Success story : Brain injured child can read, they are fast-reader!!!

Dear Moms,

Hi, Im a mother of 2 year-old girl, her name is Chloe. She was diagnosed with Athetoid Cerebral Palsy. She’s so cute and so adorable, eventhough she has limitation. By the way, we live in Indonesia.
I have been doing flash card with her since she is 6 months old, firstly we started with mandarin flash card who got it from Glenn Doman, SIngapore. after 1 year old of age, She was being assessed in Evan THomas Institute, Philadelphia, thus they gave us a lot of Intellectual Program, such as :

  1. 20 categories of single words (@5 cards) English, Indonesia and Mandarin, and also
  2. Bits of Intelligence with words 10 cats (@10cards)
  3. we have used Little Reader since one year ago
  4. She has to read NEW books everyday
    Now, she has been seeing up to 10.000 words and up to 2500 Bits, 250 homemade books of 8 year old level (refer to Glenn Doman’s intellectual program).
    These few days are just like miracle happen to us. Suddenly, she can use FC (Facilitator Communicator) (it’s a piece of paper and there alphabet from A-Z written on it, and she can type words, sentences, with this facilitator, it is also the part of Glenn Domans’ intellectual program). She started to write down answers when I questioned her, the one that was suprising me is when I asked her what is the highest mountain in the Alps? (after she read books about Alps), she began to write M-O-N-T B-L-A-N-C. im soooooooo touched by her, after 1,5 years of hardworking…
    And she began to answer everything about the books or what books she want to read, like yesterday she want to read about Buddhism, radio, Camera. She is a fast reader, dont need to spell each word, I just need to open it fast, she just look and that’s IT! but when I ask her question, she began to amaze me, how SMART she is…
    I want to share with every mom, who have brain injured or well kids…they are absolutely amazing…just dont give up in every little thing you do!! It’s really worth it…
    I have seen so many of them (brain injured children) who can read very fast and they are soooo amazing!! They have potential like any other well kids… Just sometimes we are not sure or we dont know…



Thank you for your inspiring story! It’s good to hear that your daughter is doing so well. You have obviously given her a lot of love and stimulation. Good job! She’s cute, btw!

Your child is very cute. Congrats, you are a wonderful mother and she is your wonderful daughter. I m sure she will shine so much in future. God bless you.

@Nikki : Thanks so much, btw she loves to watch your file, I always play it many many times, she always smile when watched it, esp. Wild animals and their babies.

@Mirra: Thankss…yesh I hope so…

That’s good to hear! I love when people tell me that their kids like my files. That is why I make them, after all. I should be making some more animal files in the next couple of weeks.

i think the talent she has is called photographic memory … a right brain skill, works better for … hmm brain injured individuals since left brain is slower at developing … but must train at young age … congrates.

Dear Margaret,

Amazing!!! How wonderful!!! Congrates to you and your daughter!!!

how wonderful!! Your story is really inspired. Congrats for the hard work and dedication to your daughter.God bless you both. You have a precious girl.

Your daughter is gorgeous, keep up the good work mom. :blink: I love these pumpkins.

wow, thats a great story!

That’s very inspiring. We need to hear more of brain injured children’s success stories.

Dear Margaret, Chloe, & Everyone,

Congratulations! Keep up the great work! And please keep us updated with new developments as they occur.

Ayesha :slight_smile:

Dear Moms,

Im sorry for the late reply cause my internet connection problem.
Thank you for the support and encouraging comments.
Yes, what she has a photographic memory, but so far I know it also works for well kids, right?
I just hope it helps improve her control and mobility among other things she is lack of. She is an intensive theraphy everyday using Glenn doman program, but not much results seen yet as far as mobility wise. Im just thankful she is healthy and not having any seizures anymore. Your encouragements are very important to Chloe and our family. Im going to print all your comments for Chloe to see, just so that she knows everyone cares about her.

Thanks again,


Dear Chloe,
COngratulations & well done.
It is always very moving and excited to see our own child excel especially when she’s unique in her own way.
I wish her well and all the best to her.
Have you thought of teaching her signing at all?

