whats the difference between the Shichida method and Glenn Domanns?

I totally know what you’re talking about, Trinity Papa. :wink:

Actually, the branch of science that is now starting to prove a lot of the ‘weird’ stuff you mentioned is Quantum Physics. The observations made in this field would give you a new definition of ‘weird’!!

And I agree with what you said - I think one key reason why Shichida is so ‘under wraps’ is cos it (or parts of it) is very easy to be mocked and ridiculed by the layperson.

Aww… thanks. :slight_smile: Yep, we certainly do feel that early learning (esp reading) is too important to be kept just to the privileged!

Yes Dear very sorry … it’s quantum mechanics where a particle is an object and a wave at the same time … theory of relativity was on space time … sorry did my stuff in my teens confused the 2 … that’s some 20+ yrs ago …

zaja … its supposed to be quantum …

Dear all:

I just saw this discussion, and found it very interesting. Actually, there are three right brain systems in the market today. Most people heard of Shichida and Doman, but more and more people now are discovering the Wink and TweedleWink program. It is a gentle early learning program developed by Pamela Hickein in a Montessori environment.

We often receive questions about how our program differs from Shichida and Doman early childhood programs. I am attaching an email response from Pamela to one of the parents.

The Doman method focuses on intellectual and physical development. It is based on anecdotal evidence of children improving their capacities after repeated exposure to flashcards, music, foreign languages and kinesthetic vestibular exercises. The parents teach
their children at home, with love and enthusiasm. It is a terrific program, but there is definitely
something missing, as you yourself have found.

Shichida’s method actually began with Doman’s method, but in the early 80’s he combined it with accelerated learning techniques (from Buzan, Rose, Lazonov, and others) because he felt that children could do much more than Doman’s method had touched upon. His particular interest was in the right brain, where he believed photographic memory, speed reading,
computer-like math calculation, perfect pitch, instant multiple language acquisition, intuition and other unique abilities were located.

He also believed that only children ages 0-6 had access to the right brain and that it closed soon after, if not exercised during those critical years of development. (We now know
that this pathway can be reopened later with encouragement and gentle right brain play.)

In his experimental right brain classes he also found that the right brain pathway closed EARLY when a child sensed negative emotions, such as stress, fear, or boredom. Thus, the main foundation of his classes became assisting the child’s loving relationship with his parents and fun learning play with many different forms of stimulation.

Doman’s method works with inputting information with repeated exposure to images to help a child learn.

Shichida maintains that the right brain soaks up every image, and so his emphasis is on strengthening a child’s learning abilities through memory enhancement and photographic imaging.

We believe both are important. Our right brain program takes these theories to the next step by teaching parents and children together. Parents learn how to function at the alpha wave frequency (8-13Hz, the frequency where most children’s brains function) so that they can communicate effectively, which allows a natural figure-eight back-and-forth flow of loving
and learning within the family.

When we first heard of Shichida’s method in the early 90’s, we were very skeptical, yet equally curious. After years of research and use of right brain education, we have found that all children are capable of photographic memory, multiple language acquisition, perfect pitch, speed reading, computer-like math calculation abilities and the other abilities he attributes to the right brain. HOWEVER, children will develop the talents that their innermost passion

In other words, we have seen incredible talents developed, which have surprised and pleased us all–yet the child is in the driver’s seat, so to speak. A child may develop perfect pitch and begin composing beautiful compositions. A child may begin seeing the answers to complicated equations in his mind without any conscious mental computation. A child may invent incredible things on the screen of his mind. A child may draw and write like the
geniuses of the day. Yet most commonly, the results of right brain training help a child learn quickly, almost absorbing the material as he progresses through school without much effort at all.

96% of all children who have attended our classes have increased photographic, auditory or kinesthetic memory abilities. Mental imaging–the imagination or visualization faculty used by geniuses of history like Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart or Leonardo da Vinci–is reawakened in those who have started to lose it, including the parents. The whole dynamic is
a whole-brain enrichment process which sharpens the senses, fills the heart and encourages children and parents to learn with passion.

