Daily Schedule for Reading


I did created a very simple spreedsheet where I record the dates, so I know when I’m done with the 15 times. It is a little bit messy because I have to track teachings in English, Spanish, Mandarin and German, but I would be more than happy to send it to you :yes: Just let me know.

Hi Ayesha Nicole,
Can you please tell me about couplets cards please!
Thanks a million :slight_smile:

Hello, I´d like to know if u can help me with the following question: How long could I teach my daughter the initial words if she is 3 years old? because I read in Doman´s book that in this age we can´t be too late to start the couple words… so, is there an amount of words taught and change the stage? I´m in doubt… Thanks a lot.

Dear Everyone,

Sorry for the late replies.

MamaDoc - you could show the sets twice per day - once in the morning and once in the evening. Or have your sitter/nanny show them if they are in your home. It is just a few minutes per day.

Joha - I was curious why there were 10 extra words (210 instead of 200) added to the excel spreadsheet? Also, it seems that some of the cells were off. I will upload an amended version soon.

Ayana - couplets are when you introduce two of the single words together. Have you read “How to Teach Your Baby to Read, 40th Anniversary Edition”? It is in there.

MariMari - the initial words for a 3 year old is a good question. Did you contact the Institutes and ask? If it were me, I would start off with 100 words which would take 25 days to cycle through with 5 sets of 5 words @ 3x/day.


Dear Everyone,

Please find attached the most updated version of the Doman Reading schedule to amend the previous ones that MTB999 and Joha contributed to.

I also included a place for recording the date/times that you show each session.

Please let me know of any questions you may have or any corrections that need to be made.

Ayesha :slight_smile:

P.S. I also plan to upload updated versions to include a schedule for Doman Step 02 Couplets; Step 03 Phrases, Step 04 Sentences, Step 05 Books as I complete them.

Dear Everyone,

Please find attached the updated schedule for Doman Steps 01 - 03, that I based on Judy Mendes original schedule (Reply #24 > http://forum.brillkids.com/introduce-yourself/hello-everyone-from-judy-mendes/15/ ) and automated by MTB999 and Joha.

  • Ayesha

Hi, please share your experience (and your opinion). First I did exactly as doman says, i.e. 5 sets of 5 words, each set 3 times a day. I did so for a month, and then I had to change this schedule because I started workinh and didn’t have enough time to make and show cards. So I ended up by showing two sets of 10 cards two times a day (one set in the morning, the other one in the evening, or when I have more spare time I do it 4 times a day). I show each card at least 15 times, then I retire the oldest card and add a new one. We travel a lot, so there’re days when I don’t show cards at all. It’s a much slower pace than the one recommended by Doman. I’ve been doing this way for about 7 m0nths (my daughter is 1 year old). I wonder if there can be any success with this sort of schedule. My kid watches the cards with due attention, but I’m not sure that it works. She doesn’t seem to recognize the words. For example, she adores horses. I show her the word “horse” but it doesn’t seem to arouse any associations with a real horse. Only when I say the word, she turns to the wall pointing at the picture of a horse and starts clucking her tongue imitating the horse. The same is with other words. She can only recognize the words when she hears them, but not when she reads them. Do you think it’s because I’m not sticking to Doman’s recommended schedule?

Dear Anahitas,

Perhaps your child’s expressive language is not fully developed yet - and it is obvious that she learning, even if she is unable to vocalize the words. Have you asked her to choose between two words to her response?

And I believe that the program is about consistency - it is better to show one set of 5 cards, three times a day or even twice a day, on a consistent schedule, than sporadically.

I use LR software, even though I have materials for making the posterboard flashcards. The only cards that I print out are for the Classical Arabic program I am teaching. I am about to begin couplets and will probably start making cards for the couplets/phrases or just print them.

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

Dear Ayesha,
Thanks a lot for your reply. Yes, I’ve asked her to choose between two words and she guessed right most of the time, though there were mistakes too. What do you think: if I show 10 cards instead of 5 consistently three times a day, is it okay? I see that she’s able to concentrate on 10 cards. Since I have less sessions during the day, I’ve increased the number of cards.

Is LR software more convenient for parents than posterboard flashcards or more efficient for kids? or both?

I use power point flashcards with words followed by corresponding pics for teaching English. And handmade cards only with words for Russian which is our mother tongue.

Dear Anahistas,

Sure. Anything I can do to help.

I believe that you know your child best and what you think works is what you should do. My point was about consistency, not necessarily quantity. The number of sessions depend on your schedule. I usually get two - three sessions per day. And ocassionally only one.

I like LR because it is easy for me. And I can print out the cards that I want. I also don’t really like my handwriting and get stuck from perfectionist ideals when trying to make the cards. So, LR is more efficient for me, personally. My children also love LR. So, I think it is both. It is efficient for the parents and fun for the children.

And have you seen the Russian .ppt at ChildandMe.com?



~ Ayesha :slight_smile:

HI Everyone! First of all THANK YOU for all your questions and responses.
I live in Argentina and I found out about Doman’s method from a friend long before I had my baby… I’ve been trying to get his books but they don’t sell them here anymore :frowning: so I have a couple of questions about the method.
When you retire a word from a set, do you ever show it again? How do I “check” if my baby is learning something? He is 20 months, I haven’t started anything cause I’m not sure how to do it, but I’m very motivated by your stories and ideas.
thank u again! gracias!

Dear Anyta84,

You can order the book from the website:


As far as retiring the words, some would be shown again when you combine them for couplets; it takes 44 days to go through 200 words; and 29 days to go through 50 couplets, based on the Doman schedule.

You can present two word cards to your child and ask where is “cat”? and if they choose the wrong card, you respond by saying,“This is the word dog. Where is the word cat?” And they will choose the correct card. And you always give praise and positive reinforcement, even if they choose the wrong card.

My girls are on couplets, and I will go through the 200 word list every few days as a reminder to them - and they will read most of them to me.

Please let us know how we can help you.

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

i am planning to buy LR & LM for my 19 year old. how much time do you think i will have to put up with him for the same? also is internet required throughout?

It will take just 5 min, actually lesser than that!!
Thers is no need of internet connection.Connection is needed only for installation…

Dear MTB999,

I am working on this spreadsheet and modified it many times for the various lessons in a Qur’anic/Classical Arabic program I am teaching my children. I have always been able to to copy/paste the formula “=$E$28” and change it to what i need it to be for the last column of words on the right hand side. And now it will not display the corresponding word in the cell location of E28? I also copied/pasted the format of the other cells that it is working in and am stumped. Any ideas?

Ayesha :confused:

P.S. I just figured it out - the number format changed from “general” to “text” and was displaying whatever was typed there. :rolleyes: I am leaving this in case anyone else has problems with it as well, and they will know how to fix it.