Hi Tany14! Sorry, but I have been very busy because I am going to travel this week. It is a pleasure to help you.
Well, I am going to write to you what I would say to my LO in Spanish language talking about potty training:
Venga cielo/cariño/mi niña, ya te has tomado tu biberón/has almorzado/has merendado y es hora de usar tu orinal.
Siéntate ahà y no te muevas para que puedas orinar/ensuciar
No, no te muevas. Estáte quietecita viendo Jolly Phonics, for example. lol lol
Si te mueves/si te levantas del orinal lo vas a dejar todo perdido/todo sucio.
Ya has terminado? Creo que sÃ. Levántate un poquito, cariño. SÃiiiiiiii. Muy bien. Ya has hecho tu pipÃ/tu caca.
Déjate que te pase una toallita húmeda por tu pompi/culito (botom)
Muy bien!!
Vamos a lavarte un poquito en el baño, vale???
Any translation, if you don´t undestand a sentences, say to me. When, I am at home again, I will do it. I would like that you could write the sentences that you use in the English language, if possible. Your own sentences,please.
I am going to write more sentences in Spanish
Bathtime 2
It is not necessary any translation in Spanish language, if I have some doubts about some structures, I would like that native speakers say to me.
Ten cuidado al entrar. Te puedes caer.
Agárrate a mami porque resbala.
Echamos espuma
Quieres tu patito de goma?
Dónde ha ido a para el jabón/champú/gel/patito de goma…?
Si no dejas de salpicar, te sacaré de la bañers
Sal, agárrate fuerte a mamá.
[color=blue]Hay que secarte bien los piececitos.
Y ahora todo el cuerpo.
Qué difÃcil es cepillarte tu pelo!! Está todo enredado.[/color[/color]]
Now my doubts in your English language.
[color=blue]How do you say, I am going to take the plug off??? in order that the water runs.???
Leave thatcould be a synonym of Don´t touch that?
Take out your leg out from the basket? Ungrammatical sentence??
Don´t open the LID? of the toilet. Yucky
Put the book ___________??? Pon el libro al derecho/pon el libro bien. Lo tienes al revés.
I want to say that I am very happy and proud. My daughter is showing that she can read a lot of words. It is amazing! Someone from this forum, recomended me Leapfrog, and she likes a lot. Jolly phonics is very good as well. Some changes, but Nuria likes both videos :laugh:
The other day I was in a shopping center and Nuria started to say the numbers of the doors, 1, 2…
I have began to use the flashcards regularly; I am using the flashcard while we are in the car. She loves them. She screams in order that I show them. She says: three, the sounds of about ten letters, two, cat, dog…