Gentle Revolution and Glenn Doman's method

Does onyone has any experience using Glenn Doman nethods of Learning? Especially any experience with his Flashcards CD program? Has anyone used them? Thank you

I think there are still people that does not know a lot about Gentle Revolution of Glenn Doman. His daughter - Janet Doman is the Director of the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, a nonprofit organization founded by Glenn Doman that teaches parents about early childhood learning and development. For more information, go to:

I decided to reopen this threat and let people see some videos that are available on You Tube.

Glenn Doman talks about “How to teach your baby to read”

A CNN interview with Janet Doman: This video shows Janet Doman explaining the IAHP programs with well children, and how to successfully multiply a baby’s intelligence.

Glenn and Janet Doman of the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential explain their method of teaching parents how to teach their children on this 1979 show.

Janet Doman is interviewed by CBS about her new book, “How Smart Is Your Baby?”

Sean Katz does a crossword puzzle, and Donna Pallas displays her art work on the TV show Whitney and Company (1979). Interview with Glenn and Janet Doman of the Institutes for the Achievement for Human Potential in Philadelphia.

Micah Sherman and Marc-Mihai Dimancescu (both age 7) appear on the show “Whitney and Company” in 1981. Interview with Glenn and Janet Doman of the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential in Philadelphia.

I highly recommend Glenn Doman’s book “HOW TO MULTIPLY YOUR BABY’S INTELIGENCE”. It includes information from his other three books (How to teach your baby to read, How to teach your baby math and How to teach your baby encyclopedic knowledge).

I hope that this summary would help you to start or make better any teaching sessions with your children. Just do not forget to do it with LOVE and enthusiasm!! :slight_smile:

Doman’s general rules of teaching are following:
Begin as young as possible.
Be joyous at all times.
Respect and trust your child.
Teach only when you and your child are happy.
Create a good learning environment.
Stop before your child wants to stop.
Introduce new materials often.
Be organized and consistent.
Do not test your child.
Prepare your materials carefully and stay ahead.
Remember the Fail-Safe Law: If you are not having a wonderfull time and your child is not having a wonderful time - stop. You are doing something wrong.

Teaching baby to read according Glenn Doman:
The reading pathway is the same for every age of a child:
Step one: Single words
Step two: Couplets
Step three: Phrases
Step Four: Sentences
Step Five: Books
STEP ONE starts with the use of just 15 words (most familiar and enjoyable words for baby). First day simple “hold” the words and say what it says. Show only 5 words. Do the same 3 times the same day. Second day add set of another 5 words and show two sets of 5 words 3 times a day. On the third day add another set of 5 words and show 3 sets of 5 words three times a day. Then add SELF words (parts of the body) - 2 sets of 5 words each. Now you show 25 words devided into 5 sets of 5 words showing each 3 times a day.
From this point use this method: Remove one word from each set that has already been taught for 5 days and replace the word with a new one in each set. (it is good to write a date when you added the word so you know well which is the oldest one to retire).
After SELF words add HOME vocabulary (objects, possessions, foods, animals and “doing” groups) - about 50 words all together including 15 at the beginning.
STEP TWO - teaching children to put single words together (couplets). Create as many couplets as possible from words child already knows. To make it easier you can teach a child also colors - then it is easy to start making couplets. Category of oposits is also helpful (big, little, long, short, happy, sad, and so on).
STEP THREE - teaching phrases by adding actions to the couplets and creating a basic short sencences. (Mommy is jumping,…) There are many combination using the 50-70 single words that child already knows…
STEP FOUR - Sentences.
STEP FIVE - Books. They should meet the following standards:

  1. It should have a vocabulary of 50-100 words
  2. It should present no more than one sentence on a single page
  3. The printing should be no less then 7/8" high
  4. Text should precede and be separated from illustrations.
    When choosing or creating a book parents should remember:
  5. Create or choose books that will be interesting to your child
  6. Introduce all new vocabulary as single words before beginning the book
  7. Make the text large and clear
  8. Make sure your child has to turn the page to see illustration that follows the text.
    Always you and your children should enjoy the reading sessions.

