What makes you feel great!!!

Hi All,
What makes you feel great.Like i feels great when i help somebody in anywayz i can.What abt u all??


I feel great when I make it a point to delight myself in the Lord. :wink:

cuddling my baby

The smile ,a kiss , and a hug from my grandson and when he says a word I ll be on top of the world I forget that I am 50 years old.I am enjoying him more then I did with my kids.When they were his age had to work and on shift basis.

Watching the lightbulb turn on when one of my kids understand something new. It still make me smile when I think back a couple of years to when my third child said, “Wow Mom! That’s great! That’s cool!” When I taught him that zero plus any number was just the number over again. (As you can tell, he didn’t have the advantages of early learning, but he has joy.) :wink:

I feel great when I discover new and fantastic music. :slight_smile: I’m a bit of a collector, so finding great music (may be an old record I heard my grandmother play, or a new single that catches my ear) is very gratifying.

I feel great when I step out of myself and make a difference in the world, creating love and peace! :happy: Even if it’s just a little thing, like standing up on a crowded train in peak hour to let an elderly person have a seat, taking the time to comfort a friend who’s down, or just putting my change into the Ronald McDonald charity box.

… It sounds cheesy, I know :slight_smile:

i feel great when my little E calls me mummy and give hugs and sweet kisses

I know when our kids gives us a hug and kisses it makes great difference in our life.


i feel great when my 15 months old daughter started reading…

A bar of chocolate and a cup of coffee… mmmmmm It never fails to make me feel great. :biggrin:

Watching my kids learn a new skill.

My son loves to give me flowers!!! He often goes to look for one in the garden and brings it back and says, “Mum I got you a present!” It never fails to make me feel wonderful… :smiley:

Having a little time to myself - makes me nicer to everyone… and makes them feel great! lol

If I loose a pound I feel great.

Reading a book

My hour walk every morning!

When my son has an afternoon nap (rather rare) - and the house is so still and I creep around so that I can have an hour or two all too myself lol

A nap in the afternoon .I have not taken it for about 2 years .Jake do not have it after he comes from school.

I feel great when I finish a scrapbook page