I Just Found Out I Have CANCER...HELP

Chispa, I’ll include my prayers for you here as well. Chispa – that means spark, right (in Spanish). That’s very good, I think.

Blessed creator, healer, redeemer,
Hold Chispa close in your grasp and calm her fear. Hold her family close and give them the words to support her in this time. We know that health and healing comes from you alone, so please give the doctors solutions and answers to her questions. Give them the proper strategy to successfully eliminate this tumor. Spark a healing light in Chispa and let that healing light shine through her until the tumor has shrunk and gone. Bless her.

My father had cancer and was given only a few months to live. I’m happy to say that he lived another 9 years and eventually died of something totally unrelated (heart condition). My father did elect to have chemotherapy, but my parents also practiced a lot of positive visualization and meditation. I’m sure that you can find access to many sources describing meditation as I believe it is a practice in many world religions (meditation, medatative prayer, etc). As for visualization, my understanding is that they both spent a good deal of time visualizing his body healed and healthy, strong and cancer free, encouraging a sort of psychosomatic healing. Although he was told that he had tumors throughout his whole body and was given only three months to live, only a few appointments later, the tumors had all disappeared, and the doctors were flabbergasted to see that he appeared to be healed. I think that they would say that one of the most important things is to stay positive, see yourself healed and don’t let the negative energy, thoughts and fears invade you as they will only inhibit your healing. Bless you.


I’m still praying for you and wondering how your appointment went yesterday. I’m praying that the results from the test are not “worst case” scenario. Also, that the professionals that will be assisting you will have a clear mind and will be able to provide the exact help that you need. I also pray that you, too, will be able to process the information as clearly as you can and that you will have some sort of peace in this seemingly turbulent season of your life. Please keep us posted regarding your recovery.



I feel that I should share this with you. My husband just returned from a trip yesterday. He told me this story and I thought of you.

There is a woman in his hometown that was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors told her it was very advanced and there was no treatment they could offer her. They told her to go home and prepare to die.

She went home and began to fast and pray. He said she spent so much time on her knees. The result? She is completely healed! She is perfect. And no doctor touched her, only the one we know of as The Great Physician.

This brought tears to my eyes, because it makes perfect sense to me. Cancer is fed by sugars and how better to get rid of the cancer than to starve it out of your body. Cancer cells are cells, brain cells, liver cells, etc… that cannot function at that level anymore. Because of the survival instinct they then function at a lower level and all they do is eat and excrete and multiply.

You may want to do some research into the balancing of the pH. This is quite a fascinating study and it has been found that when the body is in balance there is an absence of disease. If you want healing it is important to balance the bodies pH. When this is done your body can function properly and heal itself.

You are in my prayers as well.

Yes, I’ve heard of the importance and effectiveness of pH balancing too. Worth looking into.

For a few years Canver was a household word in our family, my husband’s mother, youngest brother and sister had it. All of them went through different experiences, all of the cancers were different types, – breast cancer, cervical cancer and advanced melanoma; all of them had some medical treatements; and the good news all of them were completely healed and leading very full and active lives right now. My husband mother moved back to China/ Taiwan since, and doing active volunteer missionary work. His sister went back to being an active homeschooling mom of 4 children. And his youngest brother after a very diffcult fight, went through an operation and immunotherapy, was at a point where he had almost no muscle mass left, recovered, and after few years bacame a triathlete, competing and winning. His story and recovery was so amaizing and dramatic, that he was featured on a number of TV shows in Taiwan. He started a thriatlon team, called “Team Live Right” and now devoting his life to help others through difficult fight through cancer. They do seminars, etc, he is sharing different things that he learned through his cancer experience which can help others…

I think one thing that they all had in common is a strong faith in God and prayer, even though they all went though very different experiences. I will pray for your full recovery and that this exprience not weaken but strengthen you in many ways…

Oh, if you want to check out my husband’s brother cancer recovery story, tips, etc. Here is his site

http://www.teamliveright.com/ ( Sometimes it helps to get in touch with someone who went through similar experience, so may be if you will have some questions, he can be someone to ask… Just an idea)

and here is the link to the article he wrote about his recovery and experience


Hope it helps. I just wanted to encourage you to not give up! You are in my prayers.

