Your kid looks like you or your hubby or Mixture????

Hi All,
Pls share ur kid looks like u /hubby/misxture.My son looks like me.I alwyaz wanted my son to look like me.



Since I have four kids, I kind of have a little bit of everything lol

Everyone says my daughter is like a mini me, right down to my blonde hair and brown eyes. So that’s kinda fun! My second son and fourth son, I think, look just like hubby. My oldest boy favors me, I think.

Three of the kids have my blonde hair, but my second son got my hubby’s dark hair. My daughter is the only one with my brown eyes. My oldest got daddy’s green eyes and the other two must have gotten their blue eyes from the grandmas.

We really have quite the mix!

My kids definately look more like their Dad.

Hi my Marcia has her father’s eyes and eyebrows but has my nose and my lips and she has her dad’s big ears ha ha ha

Thats really nice.


My son is just like his daddy - although photo’s of my husband at my son’s age are very different. He has though got my wonderful nature!!! :biggrin:

My daughter is just like her dad. Though, i really wanted her to look like me… :slight_smile:

My son look so much like my husband and nothing like me that I have had people ask me if I was really his mom and if my baby was switched at birth. I always assumed my son would look like me and my daughter (when I had one) would look like her father :smiley:

My elder boy looks just like his daddy, while my younger boy looks more like me.

Everybody says “He looks just like his daddy!”

It’s true–my son looks just like his father and acts just like me, his mother :slight_smile:

My son looks mainly like his daddy with curly hair and a little snub nose. But he has dark skin and eyes like me. And light brown hair from who knows where.

i think E is a mix of us. but mostly like her daddy.
it was a wish that my daugter look likes me.

My son is my husband’s mini-me. When I saw my hubby’s baby pic…goodness…what an uncanny resemblance! The only thing that’s obvious my baby got from me is the straight hair. Hubby’s hair is curly.

a lot of people says our baby maya looks like her father but my husbands always tells me that our daughter looks like me but only our daughter is a bit chubby… :slight_smile:

a funny thing that my pedi told me that girl will get more gene from daddy and boy get more gene from mommy which mean girl look alike to dad and boy look alike to mom.

my son looks like my husband. alot of first babies i see tend to look like their father and the second ones like the moms.

My 2 sons looks more like me .One has green / brown eyes ,the other has dark brown eyes and hair.My hubby he is blonde blue eyes and fair.My 2 grandchildren both are blonde one green eyes and the other blue.

Some will say he looks like my husband. Others will say he looks exactly like me.

Watching our familys albums, Matheo looks very much to his mother at his present age, but you will always find people that tells you that your baby looks a lot to you, to your couple or that hi has a good mixture of both. it’s a classic lol

My son looks like me and my husband. May sound strange, I think. And my twin girls (fraternal twins, not identical)…Yvonne resembles her brother and me and Hope the other twin, resembles definitely my husband!