Our form of right brain education is the only other developed program on the market at this time. But, our focus is a little different. It is a gentle, yet effective approach, and not as much as “cookie cutter” curriculum as is offer through those disseminating Shichida’s theories.

In the United States, the focus is on a wholesome left and right brain approach. The most recent brain research confirms that the hemispheres work together much more than conveyed in the 1968 “split brain” research. The WINK program includes activities designed to marry the hemispheres, while keeping the right brain active.

Hope this helps.



Hi there,

Both my boys have attended Shichida.

Just to share with you:
My first boy was with Shichida, when he was 1.5 year, for 1 year before we withdrew him and taught by ourselves. We were amazed by their teachings. The usual exercise would include drawing energy ball (where your kids gather positive energy and washing away negative energy), imaginary play (i.e. picking out a strawberry just by looking at the card), ESP (mind reading), photo memory, flashcards session, speed reading, linking memory, finger training, songs, language training (usually in Japanese, Spanish, Chinese etc).

For Shichida, they advocate that parental involvement and lots of praises are important, and not so much of ‘getting right answers’ or ‘testing’ the child. So, during class of 60mins (once a week), a parent will be there with the child to do activities together. The rest of the week, there will be a homework that you will need to do with your child together.

What we did during non-class:
I drew my own flashcard series, flashed flashcards nightly. Did the Shichida homework religiously and we played telepathy games. We read 4 books nightly, to a max of 16 books per night. Now, we do lots of work together and I find myself spending like 15-30 mins every night just to do his work with him. My first boy was not exposed to LR then.

At 18 month old, he could sit still in class for 60 mins and participated in all of the activities (except for linking memory), while other children in his class scream and cry. He was able to get all the ESP games correct every lesson. I handed in my homework every quarter to the Shichida teacher, I spent time as a parent to flash flashcards with my boy.

Now he’s 5, he writes very well and has very high concentration skills. And sometimes, he surprises me by asking me if this/that is on my mind. He’s highly matured too so I can’t tell him white lies easily. He loves to complete his daily assignments and is thrilled when I reward him with story-reading because he finished his homework. And his progress is tremendous.

that’s amazing! Thanks for sharing that, Winth!

Could you tell me a bit more about how you would play the telepathy games and imaginary play?


For telepathy, we use the boy’s ‘magic eye’ - in the middle of his forehead.
We get him to use his ‘magic eye’ and look through a few cards that are faced down. And say we ask him to look for the card with ‘strawberry’ on it. And that’s it, simple as that. To add to the feel, we put dramatic sounds to it, as if his ‘magic eye’ is doing the reading. Sometimes, we even ask him to guess which elevator (in the shopping mall) will stop to pick us up.

For imaginary play, we make him imagine that he can actually pull the cute teddy bear out from the picture and cuddle it. My boys like ‘imaginary play’ and they like it on foods stuff. So, they will pull out foods from advertisements and banners while we are on the road and put them into their mouths. My 5 year-old will actually tell me when the fruit tastes sour after popping into his mouth. My 18 month old will reject fruits, before he even tasted by giving me a very sour look. And well, I was trying to trick him to eat the green kiwi.

Winth as we all are aware that shichida’s classes are only available in Jakarta,Singapore etc.But it is not available in USA.so pls can u guide me for activities in little brief like magic eye as u said that we ask my kid to search strawberry picture fromthe cards that are facing down.So what does it mean first u will show that card to your child and than make them to face down an than u will ask your child to search right??And how do you us finger training an telepathy??
Can u pls share with all of us so that even we can do with our kids.And can u even tell us that is this course available in any dvd or cd form ??so i will ask my brother who has recently visite Jakarta for some wrk and i will ask him to bring something like dvd course.Pls help us Winth.


can u please tell some more games( imaginary game) that i can play with my daughter. im sure it would be very much interesting. ur idea is very new to me and eager to know from u. to winth

Hi Sapna and rixu,

I don’t know Jakarta, bec it seems to be only in Singapore and Malaysia, as well as from the country of origin - Japan. For some of the materials, parents with students in Shichida class will be able to buy them, but not so for outsiders. They do not have dvds to show you what goes on during classes, neither do they conduct classes via dvds, so it might be difficult unless you attend the class. We are not permitted to video the class session too.

