Gentle Revolution and Glenn Doman's method

Thanks very much Heyblue41 and Tanikit for the useful advise. It really helps.

Hi there, really appreciate this summary! I have been showing mainly words and not been too sure on the next step with dots and equations. So this has been a great help. Will have to read up more on this. Time is such a challenge to find!!!


I’m new to Brill. Like one poster, a couple months ago I stumbled across Brill and was absolutely amazed at what I was reading. I finally have a niece (9 months) and I’m very excited and eager to give her any advantage I can. I was totally enthralled with the information presented by Glenn Doman that I went out and purchased picture word and signing flash cards. Although, my niece is quite young, she focuses on the cards and recognizes the words (15-20) whenever I say them and the cards are no where around.

I guess my question or dilemma is that I work and only see my niece in the evenings before my sister picks her up from my mom. Is it worth purchasing Little Reader and Glenn Doman’s books (Teach Your Baby To Read" /Teach Your Baby Math) books? I am not rich and can’t afford to throw away money. I want to do what I can to enrich my niece’s future but if the program demands such a rigorous routine, I’m not sure if I should spend the money. The window of opportunity is limited to an hour or so which sometimes includes dinner and another sister visiting with her. My sister and her husband both work and don’t have time for 6 sets of repetition.

Of course, I haven’t seen or read the books to know the details of the full program and have only read a few posts here from others discussing time and repetition. If someone can elaborate on the program and “bits” you mentioned; or have any tips, I would certainly appreciate it.


Would Pupisek please email me.

I have some specific questions that I need some help with, please.

Thank you.

I suggest you send her a PM (private message).

Just go to your Inbox and click on “New Message”, and type in “pupisek” in the To: field.

I would also suggest you remove your email address because spam-bots will ‘harvest’ it and add it to spam lists.

Hi tayvonne,

I have two nephews, one age 2 years and the other age 6 months, and I try to teach them what I can, when I can.

You’re right that the reading, math, and encyclopedic knowledge program CAN BE quite extensive. But one thing that Doman emphasizes is to ONLY DO AS MUCH AS DOES NOT OVERWHELM YOU. He says if you like the idea of teaching your baby and would like to do it for 5 minutes a day, go for it. Don’t let anybody talk you into doing any more or any less. If you would like to dedicate an hour a day to teaching, don’t let anyone try to talk you into doing a minute more or a minute less. If you would like to teach your child all day, every day, then go for it, and don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise.

The Doman programs are all about flexibility. Yes, in the books he lays out a program you can conduct with your child which involves doing multiple sets a day, multiple times a day. But he very clearly says that if you’d like to teach just one set, than that’s perfectly fine and your baby will be better for it.

In the case of your niece, if you are anxious to teach her and have the opportunity, I would encourage you to by all means go for it. Even with a very small amount of time, you can teach a tiny child just about anything. It takes less than five seconds to show a baby five word cards. And it looks like that’s what you’ve been doing, and that is just wonderful!

Teaching her how to read is a wonderful gift, one of the best things you can do for a child, as reading is the foundation of all other learning. By learning how to read, she will be able to teach herself a great many things at a very young age, and it will open the doors to so many possibilities for her. That’s great that you’re taking the time to teach her that.

As for other subjects you can teach her, it is true that the math program and encyclopedic knowledge program take a little more time and effort. To do the entire math program is somewhat extensive - not that it takes a great deal of time each day, but it requires a lot of consistency in order for it to be fully effective. You may read through the threads in the math section to get an idea of what it’s like. However, if you’d like, there are still other things you can do with her to teach her math, even if it’s not the full program. If you’d like, you might consider teaching her dot cards for zero through twenty, or even zero to ten. It’s as simple as taking a piece of card stock and drawing three large red or black dots on it and telling her, “This is three.” Doing so would be highly beneficial to her, and it wouldn’t take any more time than showing her some words do, like you have been.

The encyclopedic knowledge program is probably the most extensive, but again, it doesn’t have to be. The encyclopedic knowledge program is about teaching your child “bits of intelligence”, or in other words, facts. Doman stated that facts - knowledge - are the base of intelligence, for without facts there can be no intelligence, there can not even be thinking without the presence of facts! So teaching encyclopedic knowledge cards, or “bit” cards, is just about teaching your child facts, i.e. “Grizzly Bear” or “acoustic guitar” or “George Washington” or “flag of China”, etc. You can teach these through physical cards with pictures on them, or you can teach it through a computer or video program like Little Reader, PowerPoint presentations, or TweedleWink. How To Give Your Child Encyclopedic Knowledge was actually my favorite book out of them all, and if you can get your hands on a copy through Amazon or the library, I would highly encourage it! If you would like to teach your niece encyclopedic knowledge, you can do so, even if it’s just one set, say, get together a set of cards with pictures of animals (clearly labeled, i.e. “Labrador Retriever” not simply “dog”) or whatever else you would like.

If these are things you would like to do with your niece, having just one hour a day with her would not be a problem. To sit down with her and show her one set of word cards, one set of math cards, and one set of encyclopedic knowledge cards would take less than thirty seconds total. And of course reading to her, talking to her, and singing to her would also all be wonderful things you could do in that short hour, or half hour, or however long you have with her daily. It’s true you won’t be able to accomplish three sessions of five different sets of reading cards, nine sessions of math cards, thirty sessions of encyclopedic knowledge cards, etc. But that thirty seconds you spend showing her facts in the form of words, numbers (dot cards), and pictures will be extremely beneficial to her, if that is something you want to do.

