Tell us the latest achievement of your baby

My grandson will sing shake your booty and dance to it.

Colin sits on the floor and rows his boat during Row Row Your Boat, then during Head shoulders knees and toes, he does the toes and ears. It is so cute!!!

My son is understanding rythm and can sing a song accordingly.He even can recognise instruments which are used in any song For ex If drums and piano are used in particular song he will say that drums and piano are used in that song.


My little one can point to objects when I ask “where is…” - she understands so much more than I ever imagined!

Yesterday jake slept at 8 and did not eat much . He waked at 2 in the morning and could not understand what he was saying . He was going to be frastrated but all of a sudden he said give me piece of bread.He ate it and went back to sleep.Just now he took me to the refrigerater and said egg not in English in maltese and it is not that easy-bajda.

today, earling morning , E touch my eye and said eye, touch nose and say nose , touch my lip and say mouth and then teeth. im relly happy to see her improved this much. :slight_smile:

In the last three weeks, Weston has started saying words. He knows wow, hi, hungry (hungwy), yeah, and last night started saying love you

Last Saterday I noticed that he has a good memory he recognized a bottle of vitamins that it has been over 3 years that gave him last.He handled the bottle and a teaspoon to give him.

My daughter Hope is really impressing me lately. It seems she has a visual memory and she recognizes words that I never knew she did.

When we read books he now makes us stop and declares, “That’s my words!” It’s a good start, perhaps with time he’ll tell us what his words are…

Giggles … how cute

Issam started with his 2 lil steps on his own!the thing is he does it with confidence on the bed lol bec he is sure that when he falls he wont get hurt! lol
he walks on the floor with with one hand holding to me or his dad. and today also he turns off the tv by himself. :nowink:

Marina went all the way up the stairs by herself on Saturday. Now we just have to figure out going down. And not head over heels!

Taylor has started with dada and mama and lately baby signing milk, which im so happy about! Shes also responding now and then to her name … its all so exciting :slight_smile:

My son just prayed the 4 units of Muslim prayer with his uncle thats more than 5mins of his time!
and hes drawing circles and triangles on his own too!

yesterday I took the flouir to do the pastry and jake took me out the scale and the blender and put it on the table to help me .

Sophia can now shake her head ‘no’
Can now roll
Knows the sign for ‘eat’ and ‘milk’

When I first downloaded the beta version of Little Math, I had the volume off and Timothy said “nineteen.” I had to count, but there were 19 cots on the screen. :smiley:

I guess he DOES know math!

i made books, a word one side and pic on the other side for E, last frieday she started reading those books by herself

Safira went all the way down the stairs and hid herself in the bathroom shower. So cute. She really likes to play hide and seek. Also, yesterday she took the flashcards and brought to me so I could show them to her.