what do you do for a living?

hey everyone! Was just reading through some threads here and one thing that struck me is how everyone is so dedicated to their babies and I noticed some people worked part time, some full time, some stay at home parents. I was just wondering what people did for a living? It’ll be fun to find out if people in a particular profession are more prone to teaching their babies.

I’m a doctor on maternity leave at the moment, plan to go back to work part time at the end of the year. The option of staying home is getting more and more appealing though!!

Hi :slight_smile:

I am an engineer by profession, left the job to take care of our son. That was the toughest and now the happiest decision I ever made. Now that he is a little older I have started working freelance…looking forward to join back sometime next year when he starts schooling.

I’m a business administrator by profession. I’m the production planner for a company and manage two departments in a plant which allows me to start work very early, work part time and be at home by 10 am so my husband can go to work. We arranged it that way so we could take care of our daughter. :yes: I was very carrier oriented so I never thought I would enjoy so much being at home with my baby. I love it! :yes:

I am a full time mom, although I’m not sure how much longer it will last. I also go to college part time. I have 3 classes left. I also work here on the forums, as you all know.

I work full time but the nice part is I work at HOME. So I take care of our baby and work early mornings, during naps, afternoons, whenever I can :o) I work in marketing/sales.


I am an Early Childhood Educator who is a stay home mom for the last few years. I love being home with my kids. I ran a daycare out of my home for several years and loved it. I will be returning to that shortly. I am also homeschooling my ds10yrs and dd17months.

I am a SAHM and I LOVE it!! Career wise there is a couple of areas I could go, but I am in no hurry to start back working…at all :slight_smile:

I am a special Education teacher by profession,I also work in a spanish inmersion preschool as a teacher. and a full time mom…how do I do that?? I take my baby to the preschool with me, she is in the class, while mommy is teaching.she loves it, the kids love her too!!

I don’t blame you! That would be nice :tongue: I would love to be with my daughter all the time. :frowning:

I am an ICU nurse- I work on weekends and stay at home with the kids during the week. The best of both worlds I suppose, but Mommy doesn’t get much of a break. I plan on going back to school for my Masters- nurse practitioner- when both kids are in elementary school.


I am a secondary school teacher of math-physics by education, missionary and mom by profession. I also do balloon sculpting occasionally as a fundraiser for our mission :happy:

I’m a mom(24X7 :slight_smile: ).
Ever since my DS has made entry into my life, I’ve been exploring early learning methods and Brillbaby has been one of the best things to happen.

As for living, my husband does it alll for me … lol and he encourages me in all my endeavors.
I feel this arrangement suits us very much.
4 yrs ago, I started on my Cost Accunting degree but I’m yet to complete it.
Now I’m interesting in becoming a child educator by taking a course in it.

I use to be a bank manager/financial analyst. I dropped out to stay home and raise my daughter. I do not plan on reentering until my daugher is at least in grade 1. My partner is a grain farmer.

I am a SAHM mom. Before this I attended private college to get professional qualification (i.e BAR) but the need to stay at home and took care of all my child, made me to quit from the college and stay at home…

I am happy for this decision :biggrin: and am thinking to continue back my studies as a part-time student at home once the baby are older enough and I can manage myself, the baby, my hubby and the house… :wink:

hi there

i have a mum and baby school. mums bring their kids and themselves for the class. its 2 hours long and we have a new theme each week. the last half an hour is tea where the moms have tea and cake and the kids have chips and juice and play.
i have class 3 times a week so for the rest of the time i am a professional mom :wink:

i love my job because i get to share everything i learn with other moms. they know all about doman and some are on brillkids. you will be surprised at how many moms are not aware of this but many of them believe that their child has a lot of potential. most of them have begun the wonderful journey of teaching.

i love being the professional mom more though

I’m a paramedic.

Just had to stop because of a terrible pain in my back. I have to think of changing my career.

By then I love to spend time home… never thought I would ! :rolleyes:

its amazing how diverse all our careers are.
quite fascinating!

it must be so cool for all you guys in a field other than education because you then have your career and the knowledge about that field to pass down.

I am an elementary school teacher. I used to teach in a low-income school before my maternity leave. Most of the students come to school with no knowledge of the english written language. Athough I feel that it is sad, I also can understand why the parents hadn’t taught their children much. It is because these parents work 12-14 hour days in a factory barely making anything to servive. If they even see their kids they are just way too tired to teach. Anyhow, I am off topic and rambling.

Okay, I am an educator and a full time mommy now. :biggrin:

I’m just a mom, but my husband is a software engineer, and he makes a good living for us. I’m glad that I dodn’t have to work because then I just wouldn’t have the time to do all this teaching.