Encyclopedic Knowledge-Weekly collaboration group

Sounds good, Tatianna. I’ll just put your name down for literature.

TABS I am not aware of any set crtiteria for Bible characters, but you could just look at what types of things are included in other historical figures and include those (i.e famous authors, presidents, etc…) or you could create your own magnitudes of intelligence such as roughly when they were born and died, where they were born, other important bible characters they were related to and how/why, important events they took part in, books of the bible they are mentioned in…I could think of many more but you get the idea. It’s nice once you choose a format to stick with it if possible for all the characters. Let me know if it’s something you would be interested in and I’ll add you to the list (I think it would go under history). And of course if you need any other help let me know.

Geography - Linzy
Literature -Tatianna
Science - Texaslady
Biology - Mum
Music - Heath
Human Physiology - Nbailey
History -

Leana will be doing either art or language

I have just added my first Encyclopedic Knowledge file named Australian Mammals with POIs - 1. The file contains pictures and POIs for Tasmanian Devil, Short-beaked Echidna, Koala, Tiger Quoll and Red Kangaroo.

Check out:


Sorry for the late start. :blush: Christmas was not a great time for starting something new. The New Year is certainly the right time! :biggrin: Thank you to Linzy and everyone else for getting me off and running with my POIs and Happy New Year to all.

Now that I have my template set up I will keep working on Biology for a few weeks.

Linzy, in the thread where I asked about Formulas for Encyclopedic Knowledge you wrote:

I initially prepared the 10 magnitudes for Australian Mammals according to your formula but thought that the result was a bit light on and boring because the scientific information took up 5 magnitudes. I have therefore based my POIs on a combination of your mammals formulas and the “Formula for the creation of reptile magnitudes” from page 167 of “How To Give Your Baby Encyclopedic Knowledge” by Doman/Aisen. I hope this OK with you.

Also I have found that the pictures (BOIs) that I use in the files I download to Little Reader are the best I can find that I am able to share, not the pictures that I use privately with my children. I encourage everyone to search for and add their own excellent quality and discrete (that is, having one subject/item only with no background etc) BOIs.

I would welcome any further tips you have and feedback on my first file.

Thank you again,


Thanks Mum, I am familiar with the reptile cards and I know what you mean about the cards being a bit light by giving each category of the naming it’s own magnitude. I recently made some predator cards and had other info I was dying to add, but didn’t have room. So I think that using a different template is very reasonable although the 10th magnitude might be a mouthful. Would you mind posting the template you used? Thanks again.

Hi Linzy, the template is simply:

Division: Biology
Category: Mammals
Set: Australian Mammals
Bit of Intelligence: Name

  1. Where they live
  2. What do they eat
  3. What is an outstanding characteristic
  4. What is the number one enemy of these animals
  5. Size information
  6. Information on reproduction or young
  7. Anatomical or interesting feature
  8. Anatomical or interesting feature
  9. Anatomical or interesting feature
  10. What is the phylum of these animals
    What is the class of these animals
    What is the order of these animals
    What is the family of these animals
    What is the genus of these animals
    What is the species of these animals

I had the same concern about the 10th magnitude but thought that if it is used for reptiles there would be no harm using it for mammals.

I agree, I think you are missing a lot of interesting info otherwise. Plus it would be boring to go through 5 cards and just say the _____ is from the class mammalia 5 times.

Hi linzy!

I was thinking of doing history POIs for my own children (we’re going through U.S. history at the moment). I don’t know how this fits into what is expected in the Doman method. (I haven’t read the book, although I’ve put it on interlibrary loan, and hope it will come soon). And the topics I will be covering will range from historical figures to events and inventions. If this doesn’t fit in with your program, I can just upload it into the Little Reader Library. I’m also a little worried about the every week commitment. What happens if I can only do once everyother week? :blink: And how long of a commitment would it be?

I was also wondering if it would be okay to have a Bible or Religion category. TABS’ Bible Characters could fit under that, and I was hoping to do some POIs on the books of the Bible.

Just some questions and ideas. If they don’t fit here, that is fine. Thanks for all that you do! :slight_smile:

Hi THen!
We’d love to have you as part of the group. As of right now no one is signed up for History and your ideas fit in perfectly with what Doman describes in his book.

As far as the every week commitment I think it just helps people to have a deadline or commitment to stay motivated and so as not to put things off. Also, if we can get files for each category uploaded semi-regularly then you would always have fresh material to teach your child and could cover all of the divisions.

I hope you will find five cards a week doable, however, if you are not able to do every week I think that any contribution you could make wold be appreciated. I know next week I will be out of town and will be without internet access so I will be unable to upload my file. Why don’t I put you down for the history category for now and you can see how it works for you?

We could create a separate Bible category, I was thinking that a lot of the Bible stuff falls into history. But if people would like a separate category that is a possibility too. TABS should I put you down for a Bible category?

Geography - Linzy
Literature -Tatianna
Science - Texaslady
Biology - Mum
Music - Heath
Human Physiology - Nbailey
History - THen?
Bible - TABS?

Thanks linzy!

I’ll start working on the history POIs. :slight_smile: I know with other topics there were templates. Is there a template for history? I’m happy to come up with 10 things I think are important (and that we covered in our studies), but if other things are expected, I would like to know.

Thanks again!

