whats the difference between the Shichida method and Glenn Domanns?

does anyone know more about Makoto Shichida and what his method is?

Anyone know the difference? Which one is better? How do I even have my child learn this method in the US?

The shichida method is top secret! You have to send your child to the classes to know about them, and I think they are only available in Japan, Malaysia and Singapore.

Here is what another member has posted about the teachings of the Shichida classes

there are mixed discussions on that thread about the classes. Have you also read what the Brillbaby site has to say?

There are many differences, but The Doman method is available to everyone and more affordable too!

There is a website - shichidaparents.com. It has a lot of info About this method.

One key difference is that Shichida also includes exercises which aims to develop a child’s intuition and extra-sensory perception (ESP). Many people don’t even believe in such phenomenon, and perhaps that’s also one reason why things are kept secret, to avoid people ridiculing such notions.

Posted by: KL

One key difference is that Shichida also includes exercises which aims to develop a child's intuition and extra-sensory perception (ESP). Many people don't even believe in such phenomenon, and perhaps that's also one reason why things are kept secret, to avoid people ridiculing such notions.

Actually even after 1 semester at shichida, ESP training perplexes me. there’s an even more amazing training called wave reading. Where you absorb the waves generated by the book by fanning the pages on head!! The child then recites the almost correct storyline!!


Weird! Please share more with us!

All books and pictures seem to generate a type of wave energy, which if you train for it can be felt through our fingers. So when a child touches something red, she may feel a warm energy and when she touches something blue, she may feel cool energy. This is the basis of ESP training. So for very young children, you can say place a picture of a red car in an envelope and ask her to feel it and guess what it could be. She may not say ‘car’ in the first try but u can help her by asking," Do you feel anything when you touch it? warm or cool? what color is the object?etc".

Slowly, you’d develop their ESP. Here’s another exercise which leaves my kids in giggles. Take a blank card and another which has a picture of ice cream on it. Face them down and ask child to guess where the ice cream is. Since its their favourite food, they’ll guess it correctly at least 3 out of 5 times. lol


My friend’s baby is going to Shichida Child Academy here in Tokyo. I am thinking about purchasing some flash cards, so went to the Shichida website to see what they look like. Here is their intro pack:

The woman in the first short video clip is showing the NATURE and PARTS OF THE BODY cards.
In the second clip, she goes at a quicker pace (.5 seconds per card)

It’s in Japanese, but thought someone might find it interesting.

Finally, I think I prefer cards which are based on photographic images rather than simplified illustrations…
So I’m going to pass on these…

Hi! I’ve come across some articles and materials regarding the Shichida Method. I’ve uploaded the files in the downloads section. It’s a bit similar the the Doman’s Method (using flashcards) but there’s an element of ‘ESP’.

Hey Anushayam
Can you pls explain in more detail of what is ESP???My question is how your child will know whether it is ice cream or blank paper if they will face down.??Can u explain pls.And one more question since my brother is in Jakarta and shichida’s center is also in Jakarta.Can i get any dvd’s on shichida’s course ??where in it will explain about course like tweedle wink and doman they have there course access online and on dvd for those who stay in different parts of world.


Here’s the Wikipedia entry on ESP:

Thanx KL


If i may …

It’s a concept i subscribed too since a teenager … it also greatly depends on what your personal belief in life is … after reading slightly over 10 books by shichida i would possibly say that it has something to do with theory of relativity by you know who and buddhism. It requires deep understanding of the later unfortunately … not just the shallow approach …

I am sorry, I shan’t go further than to recommend understanding the 2 first before you would actually understand the crux of shichida … my wife was confused initialy reading the loads of shichida books … but i was able to explain the concept on why shichida says what he says based on the understanding of the 2 above, that she grasp the meaning of shichida … although she finds it absolutely abstract…

Unfortunately … it requires a special skill … and only a like being can spark another … and not everybody has that gift.

The thing you have to ask yourselve is this … if your child has his other eye open (metaphorically speaking)… he may lose his ambition in life … or that animal instinct or beating the competitors … climbing to the top of the animal kingdom … yes he would be outstanding … but not to achieve fame or wealth or power it will no longer interest him … so if your thinking of training him to be a genius using the shichida method hoping that he will be some big CEO honchos… you might be dissapointed. Anyway you might not be succesful if you do not have that based shichida talked about.
Sorry i shan’t go any further least it be misconstrued the good intentions of shichida.

Thanks for sharing Trinity Papa. Which Shichida books would you recommned and are they in Engish? Where can we buy them?

