Daily Schedule for Reading

Dear Joha,

Thank you! Since I had already created my own personal schedule, I just used it in it’s original form to enter my sets and did not check the modified version. So, I am happy that you caught it and corrected it! Thank you very much! I will make sure to check my version and adjust it.

And where is MTB999? or anyone else proficient with Excel and Powerpoint? I desperately need help in the following thread, please!


Thanks again!
Ayesha :slight_smile:

Dear Ayesha,

I would be more than happy to review that post later today to se if I can help you figure out a solution. :yes:

Would you mind if we post the corrected sheet under the activity sheets tab for easier access to people?

Please let me know.

I’ll be in contact with you later regarding the other excel spreedsheet. :slight_smile:

Dear Joha,

Sure - post it where you feel it is best. And I will keep working on trying to understand the other excel spreadsheet. It is giving me a huge headache! I have the exact same feelings I had right before I figured out how to create the Daily Sets Schedule - so I know I am close.

Ayesha :slight_smile:

Ok, here it is. I couldn’t post it in the free downloads because they don’t support Excel files. This file also has a filter so people that are following other teaching programs besides Doman’s could find a specific word in the list easily. That way later on if you are not sure if you already tought a word you could find it easily instead of going through the whole list. :wink: The instruction on how the filter works is in the instructions tab.

I’m actually working on having it find the words in the list of YBCR so that way you don’t duplicate the words, but I’m still working on a couple of bugs. :confused: I’ll let you know as soon as I figure it out.

Thank you so much for the schedule. It definetly will help me to organize our sessions. I have a question though, are these five sets supposed to be just with flash cards and then you do some separetly in LR? What do most people do?

I just wanted to give an update since I started this post…

We started using the speedsheet that Ayesha had created, but after we started retiring the words it didn’t quite work for us :frowning: We had two issues:

  1. We ended up having word mixed of different categories and it didn’t feel right.

  2. It was hard to track which words we hadn’t shown 15 times because some days we could show all the sets the three times because she didn’t feel like it :closedeyes:

We decided to do sets by categories that way we may be able to manage the words much better and track the times shown much easier. After the 15 times we will just retire the whole set. We really wanted to follow Doman’s method, but it just didn’t quite work for us. At least not so far :nowink:

If anyone has any suggestions for our concerns so we make it work, they are welcome ! :yes:

Dear Joha,

Hmmm - how were you showing sets? Printed flashcards or in LR?

  • Ayesha

Well actually I was doing both. Family words I was doing in LR and the rest in printed FC.

Dear Joha,

So are you using categories as a schedule, instead of a organization/brainstorming tool to generate words - is that right?

  • Ayesha

Dear Ayesha,

That is what I’m thinking about doing because of the two issues I exposed before. How do you handle these two issues when using the excel sheet? :confused:

Dear Joha,

I created the original excel spreadsheet to help me set up “categories” as a daily set schedule in LR.

So, in “Categories” I created a folder named “Doman Daily Words”. And then I set up additional categories in the folder, with the name of Day 1 Set 1, Day 1 Set 2, Day 1 Set 3, etc. through the end of Day 44 - or whatever it is.

I then set up playlists for Doman Words Day 1 (with categories Day 1 Set 1, Day 1 Set 2, Day 1 Set 3, Day 1 Set 4, Day 1 Set 5), Day 2 (with categories Day 2 Set 1 . . etc.)

The excel spreadsheet is my planning tool for LR scheduled daily sets and also I can print it out and write the date next to each “Day #” to stay on track.

It is a computer version of the Doman paper flashcards using LR.

That is what I am doing although I do know that some people set up sets of 5 cards and retire the whole set/category.

I takes some time to enter everything - but I am only using words and it is still less time consuming than making hand written cards and less expensive than printing and/or laminating also.

I am now laboring over making the Classical/Qur’anic Arabic jpegs and audio clips to be uploaded into LR and then I have to set up the same schedule again :ohmy:. However, if I did it once with English - then I can do it with Arabic and once it is completed, then the couplets/phrases/sentences are so much easier and faster because it is about half the work that the individual words has been.

  • Ayesha :mellow:


I think we are going to try the sets by category to see how it goes, that way we can also manage a little bit easier the second issue. Also, I think it would be much easier follow it for a second or third language.

Thank you so much for your time. Your comments are very helpful. :smiley:

PS. Let me know what you decided about the other spreed sheet with powerpoint.

Dear Joha,

Your welcome. Everyone has to figure out what works best for them.

And about the other spreadsheet - :wacko: - I have not decided yet. I will use LR for myself - but I am more concerned with many other people who will want the Classical Arabic via Doman style who have only .ppt. So, I will decide later because I am in the middle of other production issues for the time being. :blush:

Ayesha :wink:

apologies about the error on the .xls file :blush: Joha thanks for detecting it and correcting my mistake!!

This schedule has made my life so much easier thank you again!

Not worries :smiley: Computers are a blessing, but sometimes they just decide to act up :wink:

Dear Ayesha,Thank you for sharing your word list with us. When I saw your schedule I understood that I am doing wrong. But don’t know how big mistake I have done. I am showing 15-20 words at a time and at least 3 times a day for 5-7 days and I change all the words:S Do you think I have wasted my son’s time untill now, and do you think is it heavy for him. But he looks so confortable during the sessions, he wants more when I finish showing tehn I show again untill he loses his attention. Could anyone tell me if this is completely wrong, should I do as you do Ayesha? And Ayesha if you sent me your other list I would be very happy. Thank you bye.


What you are doing is totally fine. I started following the Daily Reading Schedule and it didn’t work for me. I started to do categories. I show each set 15 times and then I retire the whole set. I created a different spreedsheet where I include the dates I show the sets so I can keep track of hom many times I have show a word. For different circumstances, sometimes I do not get time to show her the set three times in a day. That is why I decided to do that.

Now, regarding showing the cards to you child until he loses attention is a different story. What is recommened by Doman is to show the set once and hopefully you are done bfore you baby loses interested. It is great when you finish and they want more and as temptimg it could be you should try to stop then.

This is just my humble opinion. Someone else may think something different.

You are doing great! :yes:

Dear Esra & Everyone,

If you are following Doman’s method, then they recommend the schedule as seen in the excel spreadsheet.

As I have repeatedly stated - the “categories” are only an organizational tool for brainstorming/creating your 200 word list - and categories are not necessary to follow when teaching the words because they get all mixed up, therefore categories are irrelevant when flashing the cards. It makes the parents feel better to be organized - but in reality, the child does not know the difference nor do they know enough to even care at this point. It is about teaching them to read - then later they will learn to categorize similar information once they have learned enough.

That is where the Encyclopedic Knowledge sets are organized and does seem to make a difference - but not for teaching reading, in my humble opinion.

  • Ayesha


Have you created an Excel spreadsheet to work with your schedule? I am new to all of this . . . I’m a working mom, so I need to come up with a modified schedule. There’s no way I can show 5 sets of 5 words 3 times per EVENING (it could work on my days off). Anyone with any suggestions? (sorry if this answer is posted elsewhere.) And, I agree with Ayesha–I’m all for organizing ahead of time, then cruising on auto-pilot! Thanks for everyone sharing!