Encyclopedic Knowledge-Weekly collaboration group

I updated the US History _ Explorers who Discovered America 1.doc file with the suggested changes. :smiley: Thanks for your imput!



TABS in addition to all of THen’s great suggestions I just wanted to bring up a few points.

Are you trying to go chronologically through the bible or choose the most influential people first and then moving to less influential? What I would do is choose 10 magnitudes of intelligence moving from easiest/most accessible to children and then moving on to more complex. (i.e. roughly when they were born and died (maybe even they were born at the same time as…(some other famous person)), where they were born, other important bible characters they were related to and how/why, important events they took part in, books of the bible they are mentioned in). Because each character is so different you might only come up with 5 consistent magnitudes and then fill in the remaining 5 with points you find interesting about that particular person. Hope that helps, let me know if I can be of more assistance.

Okay I just uploaded my file for this week. States (New Mexico to Ohio) with POIs. Here is the link: http://forum.brillkids.com/downloads/?sa=view;id=3657. Thanks, THen for your upload too.

I love your new file THen! No suggestions at all.

Thank you linzy! :biggrin:

I’ll have to start working on this weeks’. :laugh:

My file for this week is up. It is states Oklahoma to South Dakota. Enjoy!

Here is the link:

What? Is it already Saturday? :blink:

Sorry, I don’t have one for this week. :frowning:

Sorry I just read this statement now… funny though cuz this past week I uploaded some presentations with POIs

here are some
geography famous places in the world

top 10 famous volcanos

I have a couple more… but havent uploaded all of them so I have to double check which ones have POIs… hope this helps though to get everyone started

I would love to do this too weekly… but need a couple weeks before I can get started… both kids are sick and my husband is off of work with a hairline fractured disk since Friday. (he cant pick up the kids and is in bed for a while) So I dont want to commite to something then not follow through but I would love to add some POIs and get some too :yes: Thanks.

No problem THen. I know how the time can sneak past. By the way I made a slide show using the software you suggested and it worked great. It looked like something you’d buy and I even added background music. Thanks again.

Mandi, we’d love to have you join us. What category would you be interested in? I saw your files, the geography from famous places had POIs but I didn’t see them for the top ten most populous countries, was I missing something?

Yeah… I am back. I had some issues with my laptop. Now it’s all fixed and working. I have loaded 4 music files for all the weeks that I missed. Including this weeks file. Sorry for the delay.

Don’t worry about it Heath it happens to everyone. It’s good to see you back

Wow, heath, I’m just impressed you got all that done, even with laptop problems.


Hi there everyone,

You guys are doing a great job!!!

Well, I am back to ask a few things. I have tried to do Bible Characters as POI’s but can’t seem to get what I want. What do you think if I do them as BIT’s? In this way there is no restriction on how many can be done and if the magnitudes are not followed exactly, it won’t matter so much. And those that prefer POIs could quickly compile from the Pronounciations, a list of 10 that they feel they’d like to teach their child. Another reason - in fact the main reason really - for doing it this way, is because I’d like to include for my son the scriptural referance for each bit of information. As everyone has their own translation of the Bible, I would not include this in the download but would give the references so that should you wish to, these could be read into the Picture Audio. Also I would not include pictures as everyone has their own Bible literature and am sure there must be places on the Internet where you could get Biblical pictures. I had thought too that the shorter facts could be used as sentences in their reading program, in that way they would recognise the names, Adam, Eve etc. Would love to hear your thoughts and comments.



Personally, I would be happy with anything you put together. :smiley: If you do put audio (or pictures) in for your son, I would like it, even if it is in a different translation. I can always edit it if I want to. Whatever you choose to do, I’ll be greatful for you sharing. :yes:

I think most of us have been doing printable POIs, so we’ve not worried about audio.

Yay! I got one done this week. :slight_smile:

Once it is approved, it will be here:

It is on “People Who Helped Settle America 1”


Here is my file for this week. Sorry I missed last week but I have been sick. I had to upload it as two files because of the size.

The first one is Tennessee to Utah:

The second is Vermont to Virginia:

With next week’s files I should have completed all of the states.

Aaaargh, my computer is down. I think it is going to take me a little while before I can post my next set. :frowning: I’ll also have limited access to the internet, so I won’t get to see what’s going on here at Brill. :frowning:

Hope I’ll be back soon. :yes:

Hi there,

Well here is my first attempt at doing this sort of thing. Would appreciate any suggestions or ideas.

