Encyclopedic Knowledge-Weekly collaboration group

Yes, or you could do a power point like Texasmom does either way should be able to print so it ends up looking the same. Also, don’t forget to include the pictures. If you have any questions just look at one of the other files that have been uploaded for the format, and if you have other questions just let me know, and if you have trouble getting it done this week that’s okay. I know a lot of people are busy because of the holidays and you are starting later in the week. So if you get it done this week wonderful. If not don’t sweat it too much.

Okay, I just posted mine for this week. It is “States (Kansas to Maryland)” with POIs. Still waiting approval. http://forum.brillkids.com/downloads/?sa=view;id=3333

I’ll just stick with the states until I finish them. 20 down, 30 to go. Seems kind of daunting when you think of it like that.

Hi, Sorry gals!!! won’t be able to start this week. House is filled with family and friends. Linzy, I will take your advice and not stress out this week. I will have the file ready by next saturday.

Sounds good. The first ones take the most time anyway as you are still getting used to the format. We’ll look forward to your files next week. Merry Christmas.

Ohoo… I completed my first file on music instrumets. It has to be approved. Let me know if any changes have to be made.

Hallo, everyone! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to all! :smiley:
This group sounds great! I’d love to join!
I have previously added some of the PPS presentations of famous artists, so anyone interested, you are welcome to check them out. I am also in the prosess of making new categories for cities of the world, I guess that could be under geography. Please, let me know how else I could contribute.
regards to all, leana

Leana, all you have to do is choose a category which hasn’t been chosen yet and then create 5 Bits this week which have 10 programs of intelligence on the back of each (see links above for examples). We’d love to have you. Let us know what category you are interested in. Mathematics, Art, Literature and Language are available (assuming Heath wants to stay with instruments for next week, let me know is that’s not the case).

These are what people have signed up for so far:
Geography - Linzy
Science - Texaslady
Biology - Mum
Music - Heath
Human Physiology - Nbailey
History - Tatianna

Heath, Wow really great file. The only recommendation I have for you is to include the name of the instrument in each magnitude. For instance instead of “It was developed in Europe” you could write “The trombone was developed in Europe”. That way when you are only reading that magnitude you are reinforcing to your child what the name of the instrument is. Remember, you will only be reading one magnitude at a time as you are teaching. Also the mellophone magnitude 7 was a little confusing to me, maybe if you said why it was particularly important it would be more clear. The only other thing I would do in future files is try to keep the magnitudes short, however I know when you have interesting info that can be really hard and I have the same problem (so that is something to shoot for, but not imperative). Thanks for the file, do you want to keep doing instruments or change to something else?

Here is the link to Heath’s file:

Thank you Linzy for taking time to check out my file and for giving me all the tips. I will modify my file and will try to be short from next time. As you said it is hard to be short. I will continue to do the instruments.

In the meantime I uploaded a POI on Presidents of United States. I hope I am not stepping on somebody’s toes. I had this half finished file even before this group started. But, the information was not in an order. After doing the Music instruments file, I got some experience in making POI’s, so I started modifying it. Right before posting it I saw Linzy’s comments so I took some more time and redid most of the stuff.

This Doc contains the first five Presidents of the US. Here’s the link

Here’s the link to my second file of Presidents of US 6 to 10.


Heath these are really good, thank you so much. I haven’t seen anyone else doing encyclopedic knowledge for presidents so I don’t think you are stepping on anyone’s toes. In fact I’m sure other parents are just as happy as I am to have more well researched material to share with their children. Thank you so much for your contributions. I’m so excited at how we have managed to get so many files already in such a short time since we’ve started.

I have my file up for this week it is States (Massachusetts to Missouri) with POIs. Here is the link:

I see Texas Mom’s second set of periodic elements part II is up too:

Hallo, everyone! Happy holidays again! :smiley: Sorry was very busy these days! Well, I guess, I could do art or languages, whichever, you think is more urgent. But I would really appreciate if you would give me an idea also from where to start, as I don’t have much experience in teaching POIs yet.
regards, leana

Well, you could do whichever one you would be more interested in persuing. You could just try one for this week and then next wek you can change if you’d like.
For art what you can do is choose an artist and then take 5 of his or her works and for each one fill in the blanks on this template. This is my absolutely favorite website for doing this (http://www.wga.hu/) you can search by artist and they will show all of their works. You can then click to see beautiful enlarged copies of the work as well as essays detailing information about the piece. Then you just create a document (see some of the previous uploads for examples) and copy and paste the picture on one page followed/preceeded by the programs of intelligence.
Here is a sample:

Division: Art
Category: Great Art Masterpieces
Set: Great Art Masterpieces of Name of Artist
Bit of Intelligence: Name of Masterpiece
1st Magnitude: The _________ was painted by ___________.
2nd Magnitude: The ________ was painted in ___________(location).
3rd Magnitude: What type of work is it.
4th Magnitude: The subject of the work.
5th Magnitude: Some details of the work.
6th Magnitude: When the work was done/how long it took to complete.
7th Magnitude: What technique was used.
8th Magnitude: An anecdote about the work.
9th Magnitude: Where is the work today.
10th Magnitude: Some information about the artist.

You could also create bits on different artists although that might fall more into history than art.

For language, I believe, (I’m at work now and can’t consult my book to check) that what you do is choose a category (like fruit, things around the house, family members…) and then each bit is an item (like an apple). Then for the 10 divisions of knowledge you list how to say the word in 10 diferent languages (i.e. English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Japanese…) But, I have never made cards in that category, so I am just speculating from distant memory. Maybe someone else knows for sure, or I can confirm when I get home tomorrow.

If you have any other questions let me know.

Some ideas for artists might include, Van Gogh, Soren Emil Carlsen, James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Jan Van Eyck, Joseph Mallord William Turner, Georges Seurat, Johannes Vermeer, Jacques-Louis David, Mary Stevenson Cassatt, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Gustave Caillebotte, Sandro Botticelli, Holbein, Durer, Rembrandt, Cezanne, Picasso or any other favorites you might have.

I just uploaded another file it is Mammalian Predators with POIs. In includes African Lion, Grizzly Bear, Killer Whale, Polar Bear and Cheetah. Here is the link:

Here are my other US Presidents POI’s. This completes all the Presidents


Hi Linzy,

I’ve been following this link in awe… You guys are doing a wonderful job.

I was wondering if the is a set sequence for bible literature? Bible Characters for example?

Thanks TABS

Ps. Karma to you all…

Lean, Thank you for joining this group. The first one will take couple of hours after that you will be a pro. Looking forward for your files

All the best.

hi everyone
i was working on presidents of the us
but i think that’s already done now
karma to you heath for your work
so i think i will move to lit instead
is that okay with everyone?