When and how did you find out about your baby's gender???

Oops by the way, I knew about the sex of my baby at around 20 weeks too through ultrasound scan. But my instinct told me that mine is a girl far before I got the result from the ultrascan as my skin texture get better probably due to the estrogen hormone - I think. Mummy who conceive girl will look prettier lol .


:smiley: Honestly, life with children gets easier the more you have. I think the hardest was babies 1, 2, and 3. Until baby 4 came along I had to be everything for each child: friend, playmate, helper, etc. Even when my oldest had 2 younger siblings they were so little she couldn’t really play games with them, but by the time my 4th was born everyone else was old enough to be playmates together.

Now we are at the point where I am the one asking to join in the play, they are all busy together. lol

The work (housecleaning, cooking, etc) does grow with each child, but they are all able to help out there. It is funny, my 5th child is only 18 mos, but he happily helps his siblings unload the dishwasher, picks up toys, and generally tries to do what everyone else knows how to do. My 1st would not have done so, she had no examples to follow of kids helping.

My daughter felt from start that a baby girl was coming. At 16 weeks the ecography confirm but the doctor said it is not definitely becasue it was too early to be sure. Maybe this or next week she will be reconfirm.