I Just Found Out I Have CANCER...HELP


I have had the worse week of my life! I just found out I have a 9.5cm tumor in my chest. I AM TERRIFIED! I have a 3yr. old a 9yr. old and a 13 yr. old. I see the thoraxic surgeon on Tuesday. I can’t seem to get my head around this. I keep cying and I am trying to be as normal as possible around my family. I am in constant pain. I am hoping someone has gone through a similar experience and can share with me their experiences, what to expect,what to do…anything!!! My kids…I have tried to read the internet but this forum is full of very smart and well informed people and I have learned so much here that here is were I came to get support.

Thanks for your time and may you always be healthy!

Dear Chispa,

Im so sorry to hear that you have cancer, while I don’t have personal experience with cancer myself. I believe I can offer some advice after watching a close friend of mine family go through a similar thing,

Cry it out as often as you like and need to better out than in, acting normal when everything is not normal is not okay for you. Expressing how you feel is healthy and it is okay to be scared and frightened because if I was in your situation I would be terrified.

Be honest with your family and friends about this situation and enlist all the support you need, nothing wrong with asking for help.

Its okay to take medication for the pain, you don’t have to suffer in silence. Also it may also allow you to have clearer mind if you are not focusing on the pain. You can take small doses of pain relief does not have to be strong amounts.

Research research research everything you need to know about the cancer, treatment and support groups for yourself and your family. It will be great to have people you can talk to about what you are going through.

Get a health advocate someone who is always on your side and can make decisions for you on your behalf, who knows exactly what you want and is willing to go into battle for you when you don’t feel strong enough to do it for yourself, and always have someone at your appointments with you so you don’t have to go on your own.

Most importantly. GO AND DO SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR YOURSELF. It is okay to spoil yourself and take some time out just for you. It does not have to be expensive but you need to do something for you. You have probably given everything to your family and its time to do something for you.

I hope all this helps you.
Good luck with everything

Oh, Chispa, I am so sorry to hear that! What are they saying the prognosis is? I really can’t offer any advice other than what Kimba said (great advice btw), but I will keep you and your family in my thoughts. Send me a pm if you ever need to talk. HUGS

nhockday you have given me an idea.

If right brain education has taught us anything that there is a universal energy, (esp) If you would like Chispa we all on the forum could either pray for you or send you loving, positive, healing thoughts your way. If you like and if you feel comfortable with that.

Don’t want you to feel you have to do something you don’t want to do.

Any way here it goes.

Dear God , universal energy

Thank you for sending a big golden healing light to Chispa! Thank you for keeping her warm and safe. Thank you for giving her the strength to face this situation head on, thank you for sending her to the right doctors! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

love Kimba

Sorry to hear about this. I saw my mom in law go through breast cancer two years back. Unfortunately, god did not mean for us to be with us.

I heard about this drug called LDN - low dosage naltrexone (not sure abt the spelling) but you will easily be able to find forums online. many p\atients have documented their experiences. Good luck… I hope it or something else helps!

May god help you and your family.


Hello Everyone, I believe Kimba’s Idea is great i will be keeping you in my prayers.

Although controversial I found great wisdom in this movie! and great hope for miracles
I have seen many myself - here is a link to a clip of the secret the movie, if you wish to borrow the movie pls pm. you can also see it on line.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b1GKGWJbE8 first 20 minutes.

full movie

God bless !


Kimba and Nikki, Gloria and Ariel,

Thank you soooooo much for the prayers and advice. This place is so much more that a children education program. I am amaze of the support I get from “strangers.” Amazing caring people! I loved the prayer! Thanks! Thanks for the idea of the advocate. I do seem forgetful and in a daze. I still can’t believe it. I am scared for my family. I will know more Tuesday! I hate the wait.

Thanks again!!!

dear chispa,

you are in my prayers… u should get better sooner,god willing… please try to do self hypnosis on yourself… it can help reduce pain and if done regularly with much belief and dedication it has the ability to remove your tumour altogether… many people have reported saying so… hope this helps… take care and god bless you…

Sorry to hear, Chispa.

I’m going to PM you to suggest a potential solution you may want to consider (seems to have been very effective on many people), which is probably not very appropriate for discussion here for reasons also not appropriate to discuss here. :slight_smile:

Anyone else with life-threatening diseases who’s interested can PM me too.

Hi! chispa,

I am so sorry too. But I will pray for you and your family.


Dearest Chispa,

We here at BrillKids are all very sorry to hear of your situation, and we will be sending prayers your way. :slight_smile: I was reminded by how valuable each and every person here in the forum is - to the whole early learning community, and most importantly to each other, especially in terms of support. I’d like you to know that we are here for you and your family, and we are rooting for you to pull through.

