Vid: My 9-month old Reading!

On my last post, I reported that Cammie has been recognizing words when she sees them AND hears them. Exactly ONE day after that, I tried to show some words WITHOUT reading them out loud and she did the actions the words represented!

When I first saw Aleka reading at 9 months, I had high hopes that Cammie could “read” early, but I didn’t expect it to happen at 9 months too!

Excellent stuff! Congratulations!!!

Keep documenting Cammie’s reading journey and keep us all inspired!

That’s great! She is adorable!

how nice!!! 8) A big congratulations to both of you Nadia0801!!

that is great… at 9 months. when did you start showing the words and how many per day and how many times. she is very cute. great blog also. iam checkign it out as we i write.

We wouldn’t able to go this far without LR and your support! :slight_smile:

I started showing word cards when she was 2.5 months old only. We didn’t have a schedule then. The only reason we showed cards that early is because Cammie likes them so much! We got a hint when she squints to “read” the print of our t-shirts everytime we carry her. We figured she likes to see words and we were right!

hi, congrats. please give me some tips, my daughter not interested in seeing the cards?

Nadia…Thats awesome at 9 months!! Congratulations!!! :smiley:

ohhhhh I feel so excitedddd to watch this vids!!! Nadia,its same like my baby Dhia,she is 9 month old,and can read waving,clap,arms up,eat,etc… just like what you did! Oh I must find a video cam,so that I can post my own video here!

Anyway good luck teaching your baby dear!Its cute! :biggrin:

What a cutie! Congratulations! I should work on this with my 3 yr old! You’ve both done a lot of work! Very inspiring!

Many babies prefer computer programs like LR or videos like YBCR, have you tried these? Cammie prefers them to flashcards too! One more thing you can try is hide the flashcards under her favorite toy. You can try the name of the toy/character first just to get her interested - like the word “Pooh” for the stuff-toy.

For me, there’s wrong with teaching names of characters because it also helps with the building of “natural phonics”. The best lesson is the one your child enjoys.

Try some games with the flashcards - hide-and-seek, sing the words instead of pronouncing them, etc

hey Congrats !! Thats very impressive. I have a 16 month old. She loves Little reader a lot. She likes it so much that she just wants to go on and on. She can see 10-15 categories/playlists (80-90 words) at a time. She never wants to stop watching. She cries when I turn it off. But inspite of this I havent seen any signs of her reading. First of all I am not sure if she should be seeing so many words at a time. But I have to keep playing as she cries otherwise. I have been showing her LR since she was 9 months. Let me know your suggestions on this.

Congratulations Nadia0801!!! Cammie is sooo cute! I just remembered when I shared with you about my Labor experience and now your lovely baby is 9.5 months!!! Great job! Looking forward to hear great news from you and baby Cammie :slight_smile:

Yup, equalling the Aleka record sure is impressive. Congratulations Nadia! Maybe Cammie will go on to skip two grades of school like Aleka, too!

Prettypips, the most important thing is that you daughter enjoys LR as much as she does. I’m positive that she’s learning something (otherwise, she wouldn’t want to keep watching).

Have you tried waiting before playing the pronunciation in multisensory mode? Do you use the pointer (in which case, you need to click the mouse for the pronunciation to play)? What is your daughter’s reaction if you don’t play the pronunciation right away?

HOW CUTE!!! :slight_smile: Congratulation…your hard work is paying off! It is excited…good job mom.happy happy happy for you.Keep it up. :wink:

hey Maddy,

Thanks for the suggestion. I have never tried that. I will try doing that and see how she reacts… I was wondering if showing her so many words at a time might make her not remember them… But she is never satisfied with 1 or 2 categories.

Congratulations, Nadia!
Keep it up! What a cute little genius! It’s a blessing to have a supporting husband too!

It’s great that your DD has great love for learning and has equally great attention span! Sometimes I let Cammie watch as long as she wants, other times I limit the videos to 10min per viewing time. Personally, I think there’s no harm in letting your daughter watch for slightly longer periods as long as she is interested just make it a point to “reinforce” what she have watched by focusing on certain word/s per day.

For example, I make 2 or 3 flashcards based on the words in the category that she has already watched. I play games with the flashcards, show them to her at unexpected times and act very excited when I show them. I show the same cards for 3 or more days and make another batch.

We don’t follow an exact schedule. Contrary to the what others may suggest, I allow 1-3 days of “rest” period from time to time and when I show LR or YBCR, she always is very excited as if she missed the so much :slight_smile:

Yes ZaJa I remembered you were one of my source of info and inspiration when I was still pregnant! Oh time flies by so fast especially when you have a baby! Thank you again for your help!

Yes, having a supportive husband is really a blessing! The idea of educating babies here in my country is so unheard-of! I wouldn’t not be able to teach Cammie if not for the support of my DH :slight_smile: Most, if not ALL of my relatives here thinks I am “experimenting” with my child hahaha!