So sorry to hear about it chispa…You are in my thoughts and prayers. Be strong! God is indeed our Greatest Healer…

I can only imagine what you are going through right now. Let me share with you some Scriptures from the Bible that help me deal with difficulties in life:

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.” - Isaiah 40:29-31

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” - James 1:2-4

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose…If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all-how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?..Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship pr persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?..No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” - Romans 8:28-39

Take Care…

Dear Chispa,

I really hope that you are feeling better now, physically and emotionally. I have been thinking for days how I could help you. I’m not good with words but I lost my eldest sister to lung cancer. So, I feel for you. The main lesson I learned from my sister’s episode is BE POSITIVE, under whatever circumstances. There’s reason for everything that takes place. Try to figure out what God wants you to learn from this episode.

I hope you’ll find a lot of positive energy and strength from this blog

Believe in your inner strength.

Dear Chispa,
I am so sorry for your situation. I cannot begin to pretend to know what you are going through, but I have one idea to offer – if you have a friend or family member who has offered to help in whatever way, ask them to create and maintain a Caring Bridge site for you (www.caringbridge.org). It is free and is a way for you to keep your family and friends updated (and anyone else who wants to access the site - you can make it open or password protected), and for them to send you messages of encouragement. I maintained a site for my dad while he went through his battle with pancreatic cancer. My parents found it to be huge relief that they had to explain all the doctors appointments, updates etc to one person (me) and then I put it in writing and put it on the site so all their friends and family could stay informed. It cut down on the phone calls from well-intentioned people asking for updates, and also from people stopping my mom in the grocery store to ask “how’s he doing?” (they live in a small town). They also found it to be a source of strength since they could log on anytime and see all the messages from their friends in one place.

Krista is RIGHT !! there is a lot of evidence about the benefits of alkaline water and in general alkaline foods that will make your body become alkaline, the idea is cancer can not survive in an optimal alkaline body and since water makes for a huge percentage of our body it is the best place to start. You can find good products that help alkalike water at : http://www.alkalife.com/page.php?&cms=article&articleid=90

also at Nikken.com (water systems - bit expensiver but very good)

sorry I didnt think about it before.

Wish you the best - will keep you in our prayers


I am still amazed at this place. To find support, encouragement, research, ideas…Thank you for taking the time to care for me, so I can go through this, not alone. I also have my mom and dad who have come from Iowa to help me and the kids but I do worry about allof them.

This past week was also a difficult and scary one. I had a PET scan…good news, they did not find anything bigger than 1 cm else where. There were some spots on the lungs that were concerning. Then I had a biopsy. I have been diagnosed with lymphma rather than the thymoma they originally thought. Now we are praying for Hogdekins because it is the “better” option. It seems so strange to pray for a disease. We will not know what kind until tomorrow. Then I had an MRI of my chest. Tomorrow, I have a bone marrow biopsy. That is scary because I know it is painful. Someone said that I will have some medicine that will help me forget. I wish I could forget the last three weeks.

I was glad to see the comments about keeping the kids informed. I have gone back and forth on this one. My 13 year old is having a tough time. I had to pull her out of school so she could take care of her 3year old brother because he had an ear infection and could not go to school. I wanted my mom and dad to come with me to meet the doctors and listen to the results of the biopsy. I felt terrible doing that. She is very concerned. We told her about the tumor and having to do chemo.

Today I sat down with my 9 year old son for an honest conversation. He had great questions. I tried to explained about how chemo works. (I didn’t realize that I will be in a hospital for 6-8 hours connected to an IV that is sending poison through out my body…I did not explained it this way to him)

He was concerned about his mom going bald. But he was very sweet and wants to go with me to get a wig…he wants me to go blonde…I was thinking red…we’ll see

One thing that he said just struck me…

He comes home and stays by himself for 20 minutes until his sister arrives from school…I said to him…“It will be nice, now I will be home when you come from school. Isn’t it?” He shook his head…“No” I wondered, why? He said, If you are home, it means you are sick. It crushed me!!

My children amaze me! Because of them…I NEED TO WIN THIS BATTLE!!!