:blush: God bless. [hug]

Hey chispa, I’m so sorry to hear that, I can’t imagine how awful you must feel. Know that you’re definitely not alone, we’re all here and rootin’ for ya! :slight_smile: I’m not knowledgeable at all on medical issues, but I’ll be sending lots and lots of positive thoughts and energy. :smiley:

I hope you’re feeling better about and have come across a solution. May this week be much, much better than the last.

shuki :slight_smile:

… and of course, karma to you!

Dear Chispa,

I’m really sorry to know of your condition. A close family member of mine recently went for an operation to remove a tumor in his bladder and is under close observation now. Since then I have read up and research some. If you’re interested, the following are some suggestions:



Dear God , universal energy

Thank you for sending a big golden healing light to Chispa! Thank you for keeping her warm and safe. Thank you for giving her the strength to face this situation head on, thank you for sending her to the right doctors!

CHISPA!! kARMA TO YOU…because lots of reason and the principal is you are strong enough to share this bad new with all of us, you will be in my prays. We need to be positive, with good karma. God bless you today more than ever!!!

Keep us in track!!!

Dear Chispa,

May GOD bless you and your family. As I do not know your religion, but I will keep you in my prayer…Take care.



Dear Chispa,
I am praying for you :slight_smile: A close friend of mine just went through a brain tumor operation and my father in law have recovered from bowel cancer… you need to decide to live through it and fight mentally and spiritually, don’t allow discouragement or depression to set in. Your attitude is one of the most important factors. Carry on for your family!

Dear Chispa,
I am so surprised to see this topic here and I admire u for sharing your personal trauma with everyone here. I may be the person you’re looking for.
Yes, I had exact same experience with you just almiost 2 years ago. The size of tumor and the grading of it gave me a pretty bad prognosis. I went thru chemo and radiation and all those treatments with no sweats! In fact, I have so many friends with cancer and they seem to tolerate the side effects much more easier than some years ago. With mainstream treatment, plus some alternative ones, I’d glad to tell you now that I have a clean bill of health as of my last checkup! To add more, my 10yo son is disabled intellectually and physically. If I can survive this ordeal, so can you!
I also suggest u read books like Chicken soup for breast cancer souls, etc…Sending you positive energy my way.
PM me if you want to talk more.

Sorry to read about your situation. I have a friend who was diagnosed with mouth cancer quite a few months ago. She thought the worst, and got very depressed, but after surgery and some medications she is here with us still and should be back to normal, plus some scars of course. You hear of many people having cancer and surviving. You have to fight for your kids sake. I have an age fixed in my mind for myself…that I’ll live to 106. Have an old age as a goal and promise yourself you’ll make it to that. I know someone with a brain tumour who was meant to pass within 6 months extended his life many years eating the inside of almond kernels, and following a very strict vegetarian diet. There’s something cancer-reducing inside almond kernels. There is also a doctor in Western australia that has been reported on Australian current affairs shows, possibly even sixty minutes, who has a history of curing cancer with a special machine, but despite his fantastic success rate, he’s old and no-one will take the job on that he does. (government bureaucracy. Governments need people to be sick at times, as their are industries depending on sickness). Cant remember his name, but will try to find out more details. There are also Pastors who have a healing ministry that I’ve heard of that have an amazing success rate. I’m remembering seeing a video of this guy in africa. He prayed for an overdue lady whose baby was stuck internally and would die in birth. He told her, infront of a congregation, to get up and give birth right there…and she did…and baby was fine. And he prayed for kids with cancers on the outsides of their bodies, and they shrunk away right before the camera. I’ll go research him…

Found it!!
The guy is Prophet TB Joshua.



Hi there Chispa

Cancer is never an easy ordeal. its something that takes abit of time to grasp.

my mum had breast cancer. she found out when i was say 13 years. for me as her child it was a very emotional, confusing time. My mum tried to be extremely strong and i guess thats what helped her in her healing process.

She hid her feelings and was just positive. it was hard for me to see her go through chemo and not understand what was wrong. Suddenly my mum had to save her strength to recover and i was left without a guide through that teenage phase. back then chemo wasnt as advanced as it is now.

i guess what im trying to say is that keep your kids in the loop at all times. let them see your emotions. now that im older i feel angry at myself for not fully grasping and not fully being there for my mum. at that time i just didnt realise what she was going through. i just wished that she would have confided in me and would have trusted me to be there. i didnt realise what an effect that had on me till i look back. i honestly cannot remember most of those years. i find it strange as i struggle to look back. i remember brief snippets of 5 years of my life. not sure if that was a way to protect myself. till now she doesnt know how i felt.we are extremely close but i would never want her to feel that she missed a part of my life.

since her recovery she has been great. she went for a whirlwind trip to UK Canada dubai Arabia over 3 months and had a blast. She lives a full life. i think what helped heal her was her positivity. She was extremely positive and she came through.

she will be admitted next monday for a little procedure as one of her ducts are blocked. its not cancerous but just to be safe.

Chispa, visualize yourself in the process of healing and God willing you will be healed.
Be strong