I have not included any pictures or the actual Bible verses that support the facts. Here is a website that you can download the Bible from. http://www.jw.org/index.html?option=QrYQZRQVNlVlYR It is in modern English and read very well by a man. Perhaps others know of other sites where you could get other translations from. You could insert the verses or just let your child listen to the chapters that cover the information.


1.Adam was the first man.
2.The name Adam means – Earthling man, mankind, humankind and is from the root word meaning “red
3.Adam was created in 4026 B.C.E -. Genesis 5:2
4.He was created on the sixth day from the dust and was made in God’s image. Genesis 2:7
5.He lived in the Garden of Eden Genesis 2:8, 15
6.Adam’s wife was Eve who was made for him to be a helper and complement of him Genesis 2:18
7.Adam’s rib bone was removed by God, and with it a woman was made. Genesis 2:21, 22
8.When Adam saw the creation from his rib he called her ‘woman’ which literally means ‘female man’. In Hebrew the word ‘woman’ is “Ish ahah” Genesis 2:23
9.God blessed Adam and the first woman and said that they should fill the earth with children and look after the earth and the animals. Genesis 1:28
10.Adam is the father of all mankind, he had many children – both sons and daughters Genesis 5:4b
11.Of Adam’s children we know only three of their names – Cain, Abel and Seth Genesis 4:1,2 25
12.God gave Adam the job of naming all the animals. Genesis 2:19, 20
13.Adam’s life was very pleasing, he had work and lots to eat and drink. Later he was given a wife so as not to be alone. Genesis 2:16 (food) Genesis 2:18 (wife complement) Genesis 2:19 (work)
14.Adam was specifically command not to eat from the tree in the middle of the garden called ‘the tree of knowledge of good and bad’. Genesis 2:9, 16
15.The punishment that Adam would receive if he did eat its fruit would be death. Genesis 2:17
16.Adam joined his wife in eating the fruit from the forbidden tree
17.After eating the fruit both Adam and his wife began to feel ashamed as they were naked. So they made clothes from fig leaves. Genesis 3:7
18.Adam and his wife hid from God and when asked why they disobeyed, Adam blamed God for giving him the woman. Genesis 3:8-12
19.The punishment given to Adam was that the ground would be cursed. Genesis 3:17-19
20.After their sinning Adam then called ‘the woman’, Eve, meaning life or living one. Genesis 3:20
21.After their disobedience the first couple were put out of the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:23,24
22.God then clothed both Adam and Eve with animal skins. Genesis 3:21
23.The bible says that Eve was deceived by the serpent, while Adam was not. 1 Timothy 2:13, 14
24.Adam passed sin and death on to his children. Romans 5:12-14
25.Adam lived to see his son Abel murdered and also saw the banishment of his son Cain. Genesis 4:8 (Abel) Genesis 4:10-12 (Cain)
26.Adam saw his son Cain build the very first city. Genesis 4:17
27.Adam saw musical instruments and tools made from iron and copper, during his life time. Genesis 4:21 (Musical instruments) Genesis 4:22 (Tools)
28.Adam is call the first Adam, while Jesus Christ is called the last Adam 1 Corinthians 15:22, 45
29.Adam did not look like God because God is a spirit person, rather he had qualities like God’s – love, wisdom, justice and power, as well as a conscience. 1 John4:8 (love) Romans 11:33 (wisdom) Deuteronomy 32:4 (justice) Luke 1:49 (power) Romans 13:5 (conscience)
30.Adam’s name is mentioned in the books of Genesis, Deuteronomy, 2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles, Luke, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 1 Timothy and Jude
31.Adam lived to be 930 years old and died in the year 3096 B.C.E. Genesis 5:5
32.The bible says that Adam returned to the dust from which he was made. Genesis 3:19

This was originally in a table and looked alot better and easier to follow. If you wanted to print it, perhaps you could copy and paste into Word and then convert text into a table.

The fact number and voice audio match so this will make it easier to make up your own playlists or convert into a POI.

I had fun making it up and hope someone benifits from it.


Thanks TABS. I downloaded the LR file and liked it a lot!

My computer was down for a while, but now it is back up. However, I lost some files, so I’m working on them again. Thank the Lord for the files I uploaded to the forum. I hope to have part 2 of the Settlers of America done by Sat. Then, I’m hoping to work on the books of the Bible for a while.
