TweedleWink Languages or PIM

I’m trying to find out! it’s like pulling teeth to get any information.
when i do i’ll let you know.
the doc :clown:

I hate when people don’t fully disclose what they are trying to sell you.

I just read amazons review on ‘Bilingual Baby’ and ‘Brainy Baby French’ and they were not good. I was wandering if you got a chance of buying or seeing them?

I am lost here. What is LM, is it Little Math? What does it has to do with Muzzy?

I think it all depends on the child. My grandson likes watching Muzzy and listening to the CD on the car. The other day he ask to see the numbers in italian. I agree it is not for babies but it is a very good program for 3 years and up. Maybe little Pim is better for smaller kids or even toddlers but do you consider Bilingual Baby better than Muzzy?

Sorry… Typo! I meant little pim!

Now it is better.
What about Blingual baby, you think it is better than Muzzy? NO WAY. :nowink: :nowink: :nowink:
Is it for your 16 month old baby or you hve older kids?

For me, bilingual baby is better b/c they use real kids, not cartoons and you get quite a Bit of vocab in 30 min. My point was… for $5/ DVD it is a great intro to Introducing a young child to a language without spending a fortune. I have used BB first, then moved on to little pim etc. Muzzy… For me, I didn’t care for the story, vocab, etc. But my DD was only 9 mo. When I showed it to her And she hated it. I’m hoping by the time she is 3 her language will be in a place where she doesn’t need muzzy.
For the $$, you can’t beat bilingual baby. Especially at the beginning. Plus they have languages that you just can’t find anywhere else.
Just my opinion…
The doc :clown:

I certainly respect your opinion and think you are right considering your 9 month baby. No way Muzzy can be for that age.
You find a bargain for US$ 5. :yes: :yes:
What languages did you show or are planiing to show him?

I found them on the brainy baby website. I bought Italian Greek German and Spanish. And she loves them! Only doing Italian and Greek now. Saving the German and Spanish for her 2nd birthday. I flash the words used in the videos to help reinforce the language. Seems to be working. Anyway, considering how much money all this stuff is, you can’t go wrong for $5!
The doc :clown:

Update - Thanks for all the feedback. You guys were a big help. I did borrow Little Pim from my local library and my 2 year old loves it. She wants to see “bamboo” everytime…that’s what she calls Little PIM. I’ve started her on both the Spanish and French together but now, I’m not sure if I should just be doing both together. Any thoughts? I think the literature out there says, it’s okay to expose them to more than one language at a time. We’ve been looking at Little Pim for about a month now. How soon did you guys start seeing your little ones actually speaking in different languages? For instance, my daughter understands quite a bit since she attends a day care where Spanish is spoken and she knows how to count beyond 10 (in Spanish) and say some words. But just wondering about the French…how soon should we be seeing results? I know…each child is different but is it like: you expose them and one day, they’ll just start talking it or do you see your kids talking in other languages regularly? And I am doing reinforcement exercises like when we see a spoon, I use the Spanish or French word.

If you’re interested in teaching your kids Spanish language, try WhistleFritz DVDs.
You might want to check your library as well, mine has all 3 DVDs.
I am teaching my DD a language per day, so it is less confussion for them and for you :slight_smile:
On Monday I am showing Spanish materials: TweedleWink World languages, spanish files from LR, WhistleFritz, Little Pim.
I borrowed some children books in Spanish from the local library, so I am reading them to her.
On Tuesday French- the same way,
On Wednesday Russian.
At this point since she is so little (10 months) and mostly absorbes things, I want to do as much input as I can.