Hello Everyone!

Hi everyone,

Greetings from cold Germany :slight_smile:

I’m Cam and my daughter Jasmin is 2+ years. We are new in this forum and have just got Litte Reader installed. I’'m now eager to show my girl new lessons and hope we find more fun with this program.

Look forward to further talk with all you guys.

Have a nice day.



Hey Lappy, thank you for the wonderful greeting. My husband and I will be starting with the programs after Christmas cant wait!!!


Welcome to the Forums, Mary!

It is wonderful to have you here and looking forward to hear about your Early Learning journey!

Thank you Skylark! I cant wait to get started!


Welcome to brillkids…

[u]Hulllloooooo alllllllll!
Happy New Year!

i think i am the first intro for 2014…since the last post was on 27th Dec 2013…

Anyhow… here i am… had read quite a bit here and there…just thought i intro myself today coz well… just coz i read that Lappy the Mod Mum of this Forum Intro Page, didnt have a child when she started it all. so yup, i feel less intimidated and inspired and counting that her enthusiasm will rub on me too… :biggrin:

[font=Verdana]Brief Intro of me!

Im going for IVF-ICSI in this coming March… (National University Hospital, Singapore - Prof Wong)

trying to take my mind off the procedures and processes and whatever to do with the nerve-wrecking, heart-exploding issue. :tongue:

Although i am not very sure if this is the correct “escapism” but it is surely more exciting. 8)

And so, I have decided to start to join communities on early readers etc etc…and started a blog (just. very new. very virgin.) , to share what i have read and with a purpose in getting insights from others about developing our children’s potentials, happy learning environment, stimulating them… guiding… i dunno… just give the best we can to them…

here’s my humble blog: ardorsforanewbeginning.blogspot.com

Anyhow… lets get acquainted! :smiley:

Hi Everyone,

I am a fairly new parent, my baby girl is 10 moths old.
We started one month ago with the Doman cards in Spanish (we are from Madrid, Spain) and after making a research we discovered Brillkids.
Many thanks everyone for their contributions; I hope that I could ask you for new advice, and obviosly help you in whatever you need.

Best Regards,
José Antonio

Hi everyone,

Greetings from Russian :slight_smile:

I’m Hana and my daughter Eliza is 2 years old. We are new in this brillkids forum. We downloaded all trial versions and now havinf fun:)
Have a nice day.

Welcome to the Forum, Hanna!

We are glad to have you here and hope you will find lots of valuable resources and advise. It is wonderful to hear that your daughter enjoying the programs!

Hi there! Accidentally found this site and can’t wait to start reading and having fun with my 4.5 month old baby.
I read somewhere that they also have tagalog BK version, just curious as to how to access it and when do you start teaching them another language? Thank you very much!

Hello Lappy,

I am new to this forum and Little Reader (Brillkids), my daughter is 2.5 years now, and I’m wondering where should we start? same as infants? I think we are a bit behind already.

My daughter watched “your baby can read” DVDs, and can identify most pictures, animals, but we haven’t really use flash cards, or numbers to train her reading skills!! I’m a bit regret that I have not seen this website earlier, and now we have missed 1.5 years of window time to train her.

My daughter is bought up with dual languages, grandma (who spend everyday and night with her speaks Mandarin, and her father and I speak English to her mainly). She can talk in two languages, but still not able to say complete sentence yet, (or more than 4 words in one sentence is challenging for her).

Many thanks!

Regards, Ella

Привет! Спасибо за доброе приветствие, сразу не разобралась в форуме, но это не страшно! Главное что программы очень любят мои дети и я вижу результат! Большое вам спасибо!

Hi everyone,

Greetings from Ukraine. :wink:

In nearly one month Ill become father. And now Im reading Doman books about newborn education, printing black and white cards, making Crawling Track and other interesting preparation. Thank you for place where everyone could learn how to be a parents.

Have a nice day. :slight_smile:

Hi Lappy…

I just found out brillkids in the web & i am so much excited to start…
I am still 19 wks.pregnant my first baby…& i am very much interested in teaching my future baby…
I am a working mom… a nurse…in am just ambivalent how would i be dividing my time by the time my baby will be born…thinking to give up my career & focus on my baby…i need some enlingthenment…hope you could help me… tnx…i am just new to your community…i hope you could guide me…tnx alot… :slight_smile:

Hi all , nice to meet you all the way from the UAE :biggrin:

Welcome to our International Community here, kidsislandnur7! Looking forward to hear more about your family and your Early Learning adventures!

Hi Lappy and everybody,

Thanks for the welcome note. I am a first time mom and have a 1 year old. I am new to this forum and brillkids and totally overwhelmed with so much information. Heard a lot of good things about your program in babycenter down syndrome group. My son is not at all into books, I hope this program helps him start learning to read. I would very happy if you or anybody out here have any suggestion to help me get started and make my LO love reading.


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Hey everyone
We are Willie and Kristina Vermeulen located in Zambia¬! We have a 4month old Boy!!!
Thanks for the welcome and hope to learn a lot!