Hi Zaja,

Most of the books are written in traditional chinese and are from taiwan printers. You can get them in taiwan or hong kong. Although it is not that easy to find initially unless you know shichida’s chinese name and not many book retailers heard of it.

In singapore, they do have too but limited titles, but its also in traditional chinese. Singapore shichida school doesn’t help much too, they would just tell you to go … look for them yourself in the local bookstore without telling you that it’s mainly in traditional chinese.

I have over 10 TC shichida books from fetus education to how to feed the baby right and its methodology and how to steps … but as like GD more than half the book is about his concept and his belief … so trying to source the DIY for parents … unfortunately maybe limited… probably half of it can be found in the books the other half … held only in their class … but the gees of the class is in how to conduct a succesful class so that the child can learn vs learning itself … you can flash but the child isn’t absorbing…

oh i also have a few other books binded by shichida japan in english specially ordered from their acedemy in japan for cross referencing … its about the same written in TC. Except those written in TC covers a wider range and concept … if you can read TC i recommend as much as you can get your hands on … as its pretty wide from pregnancy to toddlers.

Oh yeah to give a few observation, shichida is about learning how to learn, so that subsequently you can aquire knowledge easily like speed or wave reading … but acquiring knowledge is just one aspect of right mind, whereas GD is about input of info or knowledge …, but both emphasies joyous learning environment … i believe GD copied some from shichida, and shichida copied some like math from GD. There is another observation, shichida emphasis a good heart to be a better person thru power of suggestion, GD on the other hand cold hard knowledge … i would say shichida is the real right mind program … GD treats the right mind as a hard disk to store as much info as possible …

but of course the real question is “what really is the right mind to you”?

seems to be that the Shichida method is about making money
it is very hard to find information about it
you have to pay tons of money to go to his schools
parents are told not to talk about it
and you can’t even find books about it
if Shichida emphasis is a good heart to be a better person
why wouldn’t he try to make this available to all children?
why should just rich kids be able to learn this stuff if it’s so great?

Glenn Doman to me is all about the mom is the best teacher
you can do all of his programs at home
information is easily available to all though cheap books
everyone who wants can use his method
and tell others about it
he has done a lot of work for poor nations
and his goal is for all children to be healthy smart and kind
which would make a better world for all

maybe i am misunderstanding Shichida
if so i would love to learn more

I agree, Tatianna. That’s my only problem with so many of the early education methods, whether DVDs or other forms of teaching-- So many of them are outrageously priced. You’d think that the creators of these programs would want every child to have the opportunity to learn and excel, but it seems that many of them are just out to make a buck. That’s why I love that Brillkids is giving everyone the opportunity to get Little Reader for free or discounted. You can tell that KL and his team really want all children to have the tools to reach their full potential.

Thanks for the reply Trinity Papa. It seems that it’s really quite a challenge to get hold of Shichida materials as most are written in traditional Chinese and they only share the info by enrolling your child to their school. I wish they can also do what Doman is doing with books and DVDs apart from the courses they offer so they can reach a wider audience. Oh well…I guess those living in Singapore, Malaysia and Japan may just be fortunate to enrol their children in the Shichida class.

I am sorry i tried many ways trying to think write and rewrite how best to reply … but i do not wish to offend or sound presumptious. So i will simply say try understanding theory of relativity, do some deep buddhism studies, and get as much shichida books as possible. Your personal life experience if your open enough would guide you with the rest.

The other qn we have to ask is what really is this new hype …“Right Brain”. Is it simply the grey matter that sits in our right hemisphere of our skull? What is its ability? Is flashing card the only way to communicate with it? Or are we only tapping on source of it. I mean selling the idea of baby can read is already pretty hard with last generation, but with time it slowly becomes more acceptable, wow baby’s can read. But it took him almost 50 yrs. I doubt they are going to be ready for shichida’s right brain. If done wrongly, it could be labelled and condemned by those who fear it, creating a witch hunt. Same thing i guess GD may have suffered in their initial stages.

I would simply say GD simply scratches the surface of right brain, but its the best we have, its tested its open, and in the 21st century its acceptable. We simply just started thinking our baby’s aren’t just cry babies wailing away and waiting to be fed. And GD is smart by limiting it, he knows it would be more easily acceptable by the all fearing public. Shichida method you need guidance otherwise … anyway i doubt i can do it, so i wouldn’t bother teaching my girl using shichida method…, except to learn how to focus and meditate… anyway if you understand ESP, power of suggestion, visions, telekinetic… and more you would know what i mean. But then again … its not everybody who has that inborn ability … even if you go thru 10 yrs of shichida method … so to be safe stick to GD.