When did your kids start counting to 10?

We’ve been practicing counting and DS can count up to ten and sometimes he’ll veer into 11’s and 12’s every once in a while…

Is this about the time that kiddos start to count?

I am at a complete loss for how to introduce any kind of addition concepts.
When and how did you introduce addition? With an abacus or something else?


I actually can’t remember when my DD counted to 10 - certainly sometime around 2 as that was when her speech developed enough. As for addition we are just playing games with manipulatives now - I tell her a story in which there are addition or subtraction aspects and hand her the blocks or whatever fits the story.

Example: "Jane decided to go for a walk through the forest and she saw 3 flowers - (hand her three flowers) then she walked further along and saw two more (give her two more) How many did she have now - we count them- 5 so she went home and gave four of them to her mother to put in a vase (let her give four away) - how many did she have left? We do this whenever she seems interested and just go on til she is no longer interested in whatever story we are telling - the more elaboarte the story the better in her case.

my daughter counted to 10 around 16-17mo but now at 18mo she starts missing a number or two like number 4 or number 8. I will add the addition/subtraction elements to something she’s interested in at that moment. For example; my daughter loves putting small balls in a basket and carrying it around the house and I would go, “Wow, you have 5 balls in your basket,” she would smile and give me one or two of the balls and I’d go, “Oh, you gave me two? Now you have 3 balls left in the basket,” …or if she hold few items in her hands, I’d go, “are you holding two grapes in your hands? Can I give you two more? Now you have four grapes!” and the same goes if she sticks some jelly stickers on the wall, buying fruits at the market, etc. We use sticker workbooks too.

Around 19 months, she started it after watching the video with counting song, before that she was skipping numbers…

I did not teach my son anything number until he was 2.2 years old. He counted from 1-10 when he was about 2.3 years old.
Now he can count 1- 30 …always skips 13, and lots of randomly skipping from 23-30. lol

My daughter can say 1 to ten in Mandarin and Cantonese. She is now 20-mon old. I think she doesn’t know how to count but now she tries to point at the stuff and do a counting, of course it is the first step. Very appreciated that mummys put so much effort and I need to try harder. Add oil!

my DD started counting to 10 when she was around 16-17 mo. and counting in other languages at the same time too. we started counting backwards when she was 18-19 mo. according to dr. jones, and that really helped. now she is counting to 60/70 and to 20 in greek, italian, spanish and sign language… and getting close to 30. and we ALWAYS count backwards. i made her start to count the dot matrix cards from the beginning and count everything in site. now we’re trying to get her to count forward from a certain number and backwards from a certain number… that is more difficult, but it is coming. i love the concepts of dr. jones but i’m not crazy about the materials… i guess you can’t have it all without paying a fortune, right?? :biggrin:
the doc :clown:

‘Counting’ as in reciting numbers in order of ones, or ‘counting’ as in one-to-one correspondence? These are two very different concepts. :wink:

well… what do you mean by one-to-one correspondence? seeing 2 of something and being able to count to 2, or counting out objects counting forward, or taking away objects when she counts backwards? if that is what you mean yes… she has been doing all of that from the beginning, as we did that as soon as she started to recognize her numbers, which was around 1 year… i think you can thank Doman and Shichida for that. we did both dot programs.
the doc :clown: :clown: :clown:

When did you heard or practice with your child to count backward form 10 to 1?
I think it is very important to prepare for subtraction.

i heard about practicing counting backwards from dr. jones… we started his program when she was about 16-17 mo. taking it slow… because to really take off with his program you have to be able to write! :unsure:
anyway, we started counting backwards and WALING backwards when we counted backwards… and that really helped.
i wish i thought of it! :wink:
the doc :clown:

My daughter started to count when she was 18 months old. She can count to 20 in English without skipping and can recognize random numbers from 1-10 if I write them on the board. She can count from 1-10 in French, Spanish, Greek and Turkish and doesn’t skip any numbers, except 3 in Greek. I never used any software or had her watch any TV, I just taught her through repetition of counting with songs. I have just got a maths based computer software disc called Getting Started in Maths to start introducing more complex maths.

Thanks Dr Primo, i also am working on counting backwards.
TatimKL how wonderfull that you can sing the numbers in all of those languages. If you need any help with spanish i am glad to help.

You guys always make me feel like my kids are behind. :tongue:

My oldest was 3 when he started counting correctly (no early learning programs). And he learned to count to 10 in Spanish before English. He had one-to-one correspondence around the same time.

I’ll be interested to see what differences my daughter will have, using LM.

I think that is one of the great benefits of sharing experiences. It is not that the same if you read a book or information on the developement of babies or kids at different stages as hearing from parents all over the world. Especially those that have early education as a common goal. I do not see it like a competition or anything lik that because we have to realize that not all kids (or persons) have the same abilities but it is good to be aware that some are expose to different situations or stimulus that allow them to ‘learn’ at an early age. Before this forum i was not consious of the benefits of counting backwards just the same as walking backwards or jumping in one foot etc (not limited to math activities).
My grandson is 4 yrs old and he surprise me the othe day going down the stairs skipping one level and counting by 2’s. I like that so we are going to do it as a game. We do not have to feel bad listening to other accomplishment but be glad to have the opportunity of doing something similar with our next baby (my grandaughter in my case).
Remember it is a game for kids and we have to learn when to stop and switch to other forms of play.

I don’t remember exactly :mellow: but now she just turned three and counts in spanish thru 30 and also on tens to 100. In english she is doing better than that she counts to 50 and on ten all the way to 100.
We use the abacus to count everyday in school time all the way to 100 in both languages.the abacus is a great tool.

Maybe this is out of the thread but which abacus did you bought.?

I was going to buy one form amazon and read the reviews of that particular abacus and there were not good.

I like this one http://www.amazon.com/Melissa-Doug-Classic-Wooden-Abacus/dp/B00005BVRQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1304477746&sr=8-1-spell
Hope it helps

My son started to count when he was 16 months, but it was from 2 to 10. now he is 19 months he counts from 1-11 and back wards. btw to put him sleep i have to count until his eye closes. lol also he count when he is on staircase.

That one looks nice and specially cause it is very colorfull. You can use it to teach numbers and colors, thanks PY.