I support what KL said – do the research on BOTH sides. And do not jump to conclusions either way. :yes:
Fortunately, I come from the family of scientist; my mom is a medical scientist and most of the leading immunologists and academics in that field in my country of birth we are personally acquainted with, because they are family friends. There is a lot more to the debate, when you personally discuss matters with the people first hand involved with the research and politics behind it.
There is no blank one fits all answer either. These folks literally dedicated their life to immunology. And research and scientific work they have done, as a part of worldwide body of immunology scientists is tremendous. I respect it, a lot!
However, hardly ever any of them (none of the ones I know in person) let their grandchildren get immunizations before the age 3, some – at all. Only a few I heard of considered very selective schedule on demand.
The thing I noticed – most of the nurses – super pro-vaccination and vocal about it; lower level MDs – pro-vaccination; more experienced MDs, usually with background of either science work or membership in the Academy of Sciences – very open to non-vaccination, selective or delayed vaccination, and prefer not to talk about members of their personal family, because many a time they do not vaccinate, but really do not want it be a public knowledge; serious med scientists, or members of the national academy of sciences, at least in the country of my birth ( which actually leads some of the research initiatives) would not vaccinate their children and grandchildren by any cost, they would express hope that eventually their research would bring them to desired results but they are not there yet…
It is way too big of a topic to just give a blanket answer. And the concept of vaccination and the way it works is simply amazing – in theory, but all that knowledge is still on the very beginning stages of testing and experimenting, and while I would love to have a magic medicine, which would surely protect my children from all dangers, there is none. Perhaps the closest for one is – great nutrition, no artificial sweeteners, sugar, colorants and chemicals, exercise and lots of sunshine and fresh air :yes:
What I find disturbing that many parents are bullied into vaccination, or validate their decision to vaccinate by stating “I just can not risk my child’s health and see him or her suffer, I want to protect him, and so I vaccinate†The reality is just WAY more complicated. Most severe cases of measles I’ve seen were in vaccinated individuals, and this is confirmed by national databases. Measles in unvaccinated children a common childhood sickness, which passes uneventfully in most cases. My parents did not vaccinate me, but I had a couple of vaccinations, because of institutional oversight. One of those was MMR, and I got measles when I was 19 years old, with horrible complications, I nearly died and got permanent damage to my heart. The other one that I was given by mistake, when tested for disease immunity later I did not have it. But I have immunity for many diseases I was not vaccinated against. Like with any experimental thing there are way too many unknowns…
The risks associated with breached immune response, higher chance of other deceases, overall susceptibility to common colds and germs are simply outweigh in our case a probable protection from some decease, with a possibility of more severe case of it in case of contracting it anyway.
Granted it is not full-proof either way, so each parent has to weigh in all the factors and make decision for themselves, chose the battles they would fight and respect other parents decision as well. In our case, we focus on strengthening immunity, giving our children the best possible nutrition, exercise and lifestyle.
As for the article, what makes me sad that government, or any human institution can presume to put price on child’s life and health. Otherwise it makes sense…