For the picture cards, I will tell my boy that one of the cards has a picture of a strawberry. I will show him first the strawberry and let him do his smelling, touching etc. Then I will shuffle 2 or 3 cards, face down. Tell him to use his ‘magic eye’ to search for it. For pictures which shows cars, trumpet etc, he will use his sense of hearing. Hope you get the idea.

Another method is I will show him 2-3 cards with shapes on them, face up. Then, I’ll tell him that I am thinking of this shape, and I will ‘transfer’ this image in my brain into his brain. He will receive this brain wave of mine and point out the shape that I’m thinking of.

As for the imaginary game, the correct term is called ‘image training’. Usually, the teacher starts by saying, let’s go to the ~ today. So e.g. in the park, she will paste flower pictures around the classroom and the students are suppose to go around to smell and feel the soft petals on the flowers. If it’s to the zoo, animal pictures will be in the classroom and students will be taught to touch the animals. If it’s a spikey animal, like a porcupine, parents are suppose to let them touch the picture and be dramatic about it. E.g. when the child touch the animal pic, we are suppose to say ‘ouch, that hurts’ and make a face that says it’s painful to touch spikes. Well, at least that’s what I do.

Winth u said that u will first show him strawberry right is that mean that u will show him actual starwberry or the picture of strawberry??? and what abt car and trumpet u will show him actual car and trumpet and than u will ask him to use his listening senses to find the picture which are facing down???pls explain.and pls give us few more tips of what we can do at home as we cannot attend shichida’s classes

thanks winth
i wish to know little more about this,
do u play this game althore the baby cant reply
i mean she cant answer to every question that we ask.

Hi Sapna,

No, I do not show him the actual strawberry. I only show him the picture of a strawberry and will ask him to smell the strawberry on the card. For the trumpet, card moved close to his ear and etc…

After the card faces down, I will move 2 cards to him and asked him which card made the sound/smell/felt hot.

Hi rixu,

The baby may be unable to point to the card if he/she is below a year old. So, I will typically look out for the eye movement of the baby’s. We use only 2 cards for younger children, holding one card on each hand and asked him ‘is it this card’ or ‘that card’. The child will either make a certain jerk, eye motion or even point out the card to you. The first card the child looks at/touches is the answer he/she is giving you, so you should not doubt and ask if ‘are you sure this is the card?’

Praises are given to the child regardless if he/she has gotten that correct answer or not.

Some sceptics may feel that, there’s only 2 cards, so the probability of getting this right is 50%. But you will surprised when the child ALWAYS point out the correct card to you after some training.

One other game that you can try with the child is to hide something inside, say a strawberry card inside box or behind a piece of cloth. And tell the child to use the magic eye to see through the box to see which item is hidden. You will need to give him/her 2 cards to choose from, e.g. a strawberry and an apple.

I would add that, whether or not they get the right answer, at least they are now exercising their ‘intuitive muscles’, and the more that’s exercised, the more developed it gets!

My brother is travelling to Singapore.So can you pls suggest me what can he buy from Shichida for my son.I cannot attend the classes bcoz we stay in USA.I have done glenn doman course an tweedle wink overview course but i havent got tweedle winks dvd’s.So pls can u suggest what can my brother buy frm Singapore.which is not included in Glenn Doman course and Tweedle Wink course.Any material or any wave reading book,or any kind of material which is different from Tweedle wink and Glenn doman and also which not available in USA


Hi Sapna,

Let me go through my Shichida folder on the products that they sell. I’ll try to get back to you by this weekend. Maybe I’ll also drop by their counter this Sunday before my boy’s lesson.