In the book the only history formula they give is for presidents. But they do give some suggested categories just to get you going. It sounds like you already have ideas. But here they are:

Great Leaders
Great Inventors
Great Scientists
Great Explorers
Presidents of the United States
Famous Battles
Monarchs of Great Britain
American Indians
Founding Fathers of the United States
Prehistoric Man

If you have one in particular you are thinking about I’d be happy to help you brainstorm magnitude ideas.

For historical figures some ideas compiled from Doman’s book would be(feel free to pick and choose 10 of them or add/make-up your own):

What was this person (occupation)
Where and when was this person born
In what kind of environment was this person raised
A fact about the persons youth
Did this person have a family and who were they
Where did this person spend most of thier life
What was the first major/most significant contribution of this person in their field and when was it done
What was the scope of this persons work
How was this person regarded by his contemporaries
What is a good overall generalization of the accomplishments of this person
A fact about this persons participation/contributions in historical events

Good luck!
The date/circumstance of the persons death


Here’s another music file for this week.


It’s wonderful to see how this group is growing. Thanks to everyone for contributing.

Okay I’ve got mine up for this week. It is States (Montana to New Jersey) with POIs. I won’t be able to get up my file next week as I will be out of town without my computer. Sorry.

Here is the link to this weeks though:


I was working on my history POIs, then I got the How to Teach your Child Encyclopedic Knowledge book (thanks to interlibrary loan :slight_smile: ). Well, now I better understand the idea of divisions and categories. (Each division is to have 10 categories and each category has 10 bits of intelligence that are arranged in 10 magnitudes)

So, I am in the Hisotry division (and mostly U.S. Hisotry right now) , but I have not come up with 10 categoreis (although I have organized my information to have 10 bits of intelligence). I was thinking of going chronologically, instead of categorically through hisotry. Is that going to be a problem? Should I rearrange it to be in categories, although they will jump from one time to another? (Hisotry is so much like a story that it seems strange to me to go back in forth in time.)

I was planning on the following 5 cards for this week:

Prince Henry the Navigator
Christopher Columbus
Ferdinand Magellan
The Spanish Explorers (Includes 6 explorers)
Explorers of Northern America (Includes 3 explorers)

They all happen to cover explorers, I suppose, but soon I will be going into pilgrims (not really explorers), and the Masechussets Baby Colony and such. (I’m basically following the Veritas Press history outline.)

Please let me know what you think, and I will try to work with that.
(I thought I was done with this weeks, but then I picked up the book and I’m thinking I may have a little more work to do. :wink: )

I think this is what I will do for now. Can I start with Explorers who Discovered America Category? I’ll hone it down to 10 people. I know there are explorers who come later (like Lewis & Clark), I will do them later, perhaps in a different category. I’ll have to figure out the other things, though. I still like chronological… :rolleyes:

Alright, here is my first try at it. Please let me know what you think. I would appreciate the feedback. :slight_smile:
Here is the link to the download once it is approved:


Really good file. The facts were very interesting. I’m glad you were able to get the book. It explains so much better than I could. The only changes i would make to the files are:

  1. For the Columbus slide I would just have a picture of Columbus, since a child looking at the slide would not know exactly what Christopher Columbus was.

  2. Magnitude 9 on the Magellan card is a little confusing since you could be be teaching magnitude 9 several months later than magnitude 6. Thus, you child might not know to what you are referring. Perhaps better would be: 9. Of the ships on which Ferdinand Magellan set sail in 1519 only one returned back to Spain. This ship returned three years later, in 1522, after circumnavigating (going all the way around) the earth. (or something which anchors the point you are making)

  3. The same general point for magnitude 7 for Pizarro, it seems like it could maybe be combined with magnitude 6 or reworded in a way that it makes sense when taught at a different time than magnitude 6

Other than those little points of feedback they were really good. They seem like they would make good mini-books with one about each explorer.

Thank you for the feedback linzy! :slight_smile:

I will work on the things you mentioned. :slight_smile: Thanks for taking the time to look at it.

Sorry guys! I am having issues with my laptop so I was not able to post the music file. Once I get it fixed I will post last weeks and this weeks file.

No problem Heath.

I was just checking to see if this was working now. I don’t know if you guys noticed but for the last few posts the thread wasn’t being added to the recent threads list, and I wasnted to see if it was now.

…I guess it is now. Yay.

Hi Linzy,

I have been trying to get a set magnitude for the Bible Characters but am finding it quite challenging. Some have hardly any information and others it’s so much you aren’t sure where to start. I kind of feel it would be sad to miss out some of the information, but am also finding it hard to tie together. Could I ask for some tips?



Hi Y’all!

Here is my second set of 5 explorers. Here is the link once it is approved. Please let me know if I need to change anything. Thanks! :smiley:



I’m so excited you are working on Bible Characters! :biggrin:

I gave it a little thought, and I would put in magnitudes like:

What book/books of the Bible the person is mentioned.
A key verse about this person.
Geographic locations where the person spent time.
Who were the person’s parents
What tribe of Israel the person was from.
Was the person a prophet, priest, king …
What the person was known for?
Some interesting fact about this person (okay, I’d just do a few magnitudes of this. I find this to be the most fun part)
Circumstances of this person’s death.

These are just suggestions. I’m sure you have great ideas, too!

:slight_smile: THen