showing us the word star it’s her favorite shape.

We have started to play DVD’s at night to our son before and as he goes to sleep. He is remembering so much of the information that he is listening to and is popping up with all kinds of things!!! It really does seem to be working… :slight_smile:

Ethan can shake his head “no” and can point his finger when asked to. We are really excited as he is olny six months old so didn’t expect to see anything from him so early. Both of these actions are from the YBCR dvds so I am convinced this has something to do with it.

Matt can now “go” on “command” when I put him on the potty. It is fun to watch him concentrate, then smile with pleasure when he starts going.

He also said, “Hi ya!” (His version of “hi”) when he saw the word “hi” at the beginning of YBCR.

Our son has started to be quite inventive with his blocks. He has started to make rockets and bridges and has amazing stories to go with them!!! lol

[Moved this thread from the Forum Games board to Pregnancy + Parenting for more exposure.]


My little guy now understands that he can only do one thing at a time. When asked if he wanted to eat, he said “Not right now, I’d like to play on the playground.” He’s also started saying “Maybe later.”

It cracks us up!! lol

Colin blew his first bubble today. Boy was he tickled. He laughed so hard. It was so cute.