To tell you the truth, I have never bought anything from the Shichida, and most of the things that are done during lesson time is not sold to parents. I know alot of parents commented that the products are very expensive, though most of them still continue to buy from Shichida.

What I have done to help my boys is basically to make my own (flashcards, training program etc) and train them using the theory that I have learnt in the lesson.

Thanks dear.There is an attachment of Shichia’s brochure which is sent to me by my brother.Pls can you guide me by looking at them which book will be beneficial for me.To get an overall idea of what shichia is teaching in his academy.As i have done Tweedle Wink overview course and i have read many books of Glenn Doman.On top of these books is there any thing else which you can suggest for my son and which is only available in Singapore.Like ESP wave reading book or something like that???Or this books will be enough???


Attached is info on the Shichida Linked Memory system. Books by Harry Lorayne will provide a good understanding of the Link system of memory. Some basics-In order to remember any new thing, it must be associated, in some ridiculous way, with something you already know or remember. To remember a list of items you would make a ridiculous mental picture or association between or with two items at a time, until all of the items have been linked. In the case of babies these links are created through a storyline linking the images.

Attached taken from web:

Linking Memory Flashcards

Your child’s Right Brain has the ability to recall entire elements at a glance. Here’s how you can use Linking Memory method to stimulate this ability:

For Babies:

Show 2 picture cards, eg. ‘apple’ and ‘car’. Make up a story, eg. ‘The apple jumped over the car’. Put the cards down. Once your child is able to tell or point to the correct cards when you ask, increase number of cards to 3, then 4 ensuring that they are always in the right order.

For 2yrs and above:

At this age your child is ready to memorize 50 cards per set in the correct order and something amazing will happen. He/She will be able to name the cards at a glance without the help of pictures. It is not necessary to show 50 individuals cards now. A chart of 50 pictures is fine. Either you or your child will point to the pictures as you read the storyline or while listening to the Linking Memory CD.

When my son was about 2 years old, I contemplated quitting Shichida classes. He had been in the program since 3 months old and we weren’t seeing results. He wasn’t even interested in 6 LM pictures but at 2yrs 3 mths, something miraculous happened. He could name all 50 pictures in Linking Memory Set 4 in the correct order without looking at the them. He went on to recite 150 pictures in LM Sets 4, 5 & 6 continuously 2 months later. That renewed my confidence in the system and thus I spent more time creating home practice materials.

At 4 yrs old now, he is currently doing LM Set 1C, 2C & 3C. Sensei has begun to time their recital. One of the kids in my son’s class is super fast and can recite 150 pictures in about a minute. She mispronounces most of them but when you look at her during the recital, you can see her eyes rolling and that is a sign that she is seeing the pictures in her mind vividly.

We cannot share the LM Sets and CDs from Shichida but here are some home-made materials contributed by parents.


Here is some more I found on memory linking, image training and photo memory. This was copied from somewhere else.

Linking memory : is training to remember a series of pictures. And to help you remember a series of pictures, you use stories to connect them. Sometimes also called memory train. It is aimed at enhancing your memorization power.

Photo memory : is training to enhance your observation power. The kid is shown one picture for 1-2 seconds and the child is pretends to “take picture” like in taking photograph. Then bring out another very similar picture (eg. With difference in colour or positioning) and ask the kid which was the picture that was shown. It doesn’t need to pictures, it can also be toys eg red-blue-green blocks vs blue-red-green blocks. As the level progresses, make the picture more and more difficult to differentiate.

Another slightly advance version is to place 3 to 4 colour objects on a sheet of paper with a picture (eg house picture). Let the child see for 1-2 seconds, and then remove the colour objects and ask the child to place the objects in the same position previously shown. Increase the number of objects to increase difficulty level.

Another advance version of this is to show a picture with 3 to 5 basic colours for 1-2 seconds, and then give the child the same picture without colours and ask the child to colour the picture, using crayon or colour pencil. They are supposed to use same colour as the previous picture. Sometimes, 4 colour mandala cards are used as the pictures. You can use colouring books for this purpose. Or prepare 2 versions of the pictures using powerpoint, one with colour and the other without.

Another version of this game is show a picture of a flower basket to your child for 1-2 seconds, and then as the child questions like “how many flowers are they?”, “how many red flowers?”. “How many flowers are full bloom?”

Another version played by Wonder Tree is show a kid 1 picture very quickly and then ask the child to identify the picture shown from a group of 30 to 50 pictures. As the kid progress, show 2 pictures and later on up to 6 pictures. If you are showing more than 1 picture, make sure that all pictures are shown at one go and not one after another.

Another version of this game is to throw 5 to 20 toys/objects on the floor, sweep them up and asked the child what were the objects. The child is supposed to answer something like "I saw a spoon, tiger, red block, apple and etc.

Photo memory game is a right brain game, so your child is supposed to be relaxed or do deep breathing before the games starts. And after seeing the picture, they are supposed to close their eyes and try to visualized the picture shown in their head. Choose an age-appropriate version for your child. You don’t have to follow the Shichida method exactly, as long as the aim is to increase observation power. This game will prepare them for speed reading later on whereby a kid is shown a page with eg. 10 words for 1-2 seconds, and they are supposed to be able to reproduce that 10 words.

Image training : is a pretend play game. Eg. Imagine that we are going to the zoo. For about 3 to 5 minutes, you are supposed to say what animals you both saw, what did you do in the zoo, how many elephants you saw, who went to zoo with the child, What did the animals do. Prepare some toy animals when you play this “go to the zoo” game. This is also a right brain game. For all right brain games, everyone must be relaxed. At Shichida, we clap once to symbolize that we enter the image world and clap once again when we are finished with the image game. At the end say “Now we are going back to home/class, when mummy claps, you will be back home/class”. Other themes that we had played in class are “Happy birthday, you are 1 years old” (the teacher prepared a toy cake), “Helping mummy to do house work”, “going to ocean park”," you are a caterpillar" (teacher had a caterpillar book)

Above activities that u suggested is for which age group??? Do u have any idea about wave reading (ESP).It is a technique or a special kind of book???If it technique than can u pls explain me if it is possible???


This is what I found, Sapna. Again copied directly.
At school, it is started as young as 4 months-old but it would be the parent arranging, asking and answering everything with your baby prop up besides you. Start with 4 pictures with very simple story lines and basic pictures. Progress to 6 cards when they are about 9 months. At this age, it is best to prepare 2 sets of pictures, one for showing & reference and the second set for arranging.

At 1 year plus, if your child cannot sit still, you can just read him the story line of 50 pictures (as if you are reading a story book for him)…so that when he is ready, he can pick up real fast. At this age, no output is expected.

Most children need to be at least 2 yrs plus before they can really sit down and arrange. For 2 to 3 yrs old, I think they recommend 10 to 30 pictures. For 4-5 years old, it is 50 pictures and more. The more you practice, the more they can remember. My neighbour’s daughter (3.5 yrs old) can easily remember 100 pictures and even create her own story line.

Here is what I found on ESP.
for simple telepathy games, you can send him a colour or shape and give him some choices to pick… to see if he can pick up the message you sent him? or you can image wat vegetables you gonna cook or wat clothes you gonna wear and get him to tell you!

prediction games, you can make a black box and put 3 toys inside… get him to predict which one you will pick up without looking at? you can switch to colors and other objects… waiting for the lift, you can ask him which one will arrive first?

clairvoyance, you can hide something inside a box or put toys behind a board and get him to see which one is hiding behind?

touch sense, you can make ESP cards with different things say fruits… get him to feel the durian which is pricky and ouch!

just some of my suggestions… i hope this will help you! ESP games are simple and easy to play… as long as you make it fun, he will enjoy it and this also helps in bonding too… constant practices are said to improve his ESP… gan batte ne!

Here is a book that is supposed to help you understand and develop your child’s intuitive and creative potential