Teaching baby math according Glenn Doman:
For those that have not read the book of Glenn Doman “How to teach your baby math” and would like to know more, here is what to do and in more details how to start with dot cards.
The first step = teaching quantity recognition
The second step = Equations with dot cards
The third step = Problem solving
The fourth step = Teaching Numerals
The fifth step = Equations with numerals
The first step is teaching quantity recognition which is teaching your baby to be able to perceive actual numbers which are the true value of numerals (the symbols).
The first day:Begin with dot cards 1-5 and show it to your child three times first day
The second day: Add dot cards 6-10 and show both categories of 5 cards three times a day = 6 daily sessions
Continue to show two sets of five cards, each set three times a day, total of six math sessions spread out during the day, equaling a few minutes in all.
After second day alway mix the sets up. Constant mixing and reshuffling will keep the sessions new and exciting.
On the sixth day and later add 2 new cards daily and put away 2 old cards daily. This is how you retire cards: Every day remove the two lowest numbers from the ten cards you have been teaching for five days.
You may feel that the baby needs new material more quickly, then you should retire three cards daily and add theree new once. Or even four.
Always resist the temptation to review old card over and over again.
Always stop before your baby wants to stop. You and your baby should both enjoy the math session. If not something is wrong.

Teaching baby encyclopedic knowledge according Glenn Doman:
I will try to explain in more details how Doman recommends teaching baby encyclopedic knowledge in his book “How to give your baby encyclopedic knowledge”.
We should start by showing categories of related pictures (just to remind - picture=BIT of inteligence-must have accurate detail, must be one item only, must be specifically named, must be new, large and clear). Fist you should start introducing 3 categories of 10 pictures each, very fast, the best 10-15 sec for each category. Rules for adding new and retiring old cards are the same as I mentioned earlier - after about 10 days (it may be earlier - depends of your child) every day retire 1 old and add 1 new picture to each category. If your baby wants you can refresh categories even faster (but never slower).
When you have taught your child 1,000 Bit of Inteligence cards, you should start creating Program of Intelligence. Each new program within a category adds a higher magnitude, starting with the most simple information and ending with the most profound.
Example:Division: Biology
Category: Birds
Bit of Intelligence card: Common Crow
1st Magnitude Program: Crows build nests in trees or bushes.
2ndMagnitude Program: Crows’ nests are made of twigs lined with grass or hair.
3rd Magnitude Program: Crows eat insects, seed, fruit and nuts.
4th Magnitude Program: Crows have been known to eat mollusks, dead animals, mice, eggs, fish, garbage, rubber, puttz and plastic insulation.
5th Magnitude Program: The female cow raises one brood per year.
6th Magnitude Program: The voice of the crow is hars and loud, not musical.
7th Magnitude Program: Crows are part of the Corvidae Family.
and it can go on and on…
Initially you should aim to do a Program of Intelligence of the 1st Magnitude on every retired card in all your categories. As you complete this step you begin to build to higher and higher magnitudes in all of the categories.
And finally how to teach Program of Intelligence:
One session should consist of no more than five programs. Programs take longer to read aloud than Bit of Intelligence cards and in order to keep sessions short you need to do fewer of them.
So for example you take 5 retired cards of birds and you say as you show them:
Crow - “Crows build nests in trees or bushes.”
Robin - “Robins have red breasts and gray wings.”
Bluejay - …
Mockingbird - …
Cardinal Grosbeak - …
This should take about 10-15 seconds. You can also choose to use large-print sentences instead of showing the actual Bit of Intelligence card. Whatever you decide, it should be very fast and fun.
You should befin with 5 categories of 5 program each. Do each category three times in the day. You can expang this to include as many categories as you wish. After 5 days retire all the programs and put in five new programs in each category. This means a new program will be done three times over five days, to total fifteen times before being retired. If you wish you can retire and add new ones faster.
When you have done many Programs of Intelligence of the Fist Magnitude you begin to teach programs of the Second Magnitude. And then third and so on…

