When and how did you find out about your baby's gender???

So I had my second trimester’s ultra sound at around 18 weeks and 5 days of this pregnancy. I was so excited to find out the gender of the baby, when the lady said I couldn’t and that I needed to call my OBGYN in order to find out my baby’s gender. I am going to be 21 weeks on my next appointment with the OBGYN, and my calls are not getting through my OBGYN. I know it is best to wait, since it looks as if I have not other choice. When ever I go out to the mall, I see lots of cute boys and girls stuff and I can’t get neither…pissed!!! :mad: :confused: :mad: :confused:

Therefore, I would like to know when others got to found out their baby’s gender and how?

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I think it was at a 19 or 20 week ultrasound.

Yes, you usually get to know the gender at the 20 week scan, but if you have a very experienced person who’s doing the ultrasound they can see it any time from 14 weeks onwards.

I got to know my baby girl’s sex when I went for an amnio at 16 or 17 weeks - that’s a definite 100% certainty as they get it from the baby’s gene’s.
I got to know my baby boys sex two weeks back when I went again for an amnio, but we saw it on the ultrasound as I did not go through with the amnio. They said it’s not a 100% certain, but my baby can’t be anything else but a boy from the pictures we saw lol !!

And yes Motherosette, it’s very annoying to see all the cute stuff (blue or pink) and not being able to buy anything except the white, yellow and green stuff :wacko: . It used to drive me nuts!! :biggrin:


I found out my first one when she was born, the others i couldn’t wait so we got an ultra sound about 5 months! :laugh:

Thank you guys, I think the lady did not know what she was doing, she looked as though she just started working there. There was another doctor who kept coming in and out…Thinking about, I don’t want my pregnancy to become a training session :mad: . It is sucks that others get to find out very early, and I have been wanting to know for a very long time. It is my first so I guess I am learning and I think I would find out within 4 weeks :unsure: , which feels like a lifetime.

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With my first daughter I found out around 17 weeks but I knew anyway from the moment I found out I was pregnant. There was never any doubt that she was a girl.

My second daughter I found out when she was born because at the ultrasound they couldn’t tell as she was crossing her legs. It was very, very frustrating because I really wasn’t sure one way or the other.

My third daughter I found out at my first ultrasound around 28 weeks.

My fourth daughter we couldn’t tell at the first ultrasound around 29 weeks but when I had another ultrasound at 40 weeks we found out so I had a couple of weeks before she was born to buy some extra girly clothes.

It all depends on positioning as well as the experience of the ultra-sonographer. Although with our third daughter my husband and I took one look and both picked it since by then we had seen heaps of ultrasounds. Plus she gave us a very good view so if we had wanted it to be a surprise it would have been impossible.

We waited until our kids were born to find out. We like suprises.

I also waited until my son was born and I plan to do that with any future pregnancies as well.

i waited until E is born, its such a good pleasure to know aBOUT BABY WHEN SHE IS ON THE TUMMY and after the birth

I also found out when my son was born. This time we will wait as well.

Thank you so much everyone for the replies. I guess waiting is the right thing to do after all.

Thank you for everything guys, on my last appointment with the OBGYN, I found out I was having a girl. :yes: :yes: :yes: I am so happy although I didn’t have a gender preference to begin with, I just hope that there is no mistake while keeping in mind that it is only 99% accurate.

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Congrats on your little girl Motherosette, they are VERY precious!!!
They have to say it’s only 99% accurate, they said it even with my ultrasound; and as you can see from the picture it couldn’t be anything except a boy lol !

Enjoy buying all the cute girly baby clothes!!! :smiley:

Now that you’ve mention the picture; :yes: I have to ask for a picture of that area. :ohmy: My OBGYN said there isn’t any need of an ultra sound anytime soon unless really needed, if something is wrong with the baby. :unsure: I don’t like the sound of that because I really do look forward to these ultrasounds’ appointments… :confused: :ohmy:

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hi i was eating sweet stuffs alot so my sister told me u must be getting girl and guess wat the doctor confirm with me girl went im 5 month pregnant…

I found out at week 20 through a hospital ultrasound. My friend found out much earlier…I think week 17? by going to a private clinic that gives you plenty of photos and a dvd of the entire ultrasound so you can watch your little one squirming around on your tv. Too pricy for me.

My husband and I were convinced we were having a girl. We wanted a healthy baby and didn’t really care about the gender, but we were CONVINCED! So, when the technician pointed to the screen and said “There’s the little penis.” My first thought was “Penis? What does my little girl need with a penis?” Seriously. So, yes, we were shocked to discover that we were having a boy. We drove home in silence…and entire hour…not because we were sad or disappointed, but because we were so very surprised. After getting over the surprise we happily began dreaming of who our little son might be!

That’s so funny! I knew I was having a boy, and I was right. They say the mother’s instinct is usually right.

Now that I think about it, I had a feeling I was having a girl until everyone started telling me it is a boy because I am carrying small; but I am tall. Whenever I felt like shopping for the baby, I would always like looking at the girls little outfits. lol lol On my last appointment, the receptionist asked me what I though I was having, I said a girl because everyone thouhg it was a boy and I was right. :yes:

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Baby 1 found out it was a girl at 20 wk ultrasound.

Baby 2 found out it was a boy at 20 wk ultrasound.

Baby 3 chose to find out at the birth - girl!.

Baby 4 found out it was a boy at 20 wk ultrasound.

Baby 5 found out it was a boy at 20 wk ultrasound.

Baby 6 found out it was a boy at 20 wk ultrasound. HE’ll arrive in November.

So far every ultrasound has been accurate.

Hi TristanR,

Wao… amazing, both you and your husband were very hardworking increasing the population :wink: . I was so worn off from my girl and not dare to have another kid. We would like to have some time for ourself too. How can you cope your life with all of your children? Hopefully there were helper of parents in law to share your burden. :slight_smile: Happy Parenting !
