I Just Found Out I Have CANCER...HELP

Aww, you bring tears to my eyes. Have a good Thanksgiving.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and I am glad to hear you are getting better :slight_smile:

Dec. 12 - A Busy Week, including Chemo #3

I do not know if I have mentioned this before, but chemo sucks!

This was a busy week for us. On Monday we headed to the hospital for a CT scan. What I didn’t know was that the scan was a full body scan. I discovered this when they took us into a “lounge” and placed 3 large cups containing 32 oz of yuk “lemonade” in front of me. I had 20 minutes to drink each cup. Since I wasn’t allowed to drink anything prior for 4 hours, the first cup went down easy and within the alloted time. The second cup was ok, but I was feeling full. The third one, I was ready to give it to Craig to drink. I wanted nothing to do with lemonade for quite some time. Once inside the machine, I needed additional contrast. I hope my kidneys keep up! Of course results are not available for 48 hrs. The waiting is the hardest part.

Tuseday was port day. I was excited to get the port because I kept hearing the wonderful benefits from it. What I forgot to keep in mind was the pain and shock my body would go through. I am in pain again! That stinks because the pain in my side from the surgical biopsy and collapsed lung was finally subsiding. Hopefully, the benefits will out weigh this pain.

Tuesday night a huge storm hits Madison. Snow day for the kids tomorrow!

Wednesday Craig and I ventured through the desolated streets of Madison to get to the hospital. I was glad people listened to the weathermen, as we were one of the few patients that dared to drive in this weather. We certainly couldn’t let a few flakes (12-18 inches) get in the way of the next treatment.

When we arrived at the hospital, we were glad to know that my doctor had made it in, as well as a few nurses. As I waited, I asked the lab technician to help me put some Elam cream on the port area (Elam cream is used to numb the area before use for treatment). As the tech started to remove the coverings, I began to have visions of being that guy in the Alien movie, just waiting for something scary to pop out of my skin. Then I saw myself on the cover of the Enquirer with the by-line “Woman Abducted by Aliens. Aliens place an object under her skin. She has been taken to Area 51 for further testing.” I was scared of what to expect and ended up having an anxiety attack. My body felt as if I had been dunked in a pool of alcohol. I was burning up, sweating and at the same time freezing. During all this time, the tech and nurse were still trying to take the covering off. It was so painful, all I kept thinking was “What have I done to myself?!” I became nauseous and turned pale white. The nurse immediately placed me in a wheelchair, took me in a chemo room, placed me in bed, took my blood pressure and temperature, and gave me anti-anxiety medication. When I was stabilized, it was determined that the port area was too sore and sensitive, so we would not be using it today. So much for the port.

There were, however, two positive aspects to the day. First, because there were so few patients that made it in, we got our choice of therapy venues, so we went for the penthouse, or at least a room with a window, a bed, and close to both a bathroom and the kitchenette. We had almost undivided attention, which resulted in the quickest treatment yet. More importantly, however, the results of the CT scan showed the tumor was significantly smaller compared to the PET scan results back in October. Our doctor was confident that only 6 treatments would be needed, as opposed to the 6-8 originally expected. If so, we could already be half-way done. That is music to my ears. Keep your fingers crossed. However, as we approach the back half of the chemo treatments, Dr. Chang suggested we start thinking about follow-up radiation to zap whatever residual tumor remains. That scares me!

Today, Friday, I feel like I have been run over by a bigger truck… again. Chemo seems to do that to me.

Keep me in your prayers!

My grandpa found out he had prostate cancer at about the same time you found out about your cancer. He opted for the radiation treatment. He had to get 34 treatments. He has only experienced a few side effects with the radiation, so I wouldn’t worry about it so much.

That’s great news, Chispa! Looking forward to seeing you fighting fit again before long!!

:slight_smile: Wishing EVERYONE a Happy New Year! May 2010 bring you health and happiness! (the rest is the cherry on top!)


Chemo #3 really hit me in my head. It seems to be trying to break my spirits! Stayed in bed for 4 days :tongue:

I think I a doing OK! Had Chemo #4 yesterday. I can see the end…just two more chemo treatments! I can’t wait till all this is over.

Here is a picture of my Mom and Dad and me. Loved having the family throughout the holidays. Ca you believe it! He shaved his head for me! lol

Love him!

Again, thanks and Happy Holidays! Keep me in your prayers…IT’S WORKING!!! :biggrin:

You are beautiful…even with no hair!

I totally agree with nhockaday!! You are such a beautiful person. This new years eve you will be in my prayers, because I know we will win cancer!! I say we because we are with you.
Chispa ,GoD bless you I wish you a very better 2010…and 2011 and 2012 and 2013…and so many more are caming for you BE STRONG!!!

