Hello Everyone!


Welcome aboard…
A lot of interesting discussion in the forum …
I just found out too…as me myself is quite new to the forum :slight_smile:

Hi everyone! WE are weeks ahead to became new parents of a girl. We are originally form Argentina but currently live in Puerto Rico. I’m 35 weeks prengant and already at hospital since week 32…It’s been a loooong journey but hopefully a great one!
I’m a kindergarten teacher and have a couple of years of experience teaching babies as weel. I came across this web looking for ways to stimulate my unborn baby and help her develop as much as possible, specially if she’s going to be a preemie.

wonderfull site so far, full of ideas. Love it!
Looking forward to learn more and more to help achive my baby her best potential.



Congratulations for your upcoming baby! May god bless you, your family, and your new baby.
I personally would start with stimulation cards. If you do a search on this forum, you should find
a free download. These are designed to help your newborn’s eyes focus. Read the forums to find out more. There is a great deal of early learning (EL) that you can do with your child. Being that you are a school teacher, you should have a head start with what ideas you can do with children. Ask around if you have questions. Welcome to the forum.


I’m new here. I’ve know Doman theories for a too brief a time. I mean, I am a mother of three (4, 2 and 0,5 y) and though I’m very happy they are below 6 years I wish I could have done with them so much more. Well, at least the youngest will profit most :slight_smile:
I am from Poland, but I studied English philology and intend to teach that language to my children. And so I hope to find many helpful people and share my experiences as well as see or read about - yours.
I have some questions so I’ll go and browse the forum to see where to post them.


I’m the proud mommy of a 5 week old and I can’t wait to start teaching her. Thank you for all that you do here on BrillKids.

Hi Lappy,
I am new here. I have heard a lot about Brill kids from the Down Syndrome board at Baby Center and decided to come check it out! I am excited to start teaching my 19 month old son. I was wondering something and hoping you can help! Today I was doing some research on Andi Durkin’s blog “Down Syndrome: A Day to Day guide” and there was a mention about Brill kids with a link to another blog, “Down Syndrome - Up, Up and Away”, that talks about a special needs discount ranging from 30 - 100% off, here is what it says:

I am very excited to announce that he, KL, has generously offered to give discounts ranging from 30% all the way up to 100% off! The discount is available to Brillkids forum members who have been posting on the forum for at least a month and have a child with a disability.
Unlike the regular sponsorship program, the special needs discount is not based on parental income.

Do you know if this is still going on and how it works? I would be very interested!!!
Thanks for your help!

Hi Everyone.

My name is Riana. I am blessed with a beautiful baby boy who is almost 4 months now. I cant wait to start with all these amazing teaching ways on here. I want to give my son the best and by making sure he learns the basics through play at an early stage is one of the greatest gifts I can give him.

Thank you to the founders of brillbaby, this is so awesome.


Hello everyone,
My name is Darlyn and I am new to this forum. I have 4 children 8,7,5, and 13 months old. My 13 month old daughter has never done the my baby can read at all :frowning: In a lot of the reviews on this site, it seems that most of the parents have started out with my baby can read. Can this system still work for my daughter without any prior reading experience??

hey lappy…
wonderful place to see kids growing brilliantly!
thank you for maintaining it :slight_smile:

welcome to the forum

Welcome everyone!
Honestly, I think that only a small percentage of Brillkids members began with Your Baby Can Read… And although I did ( the success and progress is what led me to BK!), I honestly find it a far superior program…
If money is no object, definitely go for both! It is VERY nice to have options as to media.

But, if I had to choose just one? BrillKids hands down! It is SO much more inclusive, hands-on, and quick!

If you have not downloaded the trial, start there. Even you older kids can benefit! In the free download sections you will find lots of general knowledge materials that moms and dads have made for their children! Also, this program has the diversity to make specialized programs for YOUR children’s interests!
For example: I made a LR file to teach my 2.5 year old the multiplication tables using the right-brain-based Multiplication.com materials! It works beautifully…

Hi Lappy,
Thanks for your welcome note.Actually right now i’m 8 months pregnant, can you pl suggest me which package i can use and whenn i can start.

Thanks & Regards,
Vanithasubash :slight_smile:

hi Lappy,
i am new to this forum site.

Hello once again…I’m back! It’s been a long time since I was here last. Lots of things have been happening in my life…most not on the good side of things for almost two years now. I’m hoping to be able to find a bit of time once again to be here with you all. :slight_smile:

HELLO to all that I have missed saying welcome to!

Welcome everybody!

Hello Darlying! Your children will learn to read with the programme. I have seen many post where you will find a lot of testimonials. It is better to begin early, but there are many parents who teach their older children too. I don´t know much about this matter, but there is a post about old children. I suppose your 13 month will have a better learning. I hope the parents can help you as much as possible.Welcome again!

hi Lappy

thank you for the welcoming greeting from you all…hopefully this forum can have a big big something for us to educate our children.

Hello and hi there,

I’m Merv and I am a first time father. My son is now 3 months old and I am loving every moment I get to share with him. I stumbled across brillkids while looking for some new and interesting ways to stimulate my child. I’m hoping to find some activities for him when I take on the parental leave in December. Look forward to chatting with you all?

Oh… is there an app available?