what can i do for featus?

I’m 17 weeks now what can i do for the growing baby inside me? are there any thing i should do during these days?

Yes you can !
There r a lot of things but my favorite is - take out 15 minutes for u & ur baby everyday . Sit in one place with no other disturbance then talk to ur baby. You can tell that ’ my child I love you a lot. you are very healthy’. Talk whatever you want . Always give positive inputs.
Stay happy . Listen to good relaxing music.

good luck… :slight_smile:

Talk and read to your baby. Try to keep stress-free and calm. Listen to classical music. You can play it loud enough for your baby to hear or you can put speakers up to your belly. Just don’t play that too loudly. Eat healthy. Try to get some light exercise everyday like walking or prenatal yoga.

Here’s an article for more tips http://www.brillbaby.com/prenatal-before-birth/introduction-to-prenatal-education.php

Place your hands on belly and talk to your baby a lot and hear to Mozart wombsong collections.

Enjoy your pregnancy!

I read stories to my girls, & sometimes sang to them. I think it’s great if Daddy can get involved too.

www.Rightbrainkids.com has a section for activities and an ebook entitled "Connecting with Your Unborn Baby – A Practical Step-by-Step Guide " which you can obtain to give you guidance and advice on this very topic!


Best of luck with your pregnancy!

Throughout my pregnancy I took a good half hour of each day to just sit and listen to classical music. We have a tv channel that plays the music but lists the title and composer on the screen. As each song began I’d read the screen aloud. Sometimes I’d say what instrument we were hearing. Most times I would pat my belly to the beat. I like to think that it did two things - made me calm down and relax and begin a love of music for my son. He’s a bit of a music “freak” now! He LOVES music and can name several instruments…and he can keep time well for a two year old!

Eat right and don’t smoke or drink (of course). Staying as stress-free as possible is probably good advice too.

Also, don’t listen to faux experts who absurdly imply that trips through art museums will improve your baby’s creativity. lol

C’mon people. Are there any STUDIES that indicate ANY long-term improvement due to any sort of “stimulation” done in utero (reading, music)? The baby can’t hear much from outside, and it is months before the baby, especially by seeing your mouth move, can even so much as distinguish individual words in the stream of your native language.

No offense, but this sounds like superstition to me. Bear in mind that I love certain people who believe in superstition very much.

I girl I knew got pregnant very young, and she enjoyed listening to Eminem the rapper. When her child was very young she soon discovered that this music seemed to settle her daughter when upset, which is odd because its not very nice calm music lol. So I’m not sure if this in utero stuff works, BUT becareful what you let your belly listen too LOL.

Sarah108 - have you read the Connecting with your Unborn Baby? If so, can you please provide some thoughts/feedback.

I checked out the website, but the website is poorly edited and it worries me that the book might also be poorly edited. Is it worth the $37 for 81 pages?

thanks everyone for your comments and good advice.

@khatty - I will review the book again (read it over a yeasr ago) and ill get back to you within the next day or two. Sorry, I missed your question and only saw it now!

A few links that may be of interest here:




Hi Khatty

I did enjoy the book, but I am not sure that it’s $37 worth fo value. As it was my first child, and I knew nothing about foetal education, I think it did help me. She speaks in the book about how her son had specific memories of the songs she used to sing and the music she used to play when she was pregnant (DadDude won’t agree with that part). I have had specific examples myself of my little girl recognising songs I used to sing when I was pregnant. She gives ideas of meditation and trying to conenct with your unborn child.

But I think to summarise, she stressed the importance of always having loving thoughts (the chemicals released through stress and anger are not good for your baby) and to expose yourself to gentle music and sing as much as possible! I think the vibrsations in your voice are also good for the baby.

I’m totally ignorant of all this stuff. I don’t disagree at all.

Sorry Daddude, I misunderstood this quote I guess.

I honestly think that the best thing you can do for a fetus is TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.

Take a walk everyday. Drink extra water, cut out junk food. Eat right, but try not to over eat.

Do some things that relax you, learn something new, like drawing, solve crosswords.
Take time to relax. read a book (for yourself) and have something fun playing in the background constantly.

Take high quality prenatal vitamins and begin to prep your materials for when baby gets here, you may not have enough time once s/he arrives.

Get a massage, rub your stomach and laugh a lot. :). Best of luck and a bright future for you and your baby.

I’ve discovered, to my consternation, that most people cannot distinguish honest criticism and skepticism from denial. In other words, if somebody says X, and I say, “I’m skeptical; prove X, please,” then most people will assume that I believe not-X. But that isn’t necessarily the case. I might not have made up my mind about X. Generally, when I believe not-X, I assert not-X. Less abstractly: the fact that I am skeptical that fetal stimulation has any salutary effects does not mean that I believe it has no salutary effects. I might be, as I am, just completely ignorant on the subject.

Yay Daddude, then let me try convince you :biggrin:

When I was pregnant, I used to play my baby an american CD of ABC’s and 123’s. I couldn’t find it after she was born, and so eventually I went and bought another copy (by then she was about 4 months old). One day, she was playing and hurt herself and started to cry. So I played the CD and started signing the song. She immediately stopped crying looked at me with absolute amazement and started smiling. She is not a very affectionate child, and she came towards me and rested on my chest.

Maybe it was just a co-incidence, but I think she may have recognised the song.

Scientifically, the vibrations of the music and vibrations from the songs would surely be felt by the foetus? Albeit that they are surrounded by so much amniotic fluid.

There has been some testamonies from people when doing regression and hypnosis of experiences in their mom’s wombs, but that’s something which I don’t know much about.

Anyhoo, not much proof at this stage but Ill keep believing anyway.

Well, I don’t doubt so much that babies can remember things they experienced in the womb; my doubt is whether such things have much educational value. I mean, they’re very nice and beautiful and lovey-dovey and all that, but that’s different from saying they’re educational.