I Just Found Out I Have CANCER...HELP

Hi Maria,

May GOD bless and be with you all the time and take away all your pain and sorrow. Take care.

Hi maria,

May all the great masters be with you and give their support. and form my side i started praying for you
and pls watch these videos as many times as possible and see the difference in your beautiful life.


this is the best support i can do from my side.

thank you,


First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone for the ,prayers
and replies. Also, I want to appologize in advance if I offend anyone at the use of the word s@cks!
OK chemo S@CKS! It does. Last Wednesday I had my first
treatment. That was the easy part. what has transcended has been terrible. To
my luck I have had every side effect that I possibly can have. And I felt
terrible, physically and emotionally…until today. I needed to get out of the
rut. I finally got out of bed today.

The side effects were awful! Nausea, constipation, body aches everywhere! The
worst were the mouth sores. For 2 days I could barely eat or speak! That is an amazing task, since I have an
opinion about everything. Well, chemo S@CKS!

I am a walking pharmacy! I hate that they keep giving me more medicine to help
me through each side effect. The one good thing is that they have mentioned is that
they will have to adjust all the chemo meds for the next time because of the way
my body has reacted.

Did I mentioned, chemo S@CKS!

I am still in a daze. Is this really happening?

Staying positive. Ha! That s easier said than done. My chispa inside is really
trying. And today is a good day. Craig, my husband and I went for a walk and it felt good.
The cold feels good in my face. I used to like warmth, now cold feels better.
Could it be that I am becoming more of a Wisconsinite. Nah! PuertoRrican at

Did I mention, CHEMO S@KS! :tongue:

Hi Maria,

I just did a search on your type of cancer and came across this article on the Cancer Compass website. I think you should read it. The woman’s daughter had the same diagnosis but is now living cancer free because of a transplant. I don’t know the details but the woman seemed very open to people contacting her with questions.

I’ll be thinking of you and wishing you wellness every day.


hi chispa…

this all sounds soo awful. i am sooo sorry to hear. chemo really is awful. i hope the cancer cells become frightened and run away quickly. my prayers our with you. hang in there dear…


I am having a good day! I am feeling like myself again! Just in time to get chemo again next week. Please, keep me in your prayers! It is working!!!
I was so sick they had to check that my organs were all working well. The x-ray shows that the tumor is shrinking!!! lol

Thanks for the oportunity to share my journey!

I’m so glad the tumor is shrinking!!!

Much Love,

That’s wonderful news!

I’m so glad to hear the chemo is working! I’m so sorry your feeling so rotten.

Oh Maria Elena, I am sorry you have been feeling bad. You are in my prayers every day! I am so encouraged and happy that the chemo is attacking the cancer and destroying it. I am praying for your strength in this battle. I am praying for your victory. I will be sure to offer lots of prayers for you on Wednesday when you get your next treatment. Although it is hard when things seem bleak, don’t lose sight of all the blessings in your life.

Best to you!

We are praying for you – hang in there!!


That’s so good to hear! Stay strong chispa, you can do it!

Shuki :smiley:

The moment I have been dreading is here! I had to shave all my hair. I was shedding so much that I had no choice. To my surprise my 9 yr.old son’s words ring true…it is just hair. I was so scared! Many cancer patients say that they shave their hair because it is something that they can control…I can see why. I was not so quick to shave it, but it was the convenient thing to do because the hair was falling off.

I never thought I would say it… I am bald!

Get some cute scarves and maybe a wig. Don’t worry, it will grow back! Just think, you won’t have to worry about spending time to fix it for a while! Sometime I wish I had really short hair.

OMG Chrispa…I cannot imagine what you are going through. My only experience is a niece who is a cancer survivor. She was diagnosed when she was 40. She had a double mastectomy and re-constructive surgery. She has been cancer free for 6 years now. So there is hope. She too has young children and I’m sure went through many of the same scares that you are.

There is a website that might be of help. It was founded by a local new woman who also had breast cancer. The site is http://www.abcdbreastcancersupport.org/ which stands for After Breast Cancer Diagnosis. It helps with all the questions that must be running through your head. I know my niece said it helped her immensely. I hope it will do the same for you.

You are in my prayers to beat this thing.

God speed!

Kathy J

Bald, beautiful and ALIVE!! Keep up the fight, you will WIN!!

A friend of mine who has survived cancer just spent the day with Dr Ian Gawler, who healed himself of cancer 30 years ago through diet and meditation. She found him very inspiring. His website for cancer help is http://www.gawler.org/ and he’s also on facebook.

Keep praying for you, Maria Elena! Hold on! So glad to hear the tumor is shrinking and sorry you feel sick from chemo! :frowning: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I am glad you are getting better. I think it is great you are sharing your experience. I think that what you are sharing will help other people. Remember remain positive. I know you do not feel much like eating now but when you do make sure you follow a healthy diet. I know everyone here is anxious to try and help and support you in anyway we can. I am confident you will make a full recovery.

There are so many things I need to be thankful for this year…

I am thankful for…

My family who have been giving me unconditional love during this difficult time

My husband, who truly has shown me the meaning of for better or worse,

My children that have supported me and each other through the ugly side of cancer

My friends that have the courage to walk next to me during this journey

The kindness of strangers,

The Monday, Wednesday and Friday meals; I never thought how helpful they would be,

The walks that take me out for fresh air and remind me to take a deep breath,

My chemo nurses who are compassionate in my delirious stage,

My mom who holds my hand as we pray, cry and laugh,

My dad, for being unselfish and letting my mom be near me all this time,

My round head, beats being bald with a bumpy head

My red wig that makes me feel sassy,

Prayer, that brings me back to Him and place my trust in Him,

Anti nausea medication,


That I finally got a diagnosis and the cancer was caught early,

Chemo, yes, I am even thankful for chemo!

And this forum where I share my journey