Daily Schedule for Reading

Does anybody have created a excel sheet for a daily reading schedule? If so, would you be willing to share it? I’m still very confused about the whole retiring flash cards method and thought that a schedule may help, but I do not know how to put it together since I do not quite understand the concept.


Dear Joha & Everyone,

I created one that you will find attached. Just make sure that your word list row numbers in Column A corresponds with the daily schedule/sets. I created this a few weeks ago and found a few mistakes that I have since corrected. I will upload the final version once I have completed entering it into LR. Also, the extra words at the bottom are additional words that I will introduce later or they could be substituted for the original 200 words.

In LR, I first created a category named “Doman Master Words with the 200 words” and entered them. Then, in the excel spreadhseet, “in LR” column means that I have entered that particular set as a “category” with the same corresponding name “Day 1 Set 1” with the corresponding words in it. It takes on average about 5 - 7 minutes to create 5 sets of words and I am having to work it into my daily schedule. I have paused this because I have several projects I am working on simultaneously, so I like to have a minimum per day that I work on to be consistent and realistic. Next I will create playlists for Day 1 (with the five sets of Day 1 Set 1, Day 1 Set 2, Day 1 Set 3, Day 1 Set 4, Day 1 Set 5) in it. I know there are other ways to do this - but I am curious as to how long it actually takes to follow the Doman guidelines (as compared to the YBCR program). I also wanted to figure out how set up the Doman reading method within LR in order to help others who also want to follow the Doman guidelines as closely as possible. There have been .ppt templates with this method that are more time consuming in my opinion. I like LR because it is easier to use with less production time, and has far more options than .ppt.

Please feel free to ask any questions. And I hope it helps. Later, I will create another spreadsheet schedule for each of the following steps: couplets, phrases, and sentences according to the guidelines in the Doman reading book. It is very important to me to prepare my materials in advance by setting up the LR Doman Daily Sets by Step #, so I can just look at the schedule printout and run LR on “autopilot” everyday.

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

Wow! :ohmy: This looks great! Thank you so much for sharing. This definetly helps. I have a couple of questions. How do you manage the date once you start retiring words? I got a little bit confused there. How did you pick the words? I just starting reading Doman’s book, so the answer may be there, but just in case.

Thanks again! :biggrin:

Dear Joha & Everyone,

This schedule is specifically for creating sets/categories and playlists within LR. The words were in part from suggestions from the book itself, and from adding my own based on things in our house that our children are familiar with. I also wanted to be able to easily form couplets/phrases/sentences later (I hope it will turn out that way - we will see). One thing I have noticed is that each set may have words beginning with the same letter and it is advised that you do not show to words consecutively that begin with the same letter. This can be avoided by paying closer attention to your words list - however, I am just working with what I have already created and made too many sets in LR to change it now. So, just be aware of it when you set up your initial word list and the sets.

And I did not want to duplicate words from the YBCR program because we use those materials daily while I learning the Doman program and LR production aspects. One of the other projects I am working on is making a spreadsheet with all the materials from the YBCR program including transcribing the voiceovers/audio part of the DVDs. This way I can use the materials that they girls see/hear daily to make couplets/phrases/sentences in LR. There are many written words in YBCR and some couplets/phrases/sentences - as well as a lot of audio/voiceover phrases/sentences that I want my girls to read visually also. I will upload that once it is done - which will take some more time.

Once you read the book and Chapter 7 in particular, it will make more sense. I am using LR and not printing the flashcards out because of the cost of printer ink. In the meantime, I am using the YBCR materials for hands-on interactions with my children.

Some parents either hand make 200 flashcards or print them out, and you have to put the introduction date on the back of each one so that you know which word is the oldest in each set in order to retire it. Or alternatively, you could use a numbering/lettering system if you don’t want to put the actual calender date - just a simple sequential system that helps you know which words are oldest. Especially because each time you show a set, you have to shuffle it so they do not appear in the same order. LR has this feature or you can show the sets in a set order if you want. I enter them in LR in a set order and then in the playback, they are shown randomly/shuffled.

As far as the spreadsheet goes, I will print it out as my guideline and pencil in a date for each “Daily Set” so I know what to show on each day, and then in LR, I will retire the set into a folder named “Retire Daily Word Sets” so that I can keep it straight. I named each set by Day # Set # so that I or others using it are not bound to a calender date but can add that to the spreadsheet as a scheduling tool.

Poster/paper flashcards are made with 5 sets of 5 words and show them for 5 days and begin to retire a word/introduce a new word each day beginning the 6th day. I understood the concept, and wanted to “see it” struggled for sometime before I was able to put it in a spreadsheet. I was amazed to see that it only takes 45 days for 200 words! as compared to YBCR system. And the couplets are a lot less time with only 2 sets of 5 couplets per day and retire one couplet per set after the 5 day (or less) for an unspecified time - I will probably do this for one month and use 40 couplets. And then the same for phrases, sentences, etc.

I hope this makes sense. Please feel free to ask for further clarification or other questions and I will be more than happy to help you to the best of my ability.

  • Ayesha :smiley:

Dear Everyone,

I had to correct the sequential numbering of days in the spreadsheet in which I had unintentionally left out day 36 and had to renumber them correctly. I re-uploaded to it the first post in this thread.

Also, I am using words only in LR for this - the items are in our house and I find it unnecessary to add the pictures in LR also. It is a time saver!

When I get to the couplets + stage/s, I may add pictures for colors, or specific items, by using what is in the LR picture library already. We will see, as it is always evolving.

  • Ayesha

Thanks for that Ayesha

I have just down loaded it, When I see it on the excel sheet it makes so much sense!


Hi guys,
I am thinking to buy the little reader program for my 13 months old baby. I will like to know your experience? Does it work with your kids? Does it fun for them?How long of concentration they have to be able to join the activities? Is it easy to you? I MEAN IS IT WORTH IT?
Thanks a lot

Thanks Ayesha - greatly appreciated to get ideas on how to introduce words.

Do we need to wait for 200 words before introducing couplets? Doman doesn’t specify how many words to show before introducing couplets.

Should we keep showing single words - if we don’t - how will the child continue to learn how to read?

Thanks for your advice!

Hi PY,

Yes, LR is worth your money. I bought LR and LM together. And it makes my preparation easier.
My toddler loves it. :biggrin:

Hi mtb99,

I show my toddler couplets even if we still doing single words. I use the retired single words to make couplets.
And I still show him single words to increase his vocabulary. And then eventually will use it for the couplets.

Dear Kimba, PY, MTB999, JemJem, & Everyone,

Glad it is helpful. :slight_smile:

PY - YES! it is worth it! The sessions are very short and repeated throughout the day. I usually show it after meals when they are strapped in their highchairs and my laptop is in the kitchen. When you stop before they want you to stop, it keeps them yearning for more learning :). LR/LM are easy to use and saves time and money in material preparation, and both programs have printing capabilties.

Have you read the Doman Reading/Math/Encylopedic Knowledge books? The time involved for material preparation is more than you realize and ulimately frustrating because the children learn faster than you can prepare materials! LR/LM help with this tremendously! Plus - you can download materials that other parents have created/uploaded here which saves even more time!

My girls LOVE LR/LM and always ask for “MORE!, MORE!”. :yes:

The features are explained here:

And MTB999 - the guidelines in the book are ~200 words to begin with before introducing couplets, with using retired words to form them and in the other steps. Also, for children 18+ months, the DVD lecture emphasized going from words to books (5 sentences) as soon as possible. And some parents even use a book to extract the various steps from it, which is how the IAHP Reading Kit is created. We use YBCR while I am setting this up in LR for English/Arabic (classical & modern standard versions).

I will continue to introduce more words later and am unsure if you start the cycle again from steps 1 - 5, or just introduce words and then include them in the context of books/stories/etc. I think it is the latter, does anyone know for sure?

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

i have downloaded your schedule. thats great.you always makes things easier :laugh:

Thank you very much. The process is much more clear! :slight_smile:

Dear Zaku & PurpleFungi,

Your welcome. :slight_smile: Just make sure you type the correct words in the corresponding daily schedule/set!

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

You’re awesome! :slight_smile:

Hi Ayesha,

Thanks for the info re: 200 words. I did skim through my book before posting, but may have missed it - or perhaps it’s in the DVD? It seemed that you intoduced couplets after colours which was at 50 or so words, but it makes sense to introduce more words first!!

I have modified your spread sheet so that parents can put their own words in the word column and it will translate to groups of words to show your child - with the addition of new words once the first 5 days have elapsed. Is it OK if I upload it to the website?

Thanks again for sharing!


Dear MTB999,

As I understand it, Chapter 7 guidelines suggest that you show couplets by combining two retired words together. And in order to do so, you have to introduce new sets of words such as colors and opposits in order to form the couplets. It is also emphasized in the book (under subsection: Materials Preparation), in the DVD, and when I phoned IAHP, that parents prepare materials well in advance (1 month minimum) and that a total of ~200 words are needed (book: materials preparation). I believe the reason is so that you can move from one step to the next easily and seamlessly - and most important - JOYOUSLY!. If you don’t have the materials prepared - you begin to get stressed out and it is counterproductive to teaching joyously.

Since I want to be able to run on “autopilot” everyday with the girls Doman programs - I had to have a schedule and I wanted to see how it evolves. My schedule is based in part on Mrs. Judy Mendes schedule, and another similar schedule for .ppt templates based on the Doman method. And I adapted it for Little Reader.

This spreadsheet is a planning tool meant to be customized - and I am sure there are improvements that can be made to it. I would have been more careful with the order of the words so that a word with the same letter does not follow one another. However, for me - I first learned of the Doman method in December 2008 and when I finally got it on paper - I just ran with it. I want to get my girls reading books as soon as possible!

I have since begun a daily schedule spreadsheet for couplets/phrases/sentences as well and will upload them as I complete them. I will be sure to include the “guidelines” and examples as mentioned in the book, as a quick reference also.

Feel free to upload your adaptation for the rest of us to benefit from. And if you don’t mind, may I incorporate aspects of it in my spreadsheets?

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

P.S. I added a worksheet with the examples listed in the Doman book.

Here’s the modified excel spreadsheet which will allow parents to put their own words into the spreadsheet and it will automatically fill in the sets, add new words and retire old words.

Dear MTB999,

WOW! EXCELLENT! :yes: And how did you set this up, please?

Because it seems to be a huge timesaver! And in fact, now that I am thinking about it - where were you when I first created the spreadsheet, working all night to key in the words for the daily sets? :mad:

I want to learn how to do this, please!

Ayesha :slight_smile:

Wow! I have to second Ayesha. MTB999 you are a excel genius. Karma to you!