Otherwise, if you think you would not have the time or space to do such things, don’t fret, because what you’re doing with teaching her to read even just a few words is one of the best things you can do, as was before mentioned that reading is the base of all future learning. It’s wonderful that you have such a passion for her and she will be blessed forever by the few minutes that you spend pouring into her in that way.

And about the books: The “How to Teach Your Baby…” series is wonderful, and I would recommend them to everyone who is able to read them. It would certainly not be a waste of money, especially if you are planning on having children one day! But instead of purchasing them yourself, you can check with your local library to see if they own copies. If the library doesn’t have them, you might also consider just purchasing the book, How to Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence by Glenn Doman for around $10. That book is sort of like an introduction to all the other programs, and could give you a good general overview of the details. You can also simply read the information that is on this forum and website, as there is a lot you can learn just from this site.

Happy teaching!

Hi Tayvonne,

If you don’t like reading books, then you could buy the DVDs about How to Teach Your Child Reading, etc. etc. (I think they have one for each subject).

As for whether it’s worth buying Little Reader, why don’t you download Little Reader LITE and try it out? It’s free!

For the first time i have just entered this thread .I was interested and had many information .In this glenn Domans methed Which part of the brain is being working left or right.

You flash the cards very quickly-so that would be right brain. I’m not sure about the rest of the program. I think it is probably more of a whole brain program.

Hi Ayesha Nicole, I found your message today. I am sorry I did not reply to you earlier.
Do you still need my help? Please let me know. Martina
BTW, did you recieve PM from me? I sent it to you in January 30.

Dear Martina,

Thanks. I believe I figured it out because I cannot remember why I PM you. :blush:

And I did receive your PM and when I tried to reply on numerous occassions, there was a message that your inbox is full since that date until now. I will try again in a day or so. Until then, take care.

Thanks again.
Ayesha :slight_smile:

Thanks for such a valuable information. Had i not joined the LR/Forum i would have missed lot.

Thanks to all the members of LR.

Can we start off with any words in step one? What I mean is, do they have to be household objects or ‘self’ words. My daughter is interested in things like ‘moon’, ‘kite’, ‘banana’?


I have a question regarding this:

“Remove one word from each set that has already been taught for 5 days and replace the word with a new one in each set. (it is good to write a date when you added the word so you know well which is the oldest one to retire).”

What do I do when there are no more cards to add in a given set? If I added the last new card today and retired the oldest card, what should I do tomorrow when I don’t have any new card to add? Do I just continue retiring old cards until there are no more cards to show. This way I will have just 4 cards in this set to show tomorrow, 3 the day after and so on. Or am I missing something very trivial?

Please help.
Thank you.

When I started with my daughter I really didn’t know about GD method, so I started with categories like animals, fruits, vegetables, etc… I decided to follow GD mehod so I started all over again just so I have kind of a plan (organization wise was better for me). I was all over! :wacko: However, that was my personal choice. I think that different words would not hurt your child, everything is knowledge :yes: . Maybe you could try to follow GD word suggestions and complement them with the words that your daughter likes, so she can learn all kinds of words. Just a suggestion :blush:


The retiring of the words can get complicated. Ayesha Nichole created this spreedsheet to help with this system. With another member we formulated it so it is easy to manage. I personally decided to do categories.

Hopefully it helps you :smiley:

hi for teaching math to 2 years old i need helpplz
first i should start from step one:dots but how exactly ?dots and say what number it s for(add a sound to tell the number without showing it)?
then at day17 start with addition?dots then slide for the symbols like(,+)then dot then the(=) then answer which is this right??until step 3 then start with showing (1234556678etc)then addition with 12348 etc without need for dot?//
please help i attach i 2 files which is the right one to start for 2 years old child using doman

Hi ketty,

This is how I went about my 2 yr old. I started off Step 1 with dots using dots 1-100 ppt. I would make a custom show in powerpoint with 1 to 5 slides and name it Day 1 and so on. You can add sound files to this slides. Try this site for sound files.

I had uploaded the schedule I followed in My doman math schedule thread. I think you might have gone through it. Arrange the slides in such a way that when dots are shown, the voice over also runs along. I used to tell the number as the slides move on. But with my son, I couldn’t get further than 25 dots. So I tried to use different icons for addition. I have attached one I made. I have come across posts telling that you need to show only slides and there is no need for “plus” and “equals” signs, but I used it so that he gets an idea of whats going on. As the numbers were getting bigger, it was getting difficult to keep the exact number of icons on the slides, so I shifted to LM.

When you are finished with division, start three step equations with one function like 1+3+5 for a week and proceed to three step equations with different functions like 1+3-5 for a week, follow it with multi-step equations 1*5+3-2/3 for a week. Proceed to greater than less than, equality and inequality, fractions, sequences, numbers, and so on.

As for using ppts, I would suggest you go through the number of dots before you begin as some slides have one dot extra in some ppts.

Warm wishes,

Describing the steps in Math Dot program, the site Child and Me has the following on step 2

Second Step - Equations

Start after you’ve showed first 20 cards for First Step.
Don’t test, continue introducing new quantities, i.e. dot cards, (until you reach 100), and add sessions with simple equations: 2+2=4, 5+11=16. Avoid predictable equations: 1+2=3; 1+3=4; 1+4=5. After two weeks of different addition equations, do subtractions, followed by multiplication and division (at two week intervals of 3 sessions of equations per day). (Bold by me)
Any comments?

how can we optimized LM tables (is correct some kind of order even using random function) and Doman’s math (which is without any order)? is this correct?

and what with old edition of Gentle Revolution? Where Doman says to begin with one word: mum (60x15 cm), next day dad and after that with some words like hand, head etc., one a day for begin?