My friend's baby has Cerebral Palsy- is the Glenn Doman book good?

I was planning on buying it for them, but wanted to check first here to see if anyone has anything to say about it. The Amazon reviews say it’s not a ‘how to’ but mostly just stories of other people and about Glenn. Is there another Doman book I should get them along with it? Does he have people using the how to read and math, etc books for brain injured kids?

I do Doman with my well kids, but no experience about it with brain injured.

Hi, I have Glen Doman’s book about what to do for the brain injured as it was recommended when my son was little. It is great. I would also like to recommend for your friend to do some homework on hyperbaric oxygen therapy for her child. This stimulates the child’s own stem cells to move in and do repair work where the damage is, as does the taking of glyconutrients at a young age especially. (Ref to Mannatech’s ambrotose).
If your friend is near a “Gymbaroo” center this also would be good for her to take her little one.
All the best. Each child is a special treasure, made in the image of God. Ref: Genesis., The Bible.
Marion Craig
B. Sc. Nutrition
PS: One last thing, Probiotics help big time as opportunistic ‘bad bugs’ play a role in damaged tissue, the “good” probiotics help to turn things around.

I haven’t any experience with the Brain Injured child. But I would get the book. Most parents get it then go to the Institute to learn how to implement what it is they do. I’ve heard its worth going to though.

As for using Doman reading , math etc. Go for it!! We have parents here that have children with Down’s syndrome that can read.
There is a program called Love and Learning that is like YBCR etc and its used for children with Down’s syndrome , Autism, etc. So yes they can learn to read.
If I’m not mistaken this was actually how the Institutes learned of young children reading. Was by parents bringing their brain injured children there. Doman figured if it worked that well for children with brain injury then how about well children? Well we all know how that turned out :biggrin:

My child does not have Cp but she does have Down Syndrome. Glenn Doman’s book What to DO about Your Brain Injured Child was helpful but what helped me even more was the How Smart is YOur Baby book. It is full of stimulating activities to do with my daughter and really helped me at a time when my brain really could not think of these thing myself.


I have read the book and I think one should have at least one of the other Doman books too. They complement each other.

Here’s what the mother of Chloe said to me in her thread, about the Doman method for brain injured children!!!/30/: