Daily Schedule for Reading

Yes, Karma to you excel goddess! :slight_smile:


It is actually very easy. You only need to put the equal (=) sign in the cell you want the information to be copied (let’s call it cell B) and with the mouse just click on the cell that you want to copy (Let’s call it cell A) This one has the original word. Everytime you change the word in cell A it automaticly changes the word on cell B.

I hope this is clear enough.

I know the questions was not for me, but I thought I could help :smiley:

It took a little while to figure out but if you look at the excel spreadsheet cells with the words in the sets on the right they correspond to various cells in column B.

You have to type =$column letter$line number eg =$B$5 to get a direct relationship with the cell.

I found that when I typed =B5 and then cut and paste the cell 6 rows down, and one column to the left (as you would when words get deleted on your spreadsheet and new words get entered) excel will change the cell to another number.

It’s labour intensive but I thought worthwhile so that other people could benefit!! :smiley:

Dear Joha, MTB999, & Everyone,

Thank you for these tips! I know what you mean about labor intensive - and good to know everyone else can benefit from this cleverness! :yes:

I will definitely use this feature with the spreadsheets for couplets/phrases/sentences - although it will only be 40 of each which is enough for one month.

  • Ayesha :smiley:

I’m sorry I forgot the $$ signs :frowning:

I was reading another post and got a little bit confused :wacko: When you are showing the different categories, do you show them back to back or you wait a little bit of time between categories?

If I’m showing some of the infant stimulation cards and some of the math dots, are these part of the categories or is each program supposed to be different?


Dear Joha & Everyone,

I am intepreting your questions in several different ways and hopefully the answer will be found below.

For me personally, I do not show “categories of words”. In LR, I set up “categories” of Day 1 Set 1, etc. with words in it and playlists for Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 - as a schedule.

And in my humble opinion, the categories are an organizational tool that seem to have taken a life of their own. I think it began from Doman’s book where there are examples of words listed by category - which is meant for explanatory purposes. Yet in reality, when you create your materials, 200 words, it does not really matter which category is shown when.

Now, perhaps with Enclyopedic Knowledge there are categories of things, which makes more sense. Although I cannot comment because I have not read the book yet.

For Little Math categories, I am learning how to use it and Shuki answered some questions that I had about setting up a schedule in LM >


And related post:

With regards to showing sets back to back and from program to program - I let my children guide me and stop before they want me to stop. I do show reading/math sets back to back - as long as they are interested and say “MORE!, MORE!”. lol I have read in the Reading book that you wait 15 minutes in between sets and that in the beginning I agree that it should be kept brief. Some others suggest 30 minutes in between sets. I do what my children like. They can go through all of the YBCR double-sided flashcards in one sitting - and they worked up to that over time.

I guess a good question is how old is your child? If they are under 12 months, I would read How Smart is Your Baby which I believe is all the programs for 0 - 12 months. I wish I had known about this book when my children were younger.

Also, have you seen Mrs. Judy Mendes’ schedule here for all of the Doman programs?:

Post #5

Did I answer your question? :unsure:
Ayesha :slight_smile:


Yes you did, thanks! :yes: I still want to know when you are doing the math if they are part of your 5 daily sets or how you do it.

The other questions I have is if when you are creating the slides in LR if you ALWAYS include a picture.

Thanks again for all your useful information! :smiley:

the labor -intensive work by MTB will benefit many , I’m sure - including me.

Thanks gain.

Thank you for this discussion.
Karmas to Joha, Ayesha and mtb999.
You are wonderful!

And than, if you don’t have Little Reader. :smiley: :smiley:

open powerpoint
make it in “outline”
(in the left side there are two buttons - slides and outline)

copy one row (from Allah to Salma, for example) to one powerpoint slide.

and put “enters” between the words. You will get one word per slide.

hey thats great lol thanks a lot. i have done it :yes:

I am on the verge of beginning to prepare the schedule for my kid this sure helped a lot thanks …

Thanks Ayesha & MTB999 for sharing ur work with us.

:biggrin: Thank you so very much! This is wonderfully helpful. I changed the words to go in the order of the ones my daughter is learning on her signing video’s plus family names but the schedule is the same. :biggrin:

sorry can some one explain what reading schedule is all about. For my daughter is all about her mood.
Help please! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


For my daughter is about her mood too :wink: . The schedule is a tool to help me organize the words that I’m going to show her so I have the materials I need ready. This also will help you track what you have already shown her. After a couple of hundred of words you won’t remember which words you have already shown to her. :wacko:

I hope this answer your question. Please feel free to ask any additional questions :slight_smile:

Hello everyone!

It’s me again! :biggrin: I was wondering how do you handle your schedule when you baby isn’t into flash cards that day and you were able to do let’s say only 3 out of the 5 sets you are showing that week? Or you were able to show all the sets only twice that day? I was adjusting my schedule so I can mark when she has seen the set 15 times, but I don’t know if this is right or not. Is anyone doing this? How do you do it? :confused:

Thanks again! :wink:

Dear MTB999, Ayesha and everyone,

As I was working on my daughter’s schedule in the excel sheet that Ayesha kindly shared and mtb999 formulated, I came across a small error. I think that there was a simple copying error that caused the formula to be off a bit once you start with word #16. Ex. If you look where the word #21 is supposed to show, it actually shows the word #22. Where word #25 is supposed to show it actually show #26.

I made a quick adjustment and have the adjusted worksheet here.

Thanks again to mtb999 for all the hard work - the sheet is great!

I found that as well and had I waited a couple day your file would have been fantastic. Thanks for fixing this. :biggrin:

You are welcome! :slight_smile: There is not a way to track the people that have downloaded the previous version, so hopefully people realize what is going in on and either fix it or come back and get the new file. :slight_smile: