Which was your baby's first word?

Hello Everyone!

I’m a first time mother so everything is new to me. Also I have not been around many kids, so I don’t have a point of reference for many things.

I would like to know what was your baby’s first word and how old he/she was? How did you know it was actually a word?

The reason I’m asking is because my daughter has been saying mama…mama between some other sounds when she is babbling :huh: . So I’m not sure if that is a word, just a sound or what :blink:

I need some light… :frowning:

All words are sounds. She may not understand the meaning as yet but I am sure she’s is getting the phonetics of the words she hears. Which means she is learning to speak! Congradulations my ydd’s first was dada. lol

first english word was DADA and first spanish word was PATO(duck)!..not mommy :mellow: !!!

if you “don’t” count dada & mama, our little one’s 1st word was turtle, thanks to the YBCR dvds…

my Lo’s 1st word at 9 months was hello (aka heya!). I was on the phone a lot back then!

Hi Joha…

I know how you will be feeling, even I have wondered about this!! From my personal experience I can say that by babbling your child is practicing different sounds, rhythms, and intonations of speech. Unfortunately, your baby’s first words will be spoken in a foreign language-at least foreign to you!!! If you can understand what your baby means by her vocal sounds, then that’s language! She has communicated an idea to you using the sound of her voice alone. The first word the baby’s speak will be about the objects that are most important to her: the people, objects, that excite her or makes her happy. By the time your baby speaks a single word or two, she will probably understand dozens of others. I think this gap between her understanding and her ability to verbalize will continue up until she is 2 or more depending on how fast she catches up with speaking the language.

As for my child, he started off by saying Acha (father) at around 4 months but no sound…like it has gone mute…During those days I used to think what he was saying :confused: But within weeks he said “Acha” properly. So you should be happy that she has told her first word " mama" and continue talking to her. Babies catch up spoken language by listening. Also don’t worry if you don’t find a steady stream of words once your baby has spoken her first. Your child will pick up new words slowly for several more months and most probably it will be of objects visible and tangible to her.

Hope this helps,


Why wouldn’t count dada and mama?

I’m actually working on her understanding that when she says “mama” she is refering to me and that but saying it she will get my attention.

Thanks to everyone for your responses! I’m still a little bit confused. Would it be consider a word once she knows what her sound means? :wacko:

Dirk- “momma!”

My four-month-old babbles “mommmmamommmmamommmma” sometimes.

when she was still 6 mos. she’d cry and say mammma when i left the room…


That is the way my daughter does. So do you consider that a word or just a sound? :huh:

I’m definitely not considering that his first word. It is just babbling at this point, but it is equally important.

I think that the word “mama” is said naturally by babies because the combination of “ma” and “ma” is easy to say. Maybe this accounts for many of the words meant for mother are very similar in different languages.

I was afraid that was going to be your answer :frowning:

Thank you for your point of view!

My son began to say mum mum at 5 months and dad at around 7 months, but I think he was just experimenting with sounds at the time. He always said mum mum when he was upset (and still does).
He said his first real word, Duck at 8 months (although he was pointing to geese when he first said it. Close enough). Duck was followed by dog soon after. He is 10 months now and says “tle” for his bottle (it took us a while to work out what this one meant) and tar for car. I have found it easier to understand what his sounds mean now that he points a lot more. Babies have many ways of trying to get across what they want to tell you. They are all forms of language. My son crawls up to you and makes an eating action with his mouth when he is hungry.
He now also says Dad as soon as my husband walks in the door from work. So cute.

Yeah, usually I can come up with something more creative. My teacher was eyeballing me at school so I had to type on the “downlow” during break. :slight_smile:

Pretty soon, our babies will make more meaning sounds. :slight_smile:

My daughter’s first word was actually three words which she spoke at 9 and half months. Pointing to the fan on the ceiling she said, “What is this?” My husband and I were shocked. She continued saying just this phrase for a whole month (no Mama or Dada) and then at 10 months she said “Dada” and “See Saw.”( she didnt start saying Mama till much later even though I would be the one who spent all day with her!) Her favourite phrase is still “What is this?” and she says it all day long pointing at objects even if she knows what they are, but she usually now just abbreviates it to "This?’

But I have to say, that although my daughter started talking at 9 and a half months, she started crawling late…not till 2 months after her first birthday and babies younger than her were walking!

mom, eat, flower
(mam, am, puÄ·)
at 9 - 10 months. From that time, she upgraded her vocabulary very fast, and now she is speaking better than any other child I know at that age :slight_smile:

My son’s first words were papa ( he is crazy for his father), baby ( every child he sees is a baby whether he is 7 months or 7 yrs old lol ) & babu ( his big teddy bear).
i always thought that he would say mummy first but it came much later

This might be hard to believe, but Azaria said hello at 10 weeks old. We’d say hello to her and she’d say “hewwo” back. I told people but they were incredulous, and she rarely did it for anyone else. Thought my daughter got footage on her phone but that disappeared. That lasted about a month, then she shut up until 6 months old, then dad, nan, mum, bub. She isnt a big talker at all. Tell you what, with this next bub I’ll be sure to get any “hewwo” footage on video if it happens again. My 4th kid, first to say “hewwo” so early. I think that’s because so many siblings were always in her face saying hello to her, from the day she was born so she was able to imitate their mouth movements and sounds.

I also thought that my daughter said hello around that age. I was shocked when I said hello to her and then she said something like, he-o. She seemed to be really concentrating on me and trying really hard to say it.

Then she got pneumonia and stopped making any sounds at all until about 7-8 months of age which was a worry.

Now she says mum, dad, and cat, although it sounds a bit like ‘dat’. But she points to the cat when saying it. :slight_smile:

My children have all said hi or hello really early as well but everyone thought I was nuts so I guess I never counted that. But it is written in my older son’s baby book.