Exchange Spanish/English vocabulary

Hello mybabyiannnnn! CONGRATULATIONS FOR YOU NEW BABY!! I didn´t know anything about that!! It has been a surprise. I don´t remember have read it. Don´t worry please! You must be very tired and happy for the new arrival!!!

Thank you for the translation! Perhaps, when you are better you could say to me the typical sentences that you use when bathing your old son., when you are playing with him in the bathtub. What you say to him. Forget what I have said You must restttttttttt!!! If you want me to translate something, you or other people, here I am.
A thing, how many children have you got?
Can you say Go out from the room?? A person can be very good level but without any interaction with people, many doubts can appear

Take care of you and your baby. lol :laugh: :laugh:

Primero te quitaré la ropita.- First you take off your clothes.

Empezamos con la camiseta.- Let’s start with your shirt.

Saca la mano derecha por esta manga, ahora saca tu mano izquierda por la manga izquierda.- Take your right hand out of this sleeve, now take your left hand out of the left sleeve.

Ahora vamos con tu pantalón.- Now let’s take off your pants.
Saca tu pierna izquierda, ahora tu derecha.- Take your left leg out, now your right.
Ya estás preparado/a, listo/a para tu baño.- There, now you are ready for your bath.

Hope that helps.

@mybabyian congtatulation to your new baby!!

We are going to start with spanish in couple of months so or now I benefit from the english translations.

What phrases do you use when brushing teeth? Thanks a lot.

Hi c4andy20, thanks for writing your sentences. What sentences do you use when your LO is in the bathtub? The sentences with the sponge, the games with the bubbles,… I know that there are more people who are not native English speakers, and they can help a lot.

Hi lelak, It is grateful to find more people interested in speaking in my native language with their children. Well, I will copy some sentences related to brushing teeth time.

Es hora de cepillarte los dientes. Tenemos que cepillarnos los dientes después de cada comida para tenerlos siempre muy limpitos.
Vamos a poner un poco de pasta de dientes en tu cepillo de dientes.
Ahora nos cepillamos los dientes por este lado, ahora por este lado, ahora arriba, ahora abajo. Todas los rinconcitos de nuestra boquita tienen que estar limpitos.
Vamos ahora a enjuagarnos la boca.
Coge este vaso de agua y coge un poquito sin tragar.
Enjuágate bien toda la boca un par de minutos y tírala al lavamanos después.
Ahora tus dientes están limpitos!!!I hope you understand all the sentences. Any doubt say to me.

Could you say to me what sentences do you use in English, please?

Congratulations, Mybabyian!

Enjoy your little treasure!

Wishing you everything wonderful and so happy for the arrival of the new baby.

Natalie (Skylark) on behalf of BrillKids Team

Es hora de cepillarte los dientes.- It’s time to brush your teeth.
Tenemos que cepillarnos los dientes después de cada comida para tenerlos siempre muy limpitos.- We need to brush are teeth after every meal so we always have really clean teeth.

Vamos a poner un poco de pasta de dientes en tu cepillo de dientes.- We are going to put a little bit of tooth paste on your toothbrush.

Ahora nos cepillamos los dientes por este lado, ahora por este lado, ahora arriba, ahora abajo. -Now we brush the teeth on this side, now on this side, now the top, now the bottom.(You could also say Now we brush our teeth on the right side, now the teeth on the left side, now the top teeth now the bottom teeth etc…)

Todas los rinconcitos de nuestra boquita tienen que estar limpitos.- All the little corners of our mouth need to be cleaned.

Vamos ahora a enjuagarnos la boca.- Let’s rinse our mouth now.

Coge este vaso de agua y coge un poquito sin tragar.- Take this glass of water without swallowing. ( I usually say,“Take some water from this glass and swish it in your mouth without swallowing.”)

Enjuágate bien toda la boca un par de minutos y tírala al lavamanos después.- Rinse your whole mouth out for a few minutes and then spit it in the sink.

Ahora tus dientes están limpitos!!!- Now your teeth are clean!

: c4andy20, Thank you for all of your sentences. A question, what languages are your LO speaking? Sure, English and Spanish, more languages??

We are native in Spanish and English but together we are learning French and Chinese. Right now our Chinese is better than our French. Learning to read Spanish is super easy for the kids because it is extremely phonetic compared to English and French. Chinese is much easier to speak than to read (for us any way, because there are just so many characters to learn). Here is a video of one of my daughters reading in Chinese. It’s not perfect but not bad considering we are not native speakers.

Hi c4andy20!

Your children are very lucky. They will be able to know four languages. Amazing!

The other day was speaking to my hubby about the possibility to teach Nuria Chinese in the future. My husband says to me first the languages that I can speak and then, Chinese would be a good option. On Thursday I downloaded a pair of Chinese files to have a look… One of them was about the first things that one learns when learning a new language. I have no idea how I could teach my LO, if those sentences are not translated, those symbols. I love Chinese writing, it is so different. I have heard that handwriting of this particular language is about concepts, each symbol, a concept, Is it right?? Well, when you can see a word and later a picture, it is obvious, but that video that I downloaded, difficult… I felt frustrated. I think Chinese would be a good option, it is a language that is having more and more power.

You say that your LO cannot do it perfectly, Take your time, she will do it! You must feel very proud of her, I am sure.

Mybabyian, I hope you and your lovely newborn are very good!!

Hi nuria2012! I’m from Ukraine and I really want to teach my kid Spanish. Please write phrases that you use when it’s time to take your child to the potty. Please all the phrases that you remember. Poty-time is time to talk. lol

Hi Tany14! Sorry, but I have been very busy because I am going to travel this week. It is a pleasure to help you.

Well, I am going to write to you what I would say to my LO in Spanish language talking about potty training:

Venga cielo/cariño/mi niña, ya te has tomado tu biberón/has almorzado/has merendado y es hora de usar tu orinal.
Siéntate ahí y no te muevas para que puedas orinar/ensuciar
No, no te muevas. Estáte quietecita viendo Jolly Phonics, for example. lol lol
Si te mueves/si te levantas del orinal lo vas a dejar todo perdido/todo sucio.
Ya has terminado? Creo que sí. Levántate un poquito, cariño. Síiiiiiiii. Muy bien. Ya has hecho tu pipí/tu caca.
Déjate que te pase una toallita húmeda por tu pompi/culito (botom)
Muy bien!!
Vamos a lavarte un poquito en el baño, vale???

Any translation, if you don´t undestand a sentences, say to me. When, I am at home again, I will do it. I would like that you could write the sentences that you use in the English language, if possible. Your own sentences,please.

I am going to write more sentences in Spanish
Bathtime 2

It is not necessary any translation in Spanish language, if I have some doubts about some structures, I would like that native speakers say to me.

Ten cuidado al entrar. Te puedes caer.
Agárrate a mami porque resbala.
Echamos espuma
Quieres tu patito de goma?
Dónde ha ido a para el jabón/champú/gel/patito de goma…?
Si no dejas de salpicar, te sacaré de la bañers
Sal, agárrate fuerte a mamá.

[color=blue]Hay que secarte bien los piececitos.
Y ahora todo el cuerpo.
Qué difícil es cepillarte tu pelo!! Está todo enredado.[/color[/color]]

Now my doubts in your English language.
[color=blue]How do you say, I am going to take the plug off??? in order that the water runs.???
Leave thatcould be a synonym of Don´t touch that?
Take out your leg out from the basket? Ungrammatical sentence??
Don´t open the LID? of the toilet. Yucky
Put the book ___________??? Pon el libro al derecho/pon el libro bien. Lo tienes al revés.

I want to say that I am very happy and proud. My daughter is showing that she can read a lot of words. It is amazing! Someone from this forum, recomended me Leapfrog, and she likes a lot. Jolly phonics is very good as well. Some changes, but Nuria likes both videos :laugh:

The other day I was in a shopping center and Nuria started to say the numbers of the doors, 1, 2…
I have began to use the flashcards regularly; I am using the flashcard while we are in the car. She loves them. She screams in order that I show them. She says: three, the sounds of about ten letters, two, cat, dog…

nuria2012, thank you very much for your text! I will use it today. I’m sorry, I can not write my own expressions in English because English is not my native language. I use the book, about which you wrote earlier. Thank you for the topic. It’s great that our kids have the opportunity to learn foreign languages​​.
Your daughter can read already ! Congratulations! It is really amazing!

