I have been MIA for a bit, but today I feel well enough to sit and tell you about my last couple of days.
Biopsy #4…Well, we arrived at 7:30 for pre-op. After being poked and probed to get ready for surgery, it was the anesthesia’s turn. The resident looked at me and said…“I know my limitations, I am calling my attending.” Well, it seems I have very small veins and they had a heck of a time finding a good one to place the IV. They use a pediatric needle and where able to get it in successfully. Then came the worse shot… Heparin. That goes straight into my stomach! It hurts and burns and they wouldn’t let me rub the spot because it would bruise. Guess what, it bruised anyway!
I had VIP treatment during surgery… so I was told. VIP because they were able to collapse my lung without a chest tube. They place a thick tube down my throat that split into each lung. They then synchronize the lungs to inhale and exhale at different times and then collapsed the right lung. Then turned me on to my side and place a scope and 2 other instruments to get the 15 samples. They took a picture of my tumor! They are going to send me a copy of it. I think I am going to make copies of it and use it as a dart board that I can shoot at after each chemo treatment.
I stayed overnight and did not sleep at all. The nurses were very nice. They all came at different times to give me medicines or to take my vitals. Why couldn’t they time it so they would only wake me up once? Well, it took its toll when Craig the nurse (not my husband Craig) came @ 10:00pm to administer another Heparin shot. I started screaming at Craig, half joking and half serious…“Craig get away from me!” (a phrase that I have practiced more than once before.) I didn’t understand why I needed to have the shot in my stomach when I had 2, yes 2 IV’s. Yes, I am a wimp! There just have been so many pokes. Little did I know I was getting another one at 6am. I was released by noon. My instructions…do not shower for 48 hours. Something that Jacob my son appreciates. He wouldn’t consider shaving his head when I do, but not showering for 2 day, solidarity with mom! “She doesn’t shower, I do not shower either.” My brother came with his family and my dad was also here. I was glad because they were able to entertain the kids. I rested.
Monday was by far the worst day. The gloomy day did not help. I do not know if the magnitude of my battle that I hadn’t even begun to fight, the constant pain, the overwhelming fear, the bottled sadness that we all carry around the house to be strong for each other…it all just got to me. It was hard to get out of bed.
Tuesday was an attempt for a cancer free day. I do not know if that will ever happen again. We went shopping getting ready for chemo day…saltine crackers, hard candy, pretzels, apples, comfy clothes…
First, I went to see my oncologist, I officially have Diffuse Large B-cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Stage 1-2a
Chemo was OK. I started by taking about 10-13 pills. Then they placed an IV. The nurses are better at finding the veins, but it still hurts. My first drug Rituxin needed to infuse for 3 hours. It gave me an allergic reaction…my ears were itching and my throat felt like I had needles in it. They quickly stopped the infusion and gave me enough Benadryl to put me to sleep for about 3 hours.
Another side effect, my legs felt as if they were 85 lbs. each and my tongue and taste buds are changing.
Feeling Ok today. I keep praying and saying “Kill the cancer! and Jesus I trust you!” Thanks so much for your posts and prayers!
Maria Elena