Thank you because of your prayers, faith, kind words, research and resources and God willing I will WIN!

I will keep you posted!

Thank you, Chispa, for keeping us posted. It helps us be more specific in our prayers for you and your family. May you look for and find moments of peace and joy during this emotional & physical turbulence that you are currently experiencing.

Dear Chispa,
I am so sorry about you. I just wanted to say that I am praying for you and for your family, too. May Allah makes you healthy again insallah. Looking forward to hear your good news.
Love and hugs,


My eyes are welling up as I read your update. I have a reminder here on my desk to pray for you. Chispa, I can’t even imagine how you are dealing with all the different emotions right now. You must be stronger than you think. I don’t know your faith, but the Bible says that if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you have already won. Please don’t let the devil have you forget that.

Romans Chapter 8 says,
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

You can substitute the word cancer or disease for the words above, but our God says nothing can separate us from His love. Life is so temporary that without faith, what would we have or where would we be?

My prayers are coming your way.

Lots of love and prayers of healing for you chispa. You are God’s child and he holds you in the palm of his hand where nothing can harm you. No illness, pain, worry is bigger than God. Let him be your strength :slight_smile:

It has been a rollercoaster ride the last couple of weeks, being poked and probed …

Friday was a hard day. Walking through the long hallway of school escorted by my principal and my Dad was very sad especially not knowing what the future holds. It worked well that the 1st grade was coming in from recess so I could get a few hugs from staff and students on my way out.

Friday my appointment was at 2:00. By the time I got home it was pushed back to 3:00. They kept pushing it back because they were trying to get the results of the biopsy. When we finally talked to the doctor she said that the results were not in yet. 95% chance lymphoma or 5% thymic carcinoma. If it was the latter I did not need to have the bone marrow biopsy. I asked what this thymic thing was? All she said was…it is bad, you do not want that. So I assured her it would be lymphoma so we needed the biopsy.

The bone marrow biopsy wasn’t so bad. They gave me enough medication to forget about 2 hours of my day. I wished they could make me forget the last three weeks! I can handle the pain of all these biopsies is the pain in my chest that drives me nuts because I know what it is and I can’t do anything about it.

By 6:00 pm when I was more aware of my surroundings it was confirmed that it was definitely Lymphoma and unfortunately Non-hodgkin. Can’t seem to catch a break…I was routing for Hodgkins…easier to cure and treat…but no one said it was going to be easier.
Then the Dr. said that the sample was a bad one…too many dead cells (you would thing dead cells would be good) but because there are 30 different kinds on Non-H and there were some false negatives and strange results in the first biopsy, they needed another one. I really hate the chest ones…

So…I am having a chest biopsy tomorrow at 9:30. Pray and hope that they get a good sample so we can figure out what kind of Lymphoma it is…so we can treat it with the correct chemo medications. If I can see the beginning, maybe I will be able to see the end.

Keep me in your prayers and hope tomorow is a good biopsy day.

PS I love reading all the prayers, hopes and good thoughts from this thread. I get strength from it. THANK YOU!


Thank you for taking the time to write. You are so in our prayers.

Trust that God is with you and that you are not alone.


You are in my prayers daily,
God bless you and keep you safe through this storm!
One thing I used to do through the harder part of delivery was to imagine the baby in my arms - focus on the result. Through the trying times focus on the result, imagine you are already looking back at this fight as the experience that passed, healed and strengthened through it, with your loved ones by your side…
I will keep your biopsy tomorrow in my prayers… for a good sample and strength of spirit.

Good luck tomorrow. I hope all goes well. HUGS

Is Chispa your name? When I am praying that is who I am praying for. If not, maybe you can share your first name and I can be more specific. I have found that prayers should be as specific as possible. Also what city do you live in. You can PM me if you want. I will be your prayer warrior, but I need a bit more to go on. :slight_smile:

Hi Krista!

I love it! I am hopeful knowing I have a prayer warrior. I really like that idea. My name is Maria Elena and I live in Middleton, Wisconsin.

Krista, thanks!

I know I wil get through this because of the kindness and gifts of prayers that so many have shared with me.