Just to let everyone know. Gentle Revolution ( the people who sell Doman’s products) is having a sale throughout August. 20% off a 50$ purchase. Coupon code is AUG08.

you’re such a star, Martina! Lots of karma for you! You too heyblue! :slight_smile:

Thanks, but you’re not supposed to be online. You are supposed to be working on that Little Math Beta! lol

Hi I wanna thanks Pupisek for her GD summary. Due to time constraint I have not yet managed to read GD book. Thus sincerely appreciate her effort to summarise.

thanks once again. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the reminder. Logging off now! :biggrin:

Thanks for the very informative post Pupisek!

I have a question regarding the Bit of Intelligence card. Is this a flashcard w/c contains a picture only or picture coupled with it’s name? So all-in-all, it would be around 1,000 pictures before I start the “category” program?

I would very much like to read Doman’s book but it’s not available here in my country! Hope you could enlighten me on this one =) Thanks in advance!

Awesome summary Pupisek! :slight_smile: Thanks a lot for sharing! Karma points to you!

Dear KL or Lappy

I notice from Nadia post, she cant find the book at her country.

I tried to post the below file which someone download for FREE from one of the website. She has paste a copy for sharing. but the file is too large, thus I can only post one part out of 4 for your preview. I was thinking of zipping up the file for posting but before I do so, thought that it would be better to seek your approval to post this book. :slight_smile:


EDIT - Upload problems continued here:'how-to-multiply-your-baby’s-intelligence’/

Thank you so much for the ebook linlim! It’s heaven-sent! Hope the rest of the pages will be available. Thanks again! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The Bit of Intelligence card is a flashcard that contains a picture. It is not recommended to couple it with a word underneath it because children would focus on picture and not on the word itself. The word can follow if you prefer. And yes, Doman recommends to show about 1,000 Bit of Inteligence cards befor starting creating Program of Intelligence.

Karma pts to you for sharing the summary to us. I don’t have the time to read the whole book, so anything short and simple, especially in point form is much appreciated.

I came across another website which explains the 2nd to 5th steps in more details. I’ve cut and pasted here :


  1. Zero Step (for newborns - kids under 3 months old, all other kids should start at the First Step)[/b] - dot cards that are very-very large: 15"x15", with black, very bold dots 1.5" in diameter. Begin with one card, show it for 10-15 seconds and hold it absolutely still to give him a chance to focus on it. On a first day show “one” dot card 10 times, on second show “two” dot card 10 times; proceed for 7 days with different cards 10 times each day. Repeat for the following two weeks: so, for the first three weeks you show “one” dot on Mondays, “two” on Tuesdays… On week 4: chose dot cards 8-14 and cycle each of them 10 times a day for the following three weeks (card “eight” on Mondays, card “nine” on Tuesdays, etc.) Continue with this pattern until tiny infant is seeing detail consistently and easily (around twelve weeks or later). Chose the correct time of the day: when the baby is in a good mood. Once you realize your infant can see the detail clearly, proceed to step one.
    2. First Step - Quantity Recognition
    Teaching your child to to perceive actual numbers, which are true value of numerals - 5 dot cards 1-100. 2 sets of 5 cards each, three times a day each set.
    3. Second Step - Equations
    Start after you’ve showed first 20 cards for First Step.
    Don’t test, continue introducing new quantities, i.e. dot cards, (until you reach 100), and add sessions with simple equations: 2+2=4, 5+11=16. Avoid predictable equations: 1+2=3; 1+3=4; 1+4=5. After two weeks of different addition equations, do subtractions, followed by multiplication and division (at two week intervals of 3 sessions of equations per day).
    4. Third Step - Problem Solving
    You have completed First Step (showing dot cards), and First Step (simple Equations).
    Progress onto more sophisticated three step equations, e.g: 2x2x3=12.
    “You are still extraordinary giving and completely non-demanding” (GD, Math, p. 125)- you haven’t done any testing. “The Purpose of problem-solving opportunity is for a the child to be able to demonstrate what he knows if he wishes to do so. It is exactly the opposite of the test.” (GD, Math, p. 126). You can do it at the end of the session.
    * Hold two cards and ask where is 22 (always offer options!)
    “This is a good opportunity for a baby to look at or touch teh card if he wishes to do so.” If he does, make a big fuss. If he doesn’t, simply say, “This is 32” and, “This is fifteen.” (GD, Math, p. 127).
    * Give a simple equation and then hold two dot cards for him to chose the result of the equation. Again, always offer options, and if your child doesn’t want to show a card, simply and upbeat say it yourself.

