Video uploaded: My 27-month old boy reading books

I’m very happy to update you on Zach’s progress to date. From the videos I posted in the gallery a few months back, you saw him reading words in LR and then another video of him enunciating the sound of each letter. Zach has started to READ BOOKS by himself at a tender age of 27 months! It is truly an amazing feat on his part! At times, he insists to read by himself and politely says , “Please be quiet Mum/Dad, Zach is reading.” He loves Bible stories, Dr. Seuss, Disney and classic children’s stories, etc. Zach has not only began acquiring good reading skills but also language and math skills. He knows the quantities, recognizes numbers and counts up to 100 and does simple equations too! :slight_smile:

Thanks to you for all the info, advice and materials you so generously shared.

Attached is the video of him reading:

Congratulations! Its awesome to read a full book at 27 months! :smiley:

Can you please elaborate on how you taught him math? Which method did you follow and which tool did you use? It would be great if you could share this with us…

Wow …congrats Zaja, happy to hear that …:slight_smile:

That’s amazing! Congrats!

That sounds really good…Counting to 100…Please can you share with us your math method and how did you teach him to read books?

Sorry for the late reply. Wasn’t feeling quite well lately. But thank you so much Questers, geniusqarissa, nhockaday and PY!

Like most parents in this forum, I always try to make teaching fun. Nothing rigid or formal. I always stop before he says stop or recognize that he gets bored or doesn’t want to do it anymore. No pressure for him to learn. All for the love of fun play and learning.

I reckon my method of teaching is no different from the other parents here. I try to use various things - books with big fonts, magnetic letters, alphabet and number posters, powerpoint presentations, flashcards, videos, LR, Early Childhood educational websites. I started and is still using (Glenn) Doman’s method as one of my tools.

He started sight-reading at 11 months and at 22 months began to read words in the computer, on book or paper, etc. I always point to words everywhere especially when we’re out - whether in the grocery, mall, museum, etc. Now he reads those words when we’re outside. We read books everyday as much as possible.

I showed him YBCR, Tweedlewink, Babybiit, Brainy Baby, Leapfrog DVDs.

As regards teaching him Math, I started with the Doman method when he was 13 months old. I was pretty much consistent with showing him the quantities for months and doing some equations. Then I showed him Tweedlewink Math and Babybit (Math portion) which I reckon helped also in recognizing quantities and numbers as well as solving some equations. I show him the same equations on paper or say them aloud. I sing them out to make it more fun! Apparently, it helps and he seem to remember and even heard him singing the equations!

I’m just ecstatic whenever he gives me the correct answers! It may be because he sees or hears the same equations that’s why he remembers but for whatever reason I’m just happy that he knows. I plan to show him more equations and find other creative means to present them to him. :slight_smile:

Hope this helps!

You’ve done a really great job! Congratulations!

Thanks for sharing us the resources and methods you used. so you have not used LM? I really want some advice on math because my son of late seems to be very distracted…how many times do you show him quantities per day? Do you still continue to show quantities? Have you tried equations which you have not shown him repeatedly? Is he able to “verbalize” the correct answer?

Thanks for the reply,

thanks for sharing dear.Sounds like you are doing a great job!Lots of resources and imagination.Would you recomend any link for math song? :smiley:
thanks for your time

Thank you again PY and Questers for your kind words! I have uploaded his video below. Do check it out. :slight_smile:

PY - Some parents in this forum recommended the Right Brain Education Math audio but I haven’t bought them yet. You may check out this link: though I think they are sold out at this time.

Questers - I did use LM when it was still on trial but I could only afford LR during that time, hence, I wasn’t able to continue with LM after the trial ended. We finished quantities (red dots) already but I used to show them 3x/day as per Doman’s recommendation. When he was able to recognize quantities and solve some equations with quantities (and when the red dots started to bore him), I moved on to actual numbers with equations. He sometimes points to the correct answer when being asked but most of the time he verbalizes them. Yes I have tried to show equations which I have not shown before and about 80% of the time he gets the right answer. :slight_smile: Another creative method which you may use is counting his favorite toys or food or anything that interests him and using them as quantities to make equations. (eg. 4 blocks + 8 blocks = 12 blocks, 10 sultanas + 5 sultanas = 15 sultanas, 12 grapes - 7 grapes = 5 grapes, 4 cherries x 2 cherries = 8 cherries, 6 books/3 books = 2 books). For addition - you may say “add” in place of plus, for subtraction - “take away” in place of minus, for multiplication - “multiply” in place of times.

Whenever you’re out in the park, you may count and do some equations from the things that you see around like stones/leaves/flowers/trees/birds/ etc. while you’re walking. Wherever you are, try make use of the things around you to make Math more fun! Of course, a happy voice with different tones help a lot!

Hope this helps!

All the best!

That’s really great work. Congratulations!

Cute Zach is first seeing the picture understanding what it is and then reading. Not just reading… He is amazing!! When you showed him the words he moved your hands, because he wants to see and understand the picture before reading…Awesome!

Where did you get the books from?

Thanks a lot DadDude and mirra! The books that Zach were reading in the video were Starfall books which I got from Amazon. :slight_smile:

Thanks Zaja for the link. There are sold out,maybe I can find them in amazon.
Zack is so cute and looks like he enjoys reading. That is the best part.
I was wondering if you are teaching another language to him? if so,how do you do with the reading? Is he reading in other language too?Does he speak other language? how is his vocabulary? I want some more ideas to teach Catalina without confusing her to read in two languages wich she is doing good but I will like to do abc sounds and I don’t know if I should teach her first one language and then the second.
She reads from Doman,YBCR and LR. But like I said i will like to introduce her to letter sounds now.should I teach her boths language or first only one?
Can you give some ideas please.
thanks for your time…Congratulations!

hi zaja
i am a new member of this community which I find to be fascinating.
I am a Spanish mum of a little angel who has turned one on January 1st.
We have been teaching her lots of songs and nursery rhymes since she was born because we are both teachers of English although it 's not our native language.
Congratulations on your work with your little one, i was amazed when i saw the video yesterday. you have done a fantastic job. lol
I downloaded the Lr program yesterday and started with it and my baby seemed to enjoy it ( i have been using babybit as well but is spanish)
Shall i start with LM as well? any advice for me to begin?
Shall i use it twice a day?Please i would like to know how you have done wdith your little one
Lots of thank and congratulations again

PY – You are doing a GREAT job with Catalina! :slight_smile: Yes my little boy loves to read. Sometimes he cries when we stop. :frowning: But we have other things to do too and household chores for me to finish ha ha ha! But I’m just so happy that he LOVES it! I teach my boy another language thru songs, books and some videos. I also translate some words but I don’t do printed flash cards at this time. I think I should! So far he knows and understands and speaks some words (though not in full sentences in the 2nd language yet). But I’m thinking of joining a bilingual/multi-lingual play group or enroll him in a multi-lingual class to reinforce the other language/s.

My little boy is quite talkative. He talks in sentences and tells me stories. His reading comprehension is very good. I teach him to use different synonyms for certain words which help to expand his vocabulary.

Because the brain automatically compartmentalizes each language correctly, young children have the ability to learn many languages without getting them confused. So don’t worry that Catalina will mix them up. You’ll be surprised in the long term that she is able to distinguish which words or sentences to use per language. Also, when children learn a second language at an early age, they will achieve a more native grasp of both grammar and pronunciation in the second language. My suggestion in teaching the alphabet sounds is that you may teach them in both languages at the same time at varying times perhaps. You may do one language in the morning then the other language in the afternoon or do alternate days (eg. Monday do one language, Tues. do the 2nd one). Remember that she will absorb and separate the words per language and eventually speak fluently for both. :slight_smile: Hope this helps! Good luck and wish you and Catalina all the best! :slight_smile:

kelen – Thank you so much and Welcome to Brillkids! Happy bday to your little one! By all means, start with both LR and LM at the same time. It should only take you a few minutes per session. When I started with LR, there wasn’t LM yet so I did Doman Math. I started LR about 2 months before Doman Math. I would do both 3x a day for a few minutes. I’m a housewife so I can manage my time. I didn’t want to bore him or lose his interest so it had to be done very quickly especially for the Math dots. My little one initially enjoyed LR but soon became bored of just seeing Words and he preferred more seeing the multi-sensory part so I showed this part 3x and occasionally the Words only if he’s in the mood. Just adapt to your baby’s interest. You can also download a wide range of topics here that may interest your baby apart from the daily lessons of LR in order to capture and sustain her attention.

I was showing LR (simultaneously with Your Baby Can Read and Signing Time videos) from the time he was 11 months old and a month after he was sight-reading a few words and at 22 months, when he could already speak, he started verbalizing the words he was seeing. Please see my reply below regarding my experience with Math. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have other queries. All the best to you and the little one. :slight_smile:

thanks very much for your reply and for the happy birthday to my princess :blush: :blush: .
i downloaded today Lm and started with it, so i am doing both together( LR+ LM +) Apart from it i had already started baby bits in spanish and s so far she seems to like it, specially the animals and their sounds :yes:
which other language would u like your son to do? I am spanish so if I can help you somehow just let me know
i am reading everything i am finding in th[/color]s forum which is really amazing, thans very much for all your hints
Py, catalina is doing fantastic as well , i can but admire the job you have been doing.
i have to go now now so talk to u later

Thanks Kelen for the encourage, and thanks to Zaja for the tips. I am really thankful for your time and dedication to answer other member’s questions.
Definitly I will start teaching her the sounds in both language a different time.
I will post later on her advance and the process.
Thanks a lot,
have good day

You’re both welcome PY and kelen.

Kelen – Would love to teach my son Chinese, French and Spanish. I’ve showed him the Spanish part in the Tweedlewink video. the Have you got some stuff like videos, other materials etc. apart from Babybit? Appreciate your help. Many thanks :slight_smile:

hi Zaha,
I think that it is fantastic that u want to teach those three languages to your are you going to start with Chinese?
I only have the babybits in spanish but i can give you different links to pages with videos for you to dowlnoad. there are some dvds which are called los cantajuegos and are great for babies.
I have quite a lot of flaschards in my computer at work which i cand send to u if you are interested
Apart from that Ii would advise you to check los lunis which are very good for babies as well
I can always check the prices here and send them to u
I have a question to make, i dónt know if to buy Lr and Lm for life ( lifetime Plan or just the 2 semesters) .
i don’t really know what to do.
what did yo do?
best regards and thanks for your help

Wow that’s great kelen! Thanks so much for the info. Appreciate it! Will send you a personal message regarding your queries below regarding teaching Chinese, LR and LM and about the Spanish stuff… :slight_smile:

Take Care…