Exchange Spanish/English vocabulary

Hello Tany14, thank you for your warm welcome. According to the native German speakers I can speak German very well. I met two couples who were bilingual. First, I used English, then German. One couple was from Italy and the other was from Switzerland. Both couples said to me Du sprichst sehr gut Deutsh"". It is not so true. I have forgotten many things, especially to use the declinations correctly. I would like my LO had a third language, but German will be a language that I will teach her perhaps making use of LR, when it is in German. I couldn´t be able to speat to my LO in German language in the same way that I can speak to her in English and German. IT is obvious. German is a complex language. Perhaps German and Chinese will be the third and fourth language that my LO will learn with LR. With Chinese, I am not so sure. But I prefer doing an English linguistic immersion instead of teaching multilingual languages my LO.

A doubt, you say that you are going to use the translation with your LO. Your translation was good, but I must say to you that these sentences are not used with a child and less with a baby. Perhaps tomorrow evening, if I find some time, I can write what I would say to my LO when he has her dirty hands, if you want.
I thought that you was translating a text, simply that. Say to me if you want it. See you

nuria2012, оf course, I want it very much. :yes: Please write your text. I am very grateful to you. То find the necessary and correct sentences are not possible :frowning: . Only you can help.
I agree with you that it is better doing an English linguistic immersion instead of teaching multilingual languages ​​LO. But I took the risk to teach my LO Spanish even I do not know Spanish at all. I love the Spanish and want to learn it together with my LO.

Hello Tanny14, I´ll copy your translation and I´ll try to write something similar in a situation with a baby, making use of Spanish language.

Usted estaba en la calle. Ahora sus manos están sucias. Es necesario lavarse las manos. Mira, es un lavabo. Abra la válvula. Mira, es el agua. El agua es cálida. Tome un poco de jabón para las manos. Así que lave su mano derecha. Ahora lávate(lávese) la izquierda. Ahora enjuague sus manos con agua. Ahora tiene las manos limpias. Pero están mojados.(mojadas) Usted necesita (tener)las manos secas.(con esta toalla) Esta toalla. Eso es todo. Ahora tiene las manos limpias y secas. Podemos entrar en una habitación.ation???

Déjame ver tus manos, cielo/cariño/Tom. Oh! Qué manos más sucias!! Vamos a lavártelas ahora mismo. Mira allí. Hay un baño. Allí te lavaré esas manos tan sucias. Vamos a abrir el grifo para mojarte las manos un poquito. Ahora te pondremos un poquito de jabón en ambas manos/en la mano derecha/en la mano izquierda. Ahora mírate las manitas. Qué limpias están y huelen muy bien!! Aquí no hay toalla, porque es un baño público, por eso usaremos este dispensador de papel. Mamá cortará un trozo de papel para secarte tus manos. Primero la derecha, ahora la izquierda. Hemos terminado! Muy bien. Ahora tus manos están limpias y secas. Vamos para casa que ya es muy tarde y tu padre nos estará esperando en casa.

I hope it helps you. I have added some parts. :slight_smile: You can avoid them if you want. It is good to learn a language with your son. It has to be an interesting thing. Perhaps,. I will do it with my LO, with Chinese language. Now, you prefer only two languages.
My opinion about the linguistic inmersion is only an opinion. In my case it is a linguistic inmersion in my second language. She is using it much more than in Spanish so far. I am sure that once she is older, she will tend to speak much more in my first language, because we have nobody who speaks English around us. That can we do in our summer holidays.
Here, there are a large number of multilingual teachings that are very very interesting. If I had two or three languages in my home because both parents can spèak wow. In my case, I am the only who speaks more than one language. My husband agrees with me in how I am doing it. I have learnt, am learning and will learn of many good examples of mummies and parents who are wonderful. Sincerely, I believe it. I must confess, that being a teacher, I was surprised of the way that parents can teach in so EXTREMELY PERFECT way. Yes, I say perfect, yes, because it is incredible the good results that her love towards early learning can be!!! When, I arrived this forum. I cannot believe it. I want to say all those people who are reading these boring lines, that YOU ARE AN INCREDIBLE PERSON, your child will be proud of being a parent LIKE YOU. If there is a person who is thinking about buying LR, Are you? PLEASE, if you can afford to pay it? Buy it immediately. It is only a suggestion… :closedeyes:

Yes, yes, yes! nuria2012, I agree with your every word! :yes: Fantastic - we can teach our children so many things with LR and this forum!
This is indeed very exciting - to learn with your child. To see that he already knows more than you. :clown:
Thanks for your help! I am happy that met you. Your text is very, very helpful to me. Suddenly, once you’d like to learn Russian - I can help you with great pleasure! :yes: :yes: :yes:
Maybe, when you’ll have time, you could write a few sentences how to play in the sandbox, swingin on the swings and slides down the slide.

Hi nuria2012! I found the text. It was written in English and in Spanish. I am writing an English version for you here. Take your daughter and go to play on the playground. :clown:
The playground
Would you like to go on the slide?
Come on, go up.
Very good, sit down now.
Hold on tight and go down!

Let’s go to the swings!
Shall I push you?
There you go!
Forward, back.
Do youwant to stop?

Let’s make a sand castle.
Here’s the bucket.
Here’s the shovel.
Fill the bucket with sand.
Now flip it over.
Pat it softly. - Tuk-tuk.
Now lift the bucket. Slowly!
How beautiful!
Choose a mold to build the tower.
Fill it with sand.
Flip it very slowly.
Take the rake and make path.
Now, smooth it with your hand.
Take the shovel and dig a moat.
Don’t throw sand!
Look! Here you have shells and stones to decorate the castle.
What a beautiful castle!

Hi Tany14,

Thank you for your English text. I don´t think that I am going to study Russian, I wish I had time. It has to be a wonderful and interesting language. I wish I could learn five more languages, among them, Russian. :laugh: lol Very kind of you.

If you want to study Spanish, try to translate this text into Spanish, and I could correct your possible mistakes. Inspite of my English level, I am always learning new English vocabulary, proverbs and so on. I will use this text, Inspite of the fact of having an advanced level, I love finding new vocabulary specific for babies, with their games. Being a non native parent, one can use a possible way to say things, but sometimes it is too literal. For instance, I learn with your nice text structures such as: hold on tight, there you go, shovel and so on. The part of the beach is wonderful.

Thanks again.

Hi Tany14,

I am going to translate one first part of your text into Spanish language, taking advantage that Nuria is still taking her nap. :slight_smile:

The playground
Would you like to go on the slide?
Come on, go up.
Very good, sit down now.
Hold on tight and go down!

El parque
Te gustaría montarte en el tobogán?
Muy bien. Siéntate ahora
Sujétate fuerte y baja!!

Let’s go to the swings!
Shall I push you?
There you go!
Forward, back.
Do youwant to stop?

Vamos a los columpios/remos!!
Te empujo?Quieres que te empuje un poquito?
Ahí va/allá voy
Más fuerte!
Hacia delante /hacia atrás
Quieres parar ya?

Let’s make a sand castle.
Here’s the bucket.
Here’s the shovel.
Fill the bucket with sand.
Now flip it over.
Pat it softly. - Tuk-tuk.
Now lift the bucket. Slowly!
How beautiful!
Choose a mold to build the tower.
Fill it with sand.
Flip it very slowly.
Take the rake and make path.
Now, smooth it with your hand.
Take the shovel and dig a moat.
Don’t throw sand!
Look! Here you have shells and stones to decorate the castle.
What a beautiful castle!

Vamos a hacer un castillo de arena
Aquí tienes el cubo
Aquí tu pala
LLena el cubo con arena

Desde que tenga otro ratito sigo con la traducción. Nuria se está despertando y quiere su merienda :slight_smile: :smiley: :laugh: lol :wink:

hi, nuriya2012! Thanks for the translation! I think it is necessary not only for me but also for many other parents. Thank you! Best wishes for you and baby Nuriya!

Hi Tany14,
I am very happy that you find useful my translations into Spanish. I can understand you perfectly. Being a non native parent there are many doubts and the translation could be wrong. Yes, I think that there are more parents who are interested in these translations as well.

Please, try to copy more similar texts and in this way, both groups of parents, who speak English and who speak Spanish could be very grateful. Last Sunday, I was on the beach with my little family. Your text is good! Yes, having good level, you can do many things, but sometimes it is necessary something like this to facilitate things.

