Tell us the latest achievement of your baby

Blowing a bubble is a great skill, especially for speech. When my son was in speech therapy, they worked a great deal on blowing bubbles and drinking through a straw, as the mouth muscles are needed for both in the same way they are needed for speech.

Kudos to your little one!!

Oh thank you for such wonderful news! We are still working on the straw and cup. I hope blowing bubbles helps him talk because he can’t get enough of it. Thank you! Karma to you! Too bad I can’t give you ten for that news. Who is the other mother having problems with talking? Have him blow bubbles and work on drinking with a straw. :nowink:

Ihave been showing starfall and in g there is a girl blowing a gum ball .He likes it allot and giggles when he see it. Today I gave him a baloon and he blowed it .I think it is true that it helps speech as he said words and sang.Hurray lol :yes: :laugh:

Since learning that colouring in isn’t so good for creativity, I had to make a plan with all the printing I’d done - yep you guessed it … colouring in pages. So what I did with the ones that were actually for his words - I made up a story and connected all the pictures into it as he coloured it in. He had to make arrows and draw a sun etc. Well, I did just two stories and then had a week break, he found the page just the other day and told me the story exactly as I’d told it. I then took the page and changed the story using the same pictures - he was so impressed and then went on to tell his own story. At least the colouring pages will get used up hey! lol


My little guy has learned when it’s appropriate to say “Sorry” and will do it all on his own. Not just when he hurts someone, but also when he took his foreign exchange student “brother’s” watch and then found him looking for it…he brought it back and said “Sorry, Jimmy”

pteradactyls.can you discribe what this word means please ?

pterodactyls (I spelled it wrong actually :huh: )

It’s a type of dinosaur which are also called Pterosaurs. It can fly, and it just happens to be my little guy’s favorite type of dinosaur. He carries a plastic one around with him all the time. lol

Colin is marching around with his drum and maracas that he got from Santa, while we work on fast and slow, go and stop, lead and follow, and marching of course.

We put the words; sleep, eat, drink and potty; on the wall at Matt’s level. I read each one to him as I pointed to them. At first he just wanted to rip them off the wall, but when he pointed to “eat” I gave him something to eat. Later in the day he pointed to “potty,” then walked to the bathroom. :smiley: Then, before naptime, he picked up his blanket and pointed to “sleep” (and I’d only introduced that word to him this morninig). Boy, am I excited! I’d been teaching him signing, but he only signs “more” and “all done” once in a while. I’m hoping this will help him communicate more clearly with me. I’m still at the stage where I’m guessing, “Is he really doing it on purpose?” I hope so. :yes:

Sounds like a great idea. Making some of those signs is complicated for a little one. Pointing to a word has to be a lot easier for them if they can read. Great idea!

Sophia now knows the sign ‘milk’ if i show her the sign milk if she is hungry she will hold her arms out and start looking for the bottle

My 2 y.old learned to handle her sister’s hamster carefully and be gentle with it. I think pets are a lot better than soft toys! Kids learn that theyare alive and need lots of TLC!

I am soooo happy! I cant stop :biggrin: . Today my 2 yr old started to read a book called Dizzy Days!! This is the first real proper book she read. She just opened the pressie on her birthday on the 23rd Dec, flip a page and read out loud “wake up” she then flip all the pages but did not read it out. Today she read the whole book out loud before her nap and end it by asked me “what does this say”? She wanted to know the title as she didnt know the word Dizzy. Tonight she said she wanted to read Dizzy Days. I am soooo thrilled. So after she finished reading again I couldnt stop kissing her until she rolled around in laughter.

That is absolutely amazing!! It seems so normal to all of us here, but your TWO YEAR OLD is READING! That’s an amazing thing, a miracle even!

Divaseven, I am so happy for you! That is wonderful. How sweet and what a precious gift.

can repeat the words when she hears and most of the time she knows what the word mean to. i think this is great for her. can continue conversation too.

i was sorting out lo’s toys and he loves clocks. he has a foam clock with a green star in the centre that comes out. a few of the numbers were missing as they come out as well so figured let me throw it away. i found the star only and he comes into the room. he takes the star from my hand and runs out of the room. i have no idea where he finds the clock part as i hadnt seen it in months and i thought it was thrown away by mistake (we found my husbands car license and credit card in the bin bag). he brings it to and was so excited. i couldnt believe it. i put the toy back in his toy box (not sure why because it will get thrown out later but i just couldnt do it today.)

Colin learned to stomp his feet and it was hilarious to watch as he stretched his legs and slowly stomped with intensity. He looked like a suma wrestler. He loves when he makes us laugh. I can’t wait to get this one on the movie camera. He also learned where his bellybutton is.

M :nowink: y grandson today sorted bloks in fours and colours.We bought him the blackboard and he is happy writing on it . :yes: lol

On the starfall website Blaise picked out the missing letter/letters in the words for the games preceding the books with 100% accuracy yesterday in 3 different games (One of which he’d never played before).