Vaccination Causes Autism? [UPDATED - new US Court rulings]

:slight_smile: Skylark & tlyoung you are right. Thanks for catching that. My little one woke up so I was in a rush and didnt get to proof read or complete the paragraph. I was trying to figure out how to include a few links with in the paragraph. Links that would assist those who do not want to vaccinate there child. I just dont know how to do that just yet. Given this is my first day on the forum. While trying to do so i accidently submitted the post.

No problem at all!! Welcome to the forums and let us know if you have any technical questions!

As far as links, you can simply copy and paste them :yes:

Elearning, welcome to this site. I certainly understand most of us have toddler distractions. I just wanted to let others know I got the waiver here in FL and they can try to get one in their state too. We really are a friendly group

Why Does the Vaccine/Autism Controversy Live On?

This is an interesting read-

With all the discussion, here is detailed article with some additional references to the original one here and video interview with Dr Wakefield, studies that replicated his original ones and some very interesting information on how healthcare professionals can possibly reduce risk of vaccine damage. I thought it was worth the read.

I don’t believe in vaccination. There are so many cases when vaccination developes into the actual desease or something else…

When you read the ingredients as to what goes into vaccinations then you wonder how can anyone in their right mind vaccinate their child or even want to put all that stuff into their tiny little bodies mercury (an extremely toxic poison been legally injected into our children; Aluminium is toxic ‘if a significant load exceeds the body’s excretory capacity, the excess is deposited in various tissues, including bone, brain, liver, heart, spleen, and muscle. This accumulation causes morbidity and mortality through various mechanisms.’ Formaldehyde also in vaccines is a fungicide and bactericide commonly used to preserve biological specimens. The major problems associated with using specimen preserved in formaldehyde is that the material is a confirmed carcinogen as well as a serious respiratory irritant. This is generally used as a preservative to embalm dead bodies.

Do you as a responsible mum or dad want to put these toxic chemicals into your babies and toddlers bodies in the name of ‘prevention’ - I would say a resounding “NO!” but a tthe end of the day the decision and choice is yours…

I have not vaccinated my son yet. He is just 2 years old. I did not vaccinate my 1st child until he was 7 - where we live you must give all or nothing. So, when he had not caught chicken pox by almost 8 years old, I decided to do it. I spread the vaccinations out, and never let them give more than one at a time, So he did not get a chicken pox, mmr, and dpt in one day. They do that here, and it never happens in nature.

I did a lot of research on this when my first was little and haven’t followed up on it, but it seems to me that the problem with vaccinations isn’t really autism, I mean that is terrible, but there are worse things. I have some transcripts from a symposium in the early 90’s. These details are sketchy but as soon as I find the info I will scan it in and post it. The people attending this meeting were pro-vaccine, real scientists and doctors, virologists etc. The bottom line is that at the time there was no “safe” way to make a vaccine. The problem really is in how they are made. When you grow cultures on other species, it allows the genes of viruses/diseases to mutate and cross the species barrier. There was serious speculation about whether ebola and other stealth viruses are the product of how we produce vaccines. Things may have changed since the 90’s and perhaps we make vaccinations differently, but I do recall reading the paper and wondering, “What the heck are we doing?” My neighbor, at the time, had a 21 y/o wheelchair bound son who was brain damaged by the DPT shot - it was proven and he was awarded money from the vaccination fund.

My son will be getting vaccinated, I’m just not sure when but it won’t be the schedule the state guidelines recommend.

I believe most moms are just like me who got more confused every time by different opinions on this vaccinations topic. I didn’t have other choice since my kid had to go to daycare which means we had to get him immuned before he could register for school. What I did after reading all kinds of info was to set my own rules-- 1) Try to delay vaccinations, eg half a year later than scheduled by the PD; 2) Don’t let the kids take ANY vaccine when they don’t feel well that day or those days. Kids don’t lie. If they look tired or lose appetite etc, it means something is going on in their little body. It may not turn out to be a fever or something, but I won’t take him to the doctor’s for vaccination. Just wait. Get the vaccinations done later.

Some updates on this front. 2 court cases in the US confirming autism caused by vaccination, and a new independent study confirming the same thing:

The articles are too sensationalized. I skimmed at the cited scientific article and it only confirms the association between GI-syndrome and autistic kids, which was found previously by Dr. Wakefield. It said nothing about vaccination or whether thimerosal caused autism. I could be wrong, but please read the scientific article directly to avoid journalistic sensationalism.

Another recent article on this subject:

I know there are so many things to consider about vaccines. We still have not given any to our 3 year old daughter, and with another little one on the way, I am sure they will be putting pressure on us again to vaccinate both of our children. Since we are planning on homeschooling, I won’t have to deal with school requirements. But this does really make parents stop and consider. There is one young child in our community who had problems (seizures and definite change of personality and ability) after he received vaccines. Three years later, he still isn’t the same. They are denying that it was caused by the vaccines, but since it happened within a week of getting the shots, it makes a person wonder. I wish there was an easy answer…