Your kid looks like you or your hubby or Mixture????

My daughter has her fathers eyes and head shape but has my nose and mouth. Sophia has her dad’s demenour but I am hoping that she gets my left handedness

but i will see if i can add some photos and you can be the judge!

And here is a picture of my hubby and me

let me try that again lol

I think she looks most like her momma. :smiley:

My son resembles me a lot from his face. His hair is textured like mine as well. He has the body of his father. His nose resembles that of his grandma.

My first looks like my hubby
in second everybody sees differently, I think mix of my dad and hubby
third - blond version of my mom
fourth - my childhood photos :slight_smile:

my hubbys relatives would say jonas looks like her dad… my relatives would say jonas looks like her mom… hehehe! but as i look at my son i could see my eyes and my nose and my hubbys lips and ears (",) which means my son is good looking than his father! hahaha!

this is always a debate on who the child looks like! lol evrybody in the family claims that the child look like them!
its really hard to tell on issam, why don’t u guys tell me atleast i know your opinions will be unbiased :wink:
i have attached our latest pix for ur viewing, let me know who do u think issam got his looks!

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: MY Angela looks like me said hubby… :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: but when i look at here she looks like my hubby… me and my hubby look like brother and sister hehe… thats why we cant decide who she looks like… :clown: :clown: :clown:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: well, im not being biased but your son… i look at the picture closely… i couldnt say that it looks a lot like your husband… cause when i look at him his a kinda look like you too. I think its a mixture… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: nice picture…

since u said that, karma for u!!! :smiley:

My son looks exactly like my husband. He has almost all his features. I have heard he is the spittin’ image of my husband since the day he was born. I don’t mind at all. My husband is a very attractive man and I am proud to have a handsome son to match. They have a LOT of the same mannerisms as well. It is so cute to see my son do something that he doesn’t even realize he is doing it just like my husband. The one thing my son does get from me is he doesn’t like to be dirty and always has to have his hands clean. lol :clown:

my son looks likes dad. sometimes i feel so bad sometimes because people will look at my son and think am not his mother because he looks like the father. i should say we are different race.

According to my in-laws, my son look like me. According to my parents, my son look like my husband. Honestly, its neither. So I don’t know. Maybe its half. Good thing he have his own original look. I may have to go to Povich show and have him test the DNA lol I am glad he is super cutie. He is half asian-half caucasian.

My eldest looked like her dad as a youngster, with spirally hair. As she’s older and filled out more she’s more like me. My 2nd child looked like me as a youngster (similar baby pics), but at 12 I see her dad when I look at her. Son…people say “wow, he looks like his dad”, but I dont think so…I think he’ll be better looking…a real heart-throb. My 4th is similar looking to number 2, and also looks like me as a kid. (They have different dads, so it’s surprising they look so similar). Yet most people think nymber 4 is her dad all over. Unfortunately my mother has all the kids pics of me, and I have no access to them, so cant pop my kid pic up to demonstate, but will try to get number 2 and 4 up for comparison.

cant yet get 2nd daughter as kid pics, but the similarities in these photos are obvious.

they’re both beautiful.

thank you. Number 2 wants to be a supermodel, but alas I have no tall genes to have sent her way, and neither does her dads side. So that’s quite limiting in her modelling possibilities… have never been happy with the idea of her gallivanting infront of a camera in her underwear, but I guess there comes a point where you cant tell them what to do anymore. When they’re 18.

My darling daughter is a carbon copy of her Dad :slight_smile:

My son Atharv looks just like his father. :yes: