Exchange Spanish/English vocabulary

Yes we can exchange vocabulary in English. I would like to say vocabulary english for beginners is very important now days. Vocabulary is very important to learn the English.

Hello Ana! Thank you for your answer. Yes, we are on the same boat. Sometimes, doubts appear and this forum is an excellent tool in order to clarify our doubts. I always use the verb to tie for example in the sentence I tie my shoes", but in the case of a dog, I have found in the Internet the word strap which is used as noun, object used to tie the dog. Well, I am going to try to copy in my whiteboard the doubts that sometimes come my mind, later I will write here. In the same way, if someone needs help with Spanish, could write it over here. I would try to answer as soon as possible, or any another native Spanish speaker, what I did in the past.

Have a nice night.