what can i do for featus?

music is good if you can afford it try B+.
Take O3, flaxseed if you can, otherwise fresh salmon only after 5mth
Folic acid via dark greens can help have a nice flock of hair
walking and stroking your belly towards 3T
avoid caffein, smoke etc
reading, music helps a peaceful state of mind,
stress is good, it releases certain chemicals that trains the fetus and they would be better able to adapt to stress, but not over stress or frightening type of experience, simple stress of keeping time, housework routine, within dateline etc… ( yes i know its different from others advice, but i did read an article on stress on fetuses some years ago, and they said some stress is good but not too much)

The best thing to do for your fetus education-wise is to start preparing for when he / she is born ! ;D And i mean really preparing everything, the flashcards, videos, reading materials, gym stuff, schedules, to do lists etc…etc… because you’ll definitely have less time to do that once she / he is here! So don’t waste a minute and prepare & organise as much material as you can :slight_smile: :yes:

thanks All for you good advices. now its time for me to getting ready to welcome my loving newborn.

If you believe in early education why not education in utero? Is the brain so suddenly different at one month after birth to one month before? Or is that you believe consciousness starts at birth? I’m not sure I understand the reason for the skepticism.

Great book I read while pregnant - Early Intelligence - can’t find it at the moment to tell you the author. Any way full description of brain development from conception to five years.

The brain is forming in utero, babies get their first taste of food in utero and what a woman eats in last term is known to affect children’s taste in food.

Well before the end of the pregnancy the baby’s hearing is developed and they are capable of hearing. This is why they are able to recognise their mother’s voice and often their father’s when he spoke into the belly. This is learning in utero. Why not try to teach other things as well. We have the ability to give a child more experiences in utero while the brain is developing thus aiding the connections that will form.

While pregnant I continued acrobatic training, I continued working in the band and I continued karate and did my grading while 8 months pregnant.

Did my son learn to be an acrobat, play an instrument or block a punch? No but he has, and always has had, unnaturally good balance, an exceptional sense of direction, his musical abilities and potential are outstanding, he came into the world awake and yearning to learn. I wish I had done more for him now had I been more aware of the potential I truly believe I could have taught him and heightened his learning potential in many areas. It is a regret.

I sang and danced and had special gym classes (until 8th month) during pregnancy. I talked to him, and touched the belly as much as I could. We played “math time” using kicks: we beated the belly once, he answered once; we beated twice, he kicked twice with his little feet; and if we tried a complicated beat… well… once he surprised us by imitating all of it!

After birth, from the moment he started his baby talk it always sounded like he was singing it, not talking! :slight_smile: Even at this age he does the same: he repeats new words or the one he likes in a singing manner, lowering and raising tone while pronouncing. He’s so funny! Also, he likes numbers, just counting out loud, and likes to play “the beat game”. Does it have a connection with what I did during pregnancy? I think so, but it doesn’t matter anyway.