Hi andreasro,
First of all, it’s kind of difficult to say whether the child match to this prog or not, but for the intellectual prog 100% they say very good things, diet prog (to reduce the seizure and maintaining the health) is also good one too, my daughter is now free from seizure, and free from the seizure medication (Phenobarbitone and Depakene/Epilim). However physical prog is hard to tell, some of them I see there’s a lot of improvements, mostly is the mild and moderate one.
In my daughter’s case and others who think that the physical prog not helping much is the severe one, my daughter can’t still use her hand, so she can’t use it for crawl, creep, and so on, so she just depend on her leg to kick, For the one who can use the hand, I see a lot of progress, now I can understand why some of them can why some of then didn’t work at all, but its worth to try though.
If u want the cheaper one, there’s GD center which manage by one of the GD staff Dr. Wang Li in Beijing and Xiamen, China, we once went there, the tuition fee is cheaper than the U.S of course, it spends only 8000RMB, in U.S is crazy, the course fee and etc spend really lot of money. You can search on www.enyubaby.org, the thing that they use mandarin for conversation and mailing, unless you meet dr. Wang Li by yourself. She speaks english well, cause she lives in U.S, either than in China.
Well, ABR is a therapy to repair your body structure, but in this therapy I don’t understand quite well. U can search Leonid Bylum in google, he’s the founder, u can read the web as well, we’ ve been in ABR for 1,5 years, and there’s changing of her body structure after the treatment, but we are not going there anymore, cause the fee is also quite expensive, they have some satellites in some countries.
The last one I try is Masgutova method, but I haven’t got the picture what is like. Some of my Indonesian friends is going to this cause the masgutova is coming to Indonesia. Some of them said this therapy also good.
But going back to the child itself, you can’t hear what people talk but have to try by yourself whether it match to your child or not, because its very individually…
If you want a further info about GD’s Prog, I have some friends who are still going there for years, some are CP’s child and some are Autistic’s Child. If you want, I can give you their contact, they will be glad to help to give the infos…Good luck…
And thanks for the wishes…
Mother of Chloe