TweedleWink Languages or PIM

I’m hoping to start my 2 and 1/2 year old on some language DVDs (French and Spanish to start). I basically narrowed it down to either Tweedlewink or PIM. Any advice on which would be helpful.

Tweedlewink is good, but it’s very basic. There are just basic words that it goes through for all the languages. They don’t have any sequels and don’t teach sentences. Each language lesson just lasts a few minutes.

I’m guessing Tweedlewink doesn’t go by the immersion method?

There is no real method. You select a language and it flashes basic words from categories like colors, animals, foods. They just say the word and show a picture of it. I’m sure there is a sample for you to watch on their site or youtube. It’s not really to teach a language but more for getting your child to hear different languages.

We got Little Pim and we love it. My son us picking up words here and there in a short amount of time. I’m getting TW language soon as well as Muzzy. I’ll keep you posted what I like best.

Thanks waterdreamer and nhockaday. After your advice, now I’m strongly leaning towards Little Pim. But it would be good to know if Muzzy is something I should consider.

another good way to start is bilingual baby. they have tons of languages. it has been great and a great intro. before pim. we did the italian and greek. so helpful! she actually can name things in italian from the bilingual baby and has helped comprehend pim. and CHEAP! do a search as i can’t remember the site i bought it from… i think right brain baby. like
$5 /each language. best $$ i ever spent!
the doc :clown:

Karma to you DrPrimo!! I will look into that one!!

You can’t compare the two. Tw languages flashes a few words in some language (very little words) The French version is not great. The lady doesn’t pronounce clearly and she sounds very depressing.
LP uses words in context using written language, objects, real children and it goes from words to sentences. Your child can really start learning a language with LP. Not with a few words flashing.

I have just started Muzzy from Early Advantage and my grandson likes it a lot. Cant compare with LP cause I dont have it but it comes with 5 language, My grandson is starting english and reinforcing vocabulary in spanish our native language. I like French and for my mother in law Italian. As you see the whole family is benefiting from it. Excellent product though a little bit expensive.

So, after my SCATHING attack on Little Pim, I really love it! Although it is definitely not Right Brain, it is fun to watch, and even I am definitely learning from it! The lessons are a little long for my baby at this stage, but we just stop it when she has had enough.

So can anyone tell me which is better - Muzzy or bilingual baby? Never heard of either?

Do you know you can go in the episode selection and pick an episode to watch and those are only 5mins long. I’m getting Muzzy in a week or two, I will tell you what I think but I think it’s for older kids.

Thanks waterdreamer, I look forward to your review!

In the meantime, I think Bilingual Baby is so cheap, ill but it anyway

Muzzy is like a cartoon, so probably better for 2+…

Hi all. I’m the one who started this thread. Just wanted to give an update. After reading another poster’s discussion (somewhere else…not this thread) about using the library as a resource, I checked my local library and sure enough they had the Spanish and French versions of Little Pim there. So, I rushed over and borrowed them. I’m so anxious to see it and how my daughter responds to it. Wish me luck. I looked at the Muzzy site and thought that it might be more appropriate for an older child…looks like fun though. Maybe I’ll try it later on. Once again, thanks for all the good input.

I know nothing about twiddlewink but I have looked into little pim and muzzy. we rented muzzy from the LIBRARY and it was ok but the kids were SCARED of muzzy and would not watch the parts that he is in. and I am talking about 3+4 yrs. I really like what I have seen in previews of the little pim show and want to try that ASAP (when I can afford it) I have the brainybaby french and that is great my kids love that one. and yeah really cheap too. There is a show called bilingual baby but i think that is almost a direct copy of brainybaby. at least that is what I remember when I saw a few minutes of that one.

I have Muzzys and Little Pim videos and I totally agree with Hypatia that Little Pim is better for babies while Muzzy is more for toddlers.

I used Muzzy French for my daughter from about 1 year on. She loved it and is now fluent without an american accent. I credit Muzzy along with my hubby and in laws for her learning French properly. Yes, I agree Muzzy is for older children but that is all I had back them. I will get Little Pim for our next child and will check out Bilingual baby. Does anyone have a website for them? I found the DVDs here

I have to tell you that i was not crazy about Muzzy… yes, it is for an older child, but still… i think LM is leaps and bounds ahead of it. I disliked it so much so i got my $$ back. i think the thing i like most about bilingual baby and LP is the fact they use real people/children, which captures the attention more than a cartoon. we have a cartoon language video in greek (because that is all that is out there in greek) and it does not hold my DD’s attention nearly as much as the other videos i mentioned.
there is also something you should check out called Early Advantage… i’ve asked around on this forum but as of yet no one knows of it…
anyway, they claim to teach reading and advanced math very early. i saw the video on you tube and inquired about it. they returned this link and asked me to show it to my DD to get her reaction, then they would assess where she is and plan a program just for her… for a price. YIKES! $100/week for 50 weeks! (they had better clean my house for that much$$) lol
the reason i mention this is b/c they show lips moving in the video… which tells me that if children can see real people speaking that help them pick, up ANY language… their mother tongue or their own. something to consider, i think.
here are the links:

would love to hear people’s thoughts… sorry to go a bit off topic but thought you might be interested,
the doc :clown:

Wow that’s expensive. After watching the first video they say it’s 1-2 mins a day for $100 a week! That is insane!
I wonder what they do that is so special besides showing the child the persons lips moving?