Dear Chloe,
I am so happy for you. I have a brain-injured child too and we went to Philadelphia for the program when my son was 5 yo. I did reading program with him too. Like u, there isn’t much physical change and it’s too stressful for our family so we quit after 18 months. But I continue doing my own reading program…and now doing LR. Maybe my son started a bit late so I didn’t see great results like your daughter, but I met many other children and they are all brilliant! I also saw a 11 yo boy (with corpus callosum agensis) doing FC in front of my eyes and it’s quite amazing.
I just want to give u a pat on your back that you did a great job starting the program young. As for physical, I want you to take a look at ABR (Advanced Biomechanical Rehab). They have centers in Singapore too. Go to the blog of the founder Leonid Blyum…who is a genius I must say. On the right side are contact and centres information. Good luck.


Dear Lil and Lilian,

Thanks so much for your great support to us…
to Lil : I havent teach her about signing language, but it’s really a good idea to start. Do you have any idea where to start? cause we dont learn this before in Glenn Doman’s intellectual prog.

To Lilian : Hi Lilian, thanks for the information you gave. Yes, luckily I have these tons information when she is very young, I keep on searching on someone’s blog who has a brain injured child. In This 5 months we start to combine the ABR therapy for her (2 hours or so everyday) (yes, we go to Singapore, are you also in Singapore), combine with Glenn Doman therapy (patterning, masking, respiratory patterning, intellectual prog, but not crawling, cause her legs now become twisted after she crawled on a wrong way, she used to crawl on the floor with homollateral pattern, but I dont know why in her case it doesnt seem much helping her. Glenn Doman’s program is like you said so stressful. we start the program after she wakes up and finished up after she sleeps. Also we combine with Bobath Therapy. Can you imagine how busy it is everyday :unsure:
We’ve been to US for twice and takes a up to 30 hours ! and got jetlag for a week (she kept crying and woke up at 2 A.M every morning) :yes: hahha…so stressful…
Yes, I saw many esp. Veras kids (they called it for Down Syndromme kids), one kid I saw, he even can read businness book 500 pages in total, and every page he just saw for 2-3 secs, and he can answer all the conclusion with typing on computer.
Hope your son is doing well with ABR, is there any progress you can see after doing ABR therapy?
All the best for you, guys…send my hug to your son.

Wow, you’re an amazing mom. I hate to say this…but did ABR Singapore know that you’re combining this with patterning and respiratory patterning? I believe they are contradictory, if not, redundant stress to you and your daughter. Please ask them again so they can explain why. I hate to see you spend your precious time on something unnecessary.
We are in Canada…we go to Montreal centre for evaluation and stuff. we use the machine most of the time cuz many things happen in my life in the past 2 years. I had cancer, then my mom got really sick, etc…taking time off from my son’s treatment. Since I haven’t put in much hours in ABR, so I can’t say he has a lot of improvement. But he sure does show progress in his structure though…like the release of his neck muscles (he did not have a neck before! :happy: ), better use of elbow to support his body, etc…I plan to put in more ABR hours now that everything is back to normal. I guess I’ll stop here since this is a Little reader forum anyway, :dry:
Good luck from here.

I am so happy to hear about your success story! I hope you keep up the hard work and your children are very lucky to have an asome mom like you! May the Lord continue to Bless you and keep you and your family. :happy:


Dear soclassica,

Thanks for your support. :biggrin:

I have print out all the comments and will show to Chloe today. I am sure she’ll be so glad to see this. Many Thanks…




tq for your inspiring story… I am blessed with a down syndromme 2 1/2 year old child.I just got to know abt glenn doman’s. i have read his book on brain injured kids- amazing- i am working full time so i am not able to do all the activities- i do it when i reach home. I use flash cards to teach her as well- and i am happy to say that she recognised all the words. She is till trying to construct sentence, hence she can only one word- car, ball, cat, apple , and she knows her numbers 1-10.
I am now teaching her couplets. I also teach her large words in the book like ‘WHERE IS POOH’ …She surprised us the other when i pointed at the words and she said WHERE IS POOH …she says certain words, but other words she is still trying- i notice she tries to twist her tongue to say those words- Did you have this problems? Anyone has any idea how do i help with her speech…

I sent her to play school in the morning, i was informed by her teachers that she is very obedient only issue she does not speak well. She would only say the things that she knows.

She has motor issues- i am still working on her leg movements- she can walk fast but still can’t run and cant jump. I believe she will be able to do that soon. I pray for god’s miracle and healing on my child’s speech and motor skills.

i am very grateful to have come to know about GLENN DOMAN’s book. It gives hopes to parents!