Well, if you and more people could write texts it would be much better. I have not much time, because of my mummy, who we have to take care, she is better, but she has to be in hospital more time. I adore her!!

Well, second part.

Now flip it over. Dale la vuelta (it is totally new for me thanks)
Pat it softly. - Tuk-tuk.dale una palmadita
Now lift the bucket. Slowly! Ahora levanta lentamente el cubo
How beautiful! Qué bonito! Qué lindo!
Choose a mold to build the tower.Elige un molde para hacer/construir la torre

Fill it with sand. Llénalo con arena.
Flip it very slowly.
Take the rake and make path.
Now, smooth it with your hand.
Take the shovel and dig a moat.
Don’t throw sand!
Look! Here you have shells and stones to decorate the castle.
What a beautiful castle!


Fill it with sand. Llénalo con arena.
Flip it very slowly. dale la vuelta lentamente/despacio/muy despacio/despacito
Take the rake and make path. Coge el rastrillo y haz un caminito
Now, smooth it with your hand. Ahora, ?? con tu mano
Take the shovel and dig a moat. coge la pala y cava un hoyo
Don’t throw sand! No tires arena dentro!!!
Look! Here you have shells and stones to decorate the castle. Mira! Aquí tienes las conchas y las piedras para decorar el castillo
What a beautiful castle! Qué castillo más bonito!


Sorry I have forgotten my remaining doubts written a long time ago :frowning:

Now my doubts
[color=blue]How do you say, I am going to take the plug off??? in order that the water runs.???
Leave thatcould be a synonym of Don´t touch that?
Take out your leg out from the basket? Ungrammatical sentence??
Don´t open the LID? of the toilet. Yucky
Put the book ___________??? Pon el libro al derecho/pon el libro bien. Lo tienes al revés.

I would like that someone corrects my mistakes and clear up my querries (above), please.

Please, tany look for another similar text, for the street, or any other situation, please, please

My baby is a big sponge!!!

Hi nuria2012! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! Could you write Spanish phrases for playing with wooden puzzles, those that need to be inserted into the appropriate holes. And a few phrases to play with beads that you need to string on a string. My son and I really need these phrases. Thank you! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the really nice information. I like the way you added this information.

Hello everyone! Here are a few phrases in Spanish
“wild animals.”

            Los animales salvajes.

Estos son los animales salvajes.
Veo el leon.
El leon dicen: «Grrr»!
El leon tiene melena.
El leon esta dormiendo.
La jirafa esta alli.
Que cuello mas largo tiene!
Las patas son muy largas tambien!
El elefante esta alli.
Que orejas mas grandes tiene!
Y que trompa mas largo tiene!
Mira, el tigre.
Que boca mas grandes tiene!
El tigre tiene los rayas negras y amarillas.
Mira, el oso!
Es muy grande.

Hi Nuria, I just realized your doubts have not been answered. :smiley: I don’t know Spanish, so I will try my best.

  1. We say “pull the plug” when we are going to drain the sink or tub.
  2. Usually I say “leave that alone” or “don’t touch that” interchangeably. Either way works well. It is nicer when said with a “please” or at least a smile! :biggrin:
  3. Don’t step in the basket.
  4. Yes, we would say “don’t open the lid of the toilet. It is yucky! Or it is dirty!”
  5. This one I am not sure what you mean since I don’t know Spanish. Maybe “Put the book where it belongs” or “put the book on the shelf.” Or “put it next to the red book” etc.

Hi, people, a long time without writing in this great forum!!! After starting work and I have no much time…! Apart from that, the year 2013 was horrible!

Thank you for your answers CVMomma, finally, someone answered my questions!!! Thank you thank you thank you

I think the last one is- “Put the book the right way. You have it backwards.”

Thank you c4 Andy for your answer. I have not been here for a long time.

Hello dear parents!!! I wonder if the following sentence is right. Strap the dog. (Ata al perro) My LO is playing with a dog toy and I have said this sentence. I am very proud of my daughter. She can speak English. :wink: I am achieving my goal, but I have to learn a lot of the English language…

Hi Nuria! We are on the same boat. I’m not either a native englsh speaker but I hope this could help you. I think the best sentence is “tied the dog”.