Hi Tany, don´t worry, perhaps another person can help us with the English language :biggrin: Then, you have the book, some sentences have been extracted from there, Potty training information, no. What languages are you teaching your LO?

My child is now 11 months old. We teach English and Spanish. Use this book to teach both. But there is not enough expressions. I hope this topic will help us to say more. :rolleyes:

Ok, Tany, very well. My LO is 17 months. Yes, the book is ok, but is not complete. It is totally necessary use much more sentences every day with our lovely children.

Any doubt in Spanish, write here, please, I or any person who masters my native language will be able to help you. Now, I have to go on with my heavyyyyy suitcase and the food, and bring the baby. :wub: Ha ha Have a nice day!

Hi nuria2012. I hope you are well. I translated with the help of electronic translator few phrases. Could you check and correct their mistakes? Can you add some of your sentences? Thank you, you really helping me!

Usted estaba en la calle. Ahora sus manos están sucias. Es necesario lavarse las manos. Mira, es un lavabo. Abra la válvula. Mira, es el agua. El agua es cálida. Tome un poco de jabón para las manos. Así que lave su mano derecha. Ahora lávate la izquierda. Ahora enjuague sus manos con agua. Ahora tiene las manos limpias. Pero están mojados. Usted necesita las manos secas. Esta toalla. Eso es todo. Ahora tiene las manos limpias y secas. Podemos entrar en una habitación.

What a great thread you’ve started!
But what about more simple structures? Can anyone help me with simple daily phrases that I could use while playing/dressing/etc my child? The matter is that my Spanish is REALLY limited. Actually, the only things I can do are to say a few sentencesl about myself, order a meal at a restaraunt and buy something. I started to learn Spanish with my child by whatching DVDs, but I really feel we need more. Can anyone advise any books/resourses with simple phrases that could be used during a day while talking to a child? Pleasssse :smiley:

Hello Tany14 and daka, I have been on holidays for two weeks. Besides. my mummy was sent to the hospital again because of some liquid in her lungs.
Tany 14, I have read your translation into my mother language. You have made few mistakes. :wink:
Usted estaba en la calle. Ahora sus manos están sucias. Es necesario lavarse las manos. Mira, es un lavabo. Abra la válvula. Mira, es el agua. El agua es cálida. Tome un poco de jabón para las manos. Así que lave su mano derecha. Ahora lávate(lávese) la izquierda. Ahora enjuague sus manos con agua. Ahora tiene las manos limpias. Pero están mojados.(mojadas) Usted necesita (tener)las manos secas.(con esta toalla) Esta toalla. Eso es todo. Ahora tiene las manos limpias y secas. Podemos entrar en una habitación.ation???


If you want simple sentences that describe daily routine when speaking to a baby in Spanish language, try to get the book that I have named at the very beginning of this post. The book is very basic, but it is a good first step in your aim. If you have any doubt in Spanish, write here and I will try to help you.

I would to speak a little about my first experience with my future bilingual child. Nuria spent with us two whole weeks surrounded by people from different european countries. In spite of being in my own country, there were very few people from my country :biggrin:; it is excellent for Nuria´s linguistic immersion.

I tried to speak to other mummies and daddies in English and German. In German I could speak a lot. :yes: I think that it is good that my LO listens to me speaking different languages. In this way, she will want to speak different languages when playing with other children, it doesn´t matter the country :wink:

It was very funny when we were in the reception of the hotel and Nuria began to say her nice "OK, ok, ok… Perhaps five or six times. The recepcionist who was putting down, began to have a look trying to find the person who said it. :wub: :biggrin:

Today, when I went to take her at the nursery school, she said to me HI, and immediately after she said to one of the caregivers bye bye. Ha ha ha…

She is taling more in eNGLISH than in Spanish, and sometimes I am a little affraid, but I think that there will not any problem…

Hi nuria2012! Glad you’re back! I hope your mom will be fine.
Glad to read about your baby. She can speak already!
you know German. Why do you not teach your baby to German?
Thank you for that corrected the errors in sentences! Tomorrow we’ll use them.