Vaccination Causes Autism? [UPDATED - new US Court rulings]

Hi all,

Just read this which I"m sure many of you will find interesting, if not controversial. This is just FYI - just add it to your data bank and make up your own mind:

A short excerpt of the case:

[i]Valentino Bocca was given an MMR shot in 2004, at the age of 15 months. According to his parents, the change in his behavior was immediate. That same night he refused to eat, and he developed diarrhea during the night. It quickly went downhill from there. Within days he was no longer able to put a spoon to his mouth, and he spent nights crying in pain. His parents immediately suspected the vaccination, but were told this was “impossible.” Valentino progressively regressed, and received the diagnosis of autism a year later.

In the final analysis, the Italian Health Ministry disagreed with the initial conclusion of the pediatrician, conceding that the vaccine was at fault.

As a result, a court in Rimini, Italy recently awarded the Bocca family a 15-year annuity totaling 174,000 Euros (just under $220,000), plus reimbursement for court costs, ruling that Valentino “has been damaged by irreversible complications due to vaccination (prophylaxis trivalent MMR)i.” According to a featured article in the UK newspaper, The Independentii, about 100 similar cases are now being examined by Italian lawyers, and more cases may be brought to court.[/i]


Update: July 2013
2 court cases in the US confirming autism caused by vaccination, and a new independent study confirming the same thing:

KL, thank you so much for this article.

Our deadline for the dreaded MMR vaccinations is approaching and I’ve been wondering what to do. After reading the ‘Autism and Vaccines’ thread on this forum, I got more and more concerned. Here is link to the thread:

My intention therefore was to tell the Health Visitor that no, I don’t want my child vaccinated. Better safe than sorry.

But then I wonder what the side effects of not vaccinating will be? Do I defer the immunisations until the child is older? Will they be safer then? Any advice or suggestions? Thank you everyone for your responses.

I think this is such an emotive subject and many people will have different views, and I fully respect everyone’s different perspectives.

In my own personal opinion, I believe that the risks of delaying immunisation are far greater than those of immunising with MMR. I have seen several children with measles and mumps, and the numbers are growing, and these can be very severe. The risks partly depends on what region of the world that you live in.

My husband had measles as a young child and developed measles meningitis as a consequence, many years ago. He nearly did not survive - but he was lucky and pulled through. But he suffered permanent hearing loss and has no sense of smell as a result of the damage to his brain. I know that mumps can lead to infertility in boys.

Having read up extensively the background behind the possible connection between MMR and autism, I was shocked to discover some details about the orignator of the link (Dr Andrew Wakefield, a UK paediatrician).

Please read this article (and there are several other related ones in the BMJ)

It seems that Wakefield had a financial interest in discovering a link between MMR and autism. Not only was the study he carried out poor quality, he actually fraudulently altered the results to show a link. He was prepared to invent data to meet his hypothesis and had a personal financial interest in the development of single measles vaccines (he planned to market one himself).

His behaviour makes me feel so sick and angry, because he has created a worldwide fear and anxiety for millions of caring parents, who wish to do the best for their children. I wonder how many children have developed the illnessses because of his actions?

Whatever people’s different views on vaccinations, I think that this man has done a terrible thing by clouding the issue and creating so much doubt. :mad:

What a pathetic payout for a child who’s life has been so dramatically altered! I think I would be insulted as a parent if that’s all the courts thought my child’s normal life was worth!
I immunized all my kids. I made sure they were strong and healthy at the time of their needles. Never take them if they are ill or have just been ill. I did however reject the vitamin K needle they wanted to give my babys just after they was born. Not one nurse or doctor could give me a good enough reason not to give it orally or not at all and wait and see if it was needed. I mean I was in hospital…help was at hand… Just think it’s important not to just nod and say yes…definately make an informed decision. Ask questions, always!

Yes, that IS interesting, isn’t it? Certainly thickens the plot… :slight_smile:

Thing is, though, there apparently have been numerous other studies that support the Wakefield findings. This was mentioned in the article I linked to, and detailed here:

My advice is not to jump to conclusions either way from just having heard one side of the story, but make sure you do your own research, on BOTH sides! Cos there are consequences either way you choose!

For me personally, fortunately or unfortunately, it was never a consideration not to get Felicity vaccinated, because we didn’t really have a choice, since the school admission required them. Mind you, I didn’t quite realize the extent of the controversy then though…


Most of the things said about Wakefield may not have been true, for example read the above article posted by KL. Here is the link again:
It contains a 1 hour interview with Wakefield. Then still on that website, read this one too: 'Why Medical Authorities Went to Such Extreme Measures to Silence Wakefield’ ( And also on that page, they’ve listed several other studies that replicated Wakefield’s research. I believe parents deserve to know the actual truth about various vaccines.

