Hello Everyone!

Hi Mela,

Thanks for warm message. There are many stuff in this site. I need to take time to digest them.
I am very happy about the software and enjoy them with my sons. Cannot wait to receive LR Dulex.

My big enjoy watch LR but do not like LM. He said no time to count it as he can slowly count up to 29 now.
So he told me that he do not like watch it and want to see more LR again. I will try to put his face as new icon. Hope he will like it.
My little just watches both LR and LM very quiet. I felt somehow he is digest in his mind at this stage.

Thanks for infor about extra file to download.

Hello to all our new members! :happy:

I’m very happy to see that all of you are having a fun time learning to teach with LR, and I do certainly hope that we can help all of you become “expert teachers” of your own children! Do let us know in case you have any questions about the software and the products - or better yet, feel free to ask us anything here in the forum! All of our forum mods and members are always eager to help people out, so you’re sure to get a response quite quickly!

And yes, if you’re using LR, don’t forget to make lessons more interesting! If you find that you’d like to get more lessons on different topics, please browse through our file downloads area! (p.s. thanks mela for linking!) http://forum.brillkids.com/downloads/?overview=2

Have fun, and hope to see more of you here at the BrillKids Forum!

hi everyone. im new here, help:)

Hi mkck8!

What do you need help with? :slight_smile:

Hi all,

I’ve a 20mth old boy. And I only bought the delux set at the recent baby fair held at singapore expo 2 weeks ago. I supposed I’m a late starter on this…

Hope someone will guide me through about using this programme. I do not want my money go to waste. Previously I had bought a set of English flashcards for my boy but he doesn’t seem to be interested in. Chanced upon this programme then thought it LR will be a good investment. I would say that my boy can convey his thinking pretty well and can understand what we communicated to him. So need to expose him to words and pictures now. To form a linkage of the words that he has been using to the words that he will see and the pictures shown to him.

Would appreciate if someone can just guide me through about this programme. Thank you in advance.

Warm greetings to all parents who are working so hard for their children’s future.

I’m very happy to found this program for my baby who is now 9 months old girl. Exiting to teach her how to read. I hope it’s not so late ,

Thank for all the people who founded this program it great contribution to our future.

hope to learn more and more with my baby.

Hello Everyone,

My name is Alex and I have a 20 month old little boy. We have been doing some early education in a rather haphazard way, and I hoping to get more of a routine going now that he’s finally settled into more of a regular sleep routine.

My focus is primarily on languages, since that is my passion. We have LR and have used Doman math cards, but I haven’t managed proper consistancy with them. I hope to get back into them after breaking for six months - so long as he enjoys them! We are a 2-language family, speaking English and Russian, but also learn Chinese and Japanese through the Wink to Learn dvds, as well as Little Pim. The Wink dvds are the only thing we have been consistant with the last few months, since he demands them at least once a day.

Hopefully this forum will supply much-needed inspiration and support!



Thanks for the welcome note. I’m so excited digesting all the information in this website. I’m new in parenting and in need of best advice in parenting. Thanks to the Brillkids Team!


hi Lappy. i am kavita; thanks a lot for the warm welcome . i am mother of 4 year old baby . i just want to ask you where do i get little reader kit India. though i stay in Mumbai. and how do i teach her. she is not picking up number, shapes, colours . what do i do

hi! i am a new mom of a 5-month-old baby boy! i am totally new here! today, my baby boy just had his first taste of rice porridge!

Hi Lappy,
Thanks for the friendly welcome! Have you had kids yet?Just wondering ^^;

Sapha xx

Hey everyone. I’m new’ish here :slight_smile:

I’m expecting my first next year.

I love this site - so glad i found it!

Hi Everyone! I am giving birth soon and can’t wait to teach my baby! :slight_smile:

My name is Jenny. I am so glad i have a chance to join this forum. I expect to have a really good time here with other moms and mom-to-be. I am pregnant and will deliver in March, next year. I’ve read through many topics in this forum as well as articles in the website and feel so excited that i could not wait to plan lessons for my baby.

The problem i have is my husband and i both are not English native speakers. we would like to talk to our baby in his/her early years in our native language which is Vietnamese. So i am thinking of introducing her flashcards in Vietnamese first and then English ones later. is it the right choice? Do you think i should use vietnamese to talk to my baby even while i am showing her/him English flashcards, slideshow…? when i show him a picture of car with the word “car”, should i show a picture of car with the equivalent word in Vietnamese (ô tô)?

It seems like it’s not so easy but i think this forum will be a big help.
thank you
really happy to chat with you all.

I’m a mom to four girls ages 13, 11,8 and newly turned 5. I’ve been using Brillkids with my youngest daughter and she loves it and is doing so well with it.

Hi Lappy,

Thank you for your warm greeting,

I’m really glad I found this forum and hope to be good mom for my LO

Hi everyone!!

Hello everyone, I’m Etha’s mom, fr Indonesia. Nice to meet you :slight_smile:

Hi everybody
I am new here but like it already :slight_smile: but not love it yet :wink:
My baby girl will come in a few months so we are preparing now.
So much work!
But loving it…
Hope to catch you later parents!
tom n moon

Hi Lappy,
Thank for this great programme. :slight_smile:

I’m married with 2 daughters. I have long been searching for suitable material to educate my children. I am really glad to find this website.

one question, if I buy LR through online store and the product broken/damage at arrival, will there any replacement?