    After a few weeks of these equations, make them even more fun: combine addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, but don’t mix the pairs e.g. 40+15-30=25, not 4+2*7.
    After a few weeks, add another term to the equations: 56+20-4-4=68.
    You can further progress onto:

    1. Sequences
    2. Greater then and less then
    3. Equalities and inequalities
    4. Number personality
    5. Fractions
    6. Simple algebra
      5. Fourth Step - Numeral Recognition
      11x11 poster board with numerals written in large, red, felt-tipped marker: 6" tall by 3" wide.
      Combine numbers with dots: 12 greater then dot card of 7; dot card of 12=12 (number)
      6. Fifth Step - Equations with numerals
      Make 18"x4" poster board cards for equations with numerals: 25+5=30; 115x3x2x5 not equals 2,500; 458 divided by 2 minus 229.


Thank you zlyne for posting that additional information. Karma point to you. Martina

thanks this was really helpful …

hey there!

i cant believe my good fortune and luck to have stumbled upon brillbaby.
finally i can communicate with people who believe with certainty that babies can read and they love to.
in my country South Africa it is extremely difficult to tell people about all of this coz im sure when u guys found this out you just wanted to shout it out to the world! people i know feel that babies should be just babies and nothing more. certainly not geniuses.

i stumbled accross the doman series of books or maybe they found me and i havent looked back ever since.
glenn doman makes so much of sense. i cant believe that he is 90 years now and his work is amazing.
my son is 16months and loves is books. as he learns to say a new word he can often read it as well.

if i hadnt read the book “how to multiply your babies intelligence” i dnt know what i would have done. :slight_smile:

I’ve started using Glenn Doman method to teach my 11 months old son math yesterday. I got a problem…TIME! As I’m a working mom, I don’t have enough time showing 6 sessions of 5 cards plus 3 sessions of Equations throughout a day, as I understand from the book the cards should be showed one and half hours apart. Please help.

Lai San

I am a working mom also, and I find it hard to do also. What we do is do our sessions at meal times. That way the kidos are in the highchair and have nothing better to do while eating than to look at the cards. We get 3 sessions in most days, sometimes we only get 2 in, but they learn so fast after a while 2 sessions on some days is ok and doesn’t set us back. Don’t worry if you can’t get 3 seesions every day, just try your best. Some is always better than none!

I work half-day so have a little more time, but also battle to get the sessions in. My daughter is also very active and will usually not look at a full set of 5 cards. I think the idea is to adapt the programme to work for you and your child. I have dropped down to one set of reading words (5 words per day) and I am also doing a single set of math dots so six sessions in total each day and this about all I can fit in. I have been doing this for a few weeks now and my daughter is showing signs that she wants more, so I may have to speed things up and either do more sessions or show her more words in fewer sessions.

I did read an article that said that no matter how disorganised you are, you can only do good teaching your child to read and that they will learn something even if you are not using the exact method described in the book - children are literally soaking up everything we show them - its us who want to do it perfectly, the babies do not know what perfect is and as long as they are learning something then you are doing fine.