More importantly, I’ve read from mothers on this forum (and others) that MMR triggered autism in their kids. I believe what mothers (or fathers) say more than what professionals say, cos as they say ‘Parents know best’. If parents consistently come up with the verdict that MMR was harmful to their kids, then I’ll believe them. For example, in one of the past threads on this forum, waterdreamer said that her son went downhill the day after his MMR vaccination. Other parents on this forum have associated various vaccines with seizures, etc.

Mandab, did you give them the MMR? My intention is to defer all further vaccines for a year or two. I’ll still give them, only that they’ll be delayed by at least 2 years.

Yep I did give them MMR. They were all about 6 months late for various reasons, one had fevers for the rest of the day, but I can’t remember which kid it was. No other problems. They are all happy and healthy and intelligent thankfully. I had a choice, I can make an informed decission to opt out and submit it to the schools here. I had an aunt with Polio, that probably swayed my decision a little.

Mandab, please at what age did you give the MMR vaccinations? Were the children under age 3? Here, MMR is given at 13 months, so my decision to defer means it will be given by age 3.

And as I read previous threads on this forum about vaccinations, I get more concerned. Does anyone know if there is an option of splitting the vaccination dose? So rather than combining Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) dose in one shot, the parent can request a Measles shot, then 1 year after, the Mumps shot, and after another long interval, the Rubella shot. Thanks.

Mine had MMr at between 15 and 19 months. They were due to get it at 12 months but as I said they were all a bit late. One because we were traveling, one was sick and one because I was lazy :slight_smile: they had MMR again at 4 years old. I don’t personally know anyone who has had problems with these needles. So I felt safe in my decision.
Interestingly, here our kids are immunized for chicken pox too. Natalya wasn’t immunized, caught chicken pox. Tiana didn’t catch them from her so we immunized her two weeks later as chicken pox was running through her daycare. ( she is allergic to some things so I didn’t want to have to rely on creams and lotions she may react to) two days after the immunization she got chicken pox! The needle apparently tipped her fighting immunity over the edge and she ended up spotty. Sigh. It’s a live vaccine, the vaccine for chicken pox actually contains chicken pox. so I was told after.
Jaykob was immunized and no trouble at all
The best you can do is make an informed decision.

I chose to hae both my girls immunised for a variety of reasons my youngest was delayed with her MMR vaccine and when she had it she was fine. My eldest is coming up for her 4 year old vaccines done and I believe she will be fine as she has never had a problem with those vaccines. I personally id some reaing on the diseases i was so worried about vaccinating against like measles Mumps and rubella. Those disease have major sie affects and can cause long term brain damage. Also a lot of people believe that Measles Mumps and Rubella can be treated by by antibiotics which they can’t because they are viral diseases

I think whatever your choice is it must be informed. Do I believe that vaccines might contribute to autism Yes but only in the children who were prone to it already. Autism and Autism spectrem disorders have large genetic links and usually run in families. So I did my research an spoke to may people for and against I still decided to do it as I felt it was safer to have them immunised. I also have had a nice big bout of Whooping cough as an adult and I now completely understand why babies die of it.

Why oh Why do I click into these vaccine topics…
As a mother of one child who was damaged by his vaccines. (Please don’t tell me he was because I’m his mother and I KNOW he was) I will be delaying vaccines for my little man

I have delayed vaccines because of your story and a few others I have read. No matter what the studies say I believe a mother JUST knows when her child suddenly changed. My heart goes out to those whose child changed after receiving vaccinations.

Waterdreamer, just looked at your signature – congratulations on your new little one!!!

As a mother you know what is the best for your children, and I am sure you’ve done an extensive research too!

Waterdreamer I am really sorry if my post upset you. I would never dream of denying the experience of any mother who knows her own child best of all. My heart goes out to you also.

For me, my fears of the illnesses outweigh all other concerns, especially after my husbands problems with measles (contracted age 18 months). So I vaccinated my oldest and will do the same with my baby.

I hope we continue to get more and better quality information from other sources to help parents worldwide. As others have said, all we can do is inform ourselves and try to come to the best decision as parents that we can.

Oh and huge congratulations for your new arrival - how wonderful

I support what KL said – do the research on BOTH sides. And do not jump to conclusions either way. :yes:

Fortunately, I come from the family of scientist; my mom is a medical scientist and most of the leading immunologists and academics in that field in my country of birth we are personally acquainted with, because they are family friends. There is a lot more to the debate, when you personally discuss matters with the people first hand involved with the research and politics behind it. :frowning:

There is no blank one fits all answer either. These folks literally dedicated their life to immunology. And research and scientific work they have done, as a part of worldwide body of immunology scientists is tremendous. I respect it, a lot!

However, hardly ever any of them (none of the ones I know in person) let their grandchildren get immunizations before the age 3, some – at all. Only a few I heard of considered very selective schedule on demand.

The thing I noticed – most of the nurses – super pro-vaccination and vocal about it; lower level MDs – pro-vaccination; more experienced MDs, usually with background of either science work or membership in the Academy of Sciences – very open to non-vaccination, selective or delayed vaccination, and prefer not to talk about members of their personal family, because many a time they do not vaccinate, but really do not want it be a public knowledge; serious med scientists, or members of the national academy of sciences, at least in the country of my birth ( which actually leads some of the research initiatives) would not vaccinate their children and grandchildren by any cost, they would express hope that eventually their research would bring them to desired results but they are not there yet…

It is way too big of a topic to just give a blanket answer. And the concept of vaccination and the way it works is simply amazing – in theory, but all that knowledge is still on the very beginning stages of testing and experimenting, and while I would love to have a magic medicine, which would surely protect my children from all dangers, there is none. Perhaps the closest for one is – great nutrition, no artificial sweeteners, sugar, colorants and chemicals, exercise and lots of sunshine and fresh air :yes:

What I find disturbing that many parents are bullied into vaccination, or validate their decision to vaccinate by stating “I just can not risk my child’s health and see him or her suffer, I want to protect him, and so I vaccinate” The reality is just WAY more complicated. Most severe cases of measles I’ve seen were in vaccinated individuals, and this is confirmed by national databases. Measles in unvaccinated children a common childhood sickness, which passes uneventfully in most cases. My parents did not vaccinate me, but I had a couple of vaccinations, because of institutional oversight. One of those was MMR, and I got measles when I was 19 years old, with horrible complications, I nearly died and got permanent damage to my heart. The other one that I was given by mistake, when tested for disease immunity later I did not have it. But I have immunity for many diseases I was not vaccinated against. Like with any experimental thing there are way too many unknowns…

The risks associated with breached immune response, higher chance of other deceases, overall susceptibility to common colds and germs are simply outweigh in our case a probable protection from some decease, with a possibility of more severe case of it in case of contracting it anyway.

Granted it is not full-proof either way, so each parent has to weigh in all the factors and make decision for themselves, chose the battles they would fight and respect other parents decision as well. In our case, we focus on strengthening immunity, giving our children the best possible nutrition, exercise and lifestyle.

As for the article, what makes me sad that government, or any human institution can presume to put price on child’s life and health. Otherwise it makes sense…

WaterDreamer You click in to them because you have something REAL to offer. We appreciate it. So for those too scared to ask (I am sure their are many reading this but not posting) at what age will you vaccinate your next child? Most people seem to be saying age 3…
Oh and I would NEVER tell you you are wrong, yes you are the mother, you do know! I cannot even begin to imagine the anxiety you will feel walking in for your childs next needles.

Thank you so much for your insights. I appreciate it so much.

I noticed on your blog you mentioned Bob Sear’s ‘The Vaccine Book’. At what age does he recommend the MMR? I know his recommendations differ from the ‘standard’ schedule. I’ve read his article titled ‘Vaccines and Autism : What Can Parents Do During This Controvesy?’ ( I’ve seen his Alternative Vaccine Schedule in that article but for the MMR, it’s not very clear at what age he recommends it. Probably, he’s given much more detail in the book. Thanks.

I am on the fence about Vaccination. Some thing simular happened to some one close to me. Just to sum everything up. He was a very smart an active baby. Reached every milestone before he was suppose to. At the time I was to young to understand but I did notice the difference. He went from saying many words, laughing, playing to barely cracking a simile or even noticing you at all. Eventually he said nothing. Years went by and not a word. :confused: Loud noises sent him into a panic. He was a different person all together. We treated him no differently an at time got frustrated with him because we didnt know. Once our parents sat us down an told use he had Autism thing started to come together. From that day on issues like this opened my eyes. It wasnt until I turned 18 that I found out more on his issues relating to the vaccination.

(It makes me wonder if he didnt have that vaccination would his life be different? Would he be getting bullied or made fun of in school because hes autistic? Would people still be taking advantage of him knowing that with certain issues he fully doesnt know better?)

Just do your research or what ever you feel is best. In reality you cant do much because if you plan on enrolling your child in school there vaccinations has to be up to date. :mellow:

From Elearning: "In reality you cant do much because if you plan on enrolling your child in school there vaccinations has to be up to date."

Well, if you are in the USA, every state has vaccination exemption, the only difference in the paperwork and the reasons listed for qualifying. The school can not refuse admission to unvaccinated child, if the parents sign the exemption paperwork.

There are similar laws in a number of other countries.

Even in strict and rigid legal climat of Eastern Europe ( and even during former Soviet Union times) there were a number of people I personally know who have not vaccinated with their children studying in schools of their choice.

Just look into it. Many of these regulations would be not known to admission personnel in the school, but you will be able to get it from their overseers.

"In reality you cant do much because if you plan on enrolling your child in school there vaccinations has to be up to date. "

This is not true in every state. Here in Florida your child can attend public school without vaccinations is you fiil out a form at the department of health. They don’t make is easy for you and the sure don’t advertise it. The entire process took half a day but it was worth it. I believe in delayed spread out shots.