Well said PY. I second that. Thank you Chispa, for allowing us to be with you throughout your battle. I have known only one person personally that has had cancer and it has been very touching to walk this with you. I appreciate all your posts. Happy New Year and may 2010 be our best year yet!

You are beautiful. The no hair looks good on you. Wish you a speedy recovery and a great year. We are here for you and love to hear from you.

You are radiant, Chispa, with or without hair!! Thanks for the update!

yes to all the replies above :yes:
Merry Christmas and many more Happy New Years! my prayers are with you always! :slight_smile:

Thats great more than 1/2 done. Agree with everyone… You look beautiful!!! hope you have a great 2010 and tmany other years after that! I really recommend to have a new year resolution to start eating healthy…it will keep the cancer far far away, once it is gone.

take care dear…

Hello Everyone!

I hope your year has started well! I am getting ready for chemo #5 this Wednesday. I am scared because the side effects are cumulative and the nausea and tiredness has gotten a bit more chellenging. I never thougt I would say this but I am looking forward to it because that means I may only have 1 or 2 left. (probably just 1 more but I need to keep the extra one in the back of my mind so I am not crushed with dissapointment.)

Kids and husband doing well although teaching reading to my son has been postponed since I was the only one doing it. With that said, I just wanted to thank Brillkids for providing an outlet for me to tell my story. It has been amazing to find so many of you willing to join me in this unexpected journey. I pray and thank God for you and this site. Thank you for your compassion and kindness. Together you give me strength. Thank you! :smiley:

I will keep you posted. Keep me in your prayers!

I just ordered one of these machines and I can not wait till mine arrives. I would suggest that you try this. I know my husband has been battling cancer for almost 20 years now. It was quite a shock to us years ago. Our daughter was only 8 years old. What you eat is very important to your recovery and staying healthy. I highly recommend getting one of these.


You can read the testimonials. We got ours at Bed Bath and Beyond with 20% off coupon. The extra nutrients will help you tremendously. It makes things taste good that I would never eat. The guy at the show made an ice cream like with cabbage and carrots masking the taste with strawberries and honey. It was delicious!

Over the years we have migrated to eating much more fruits and vegetables. It makes a huge difference. Good luck!


Thanks for your update. I want to thank you for sharing this journey with us. The thing that stuns me is that your battle and your journey have become ours as well. I find I am thinking about you several times a day. I pray for your full recovery. I pray for your strength and endurance through this next round. May the people in your life continue to bless you even through this dark walk you are now taking. Don’t lose sight of victory, for it is yours!

Sending you hugs!

BTW, We have a Vitamix and they are awesome. Best blender there is, IMO.

Chispa…Go go girl!! You can do this…we can do this. My prays be with you and your family.I am sure you will be fine, be strong!
love from my family to you.

Thank you!!

I will check out the vitamix. I have changed my eating habits…try to minimize sugars, fats, eat more raw veggies and fruit, Broccoli has become a stipen in our house.

I will be in touch after Wed. chemo!

In my recent purchase of the vita mix machine I have been researching the whole foods and discovered B17 which is thought to cure cancer. B17 is found in the seeds of fruit and several whole grains other then wheat. Basically B17 has been removed from our diet and is why cancer is becoming prevalent.

Look at the grains you eat and look for b17 vitamin and seeds of fruits like apples and apricots. Do not just eat a large quantity of seeds because they are toxic (contains cyanide) but in combination with the fruits they are healthy for you according to what I have read. If you do try the B17 approach I read it must be used in conjunction with pineapple. Studies have found b17 ineffective, but rather they were conducted in conjunction with the enzyme from pineapples I do not know. You have to grind up the seeds or they will simply pass through your digestive system. You suppose to eat like 4-5 seeds a day, but a cup full of seeds is deadly. Eating the apple has the nutrients to help offset the nausea the seeds may cause.

Other foods beneficial in cancer prevention are almonds, blueberries and the broccoli. I started this research because Vita-mix suggest putting whole apple including stem and melon seeds in your fruit blends. I found the information on B17 and am still trying to decide if I think it is a good idea or not.

Thank you so much! I know my diet is going to be key after the treatment is done. Now I have to place my faith in God and in the treatments the doctors think are appropriate. Drs. do not want me to take any supplements or antioxidents because it can interfere with chemo. I just finished chemo #5 and praying I only have 1 left…it all depends on a scan that they will do after chemo #6. Then radiation. I am really interested in finding out how to get the radiation out of my body. Nutrition will be key. Broccoli and almonds have become a big part of my diet and avoiding sugars as much as I can.

I was thinking of buying one of those juicing machines, but will look into the vita-mix machine. A bit pricey, (although nothing could be too expensive if it will extend my life, right?) but will look on ebay too.

Thanks again and keep me in your prayers!