Yes, I know that I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I’m still trying to work out a good schedule for my little ones. Not to mention, I’m still trying to figure out what exactly to teach my boys. This is very important for me because I plan to homeschool so having a good foundation starting early will make it easier for my children to know what to expect as they age and learn.
Currently I’ve been spending about an hour a night researching online (looking at posts from the brill baby forum, seeing what Elizabeth (Domanmom) and Texaslady are doing in their blogs, looking at Montessori home school sites, keeping in touch with the birth club on, and so forth). More time is spent gathering materials for a montessori-like activity that is planned for the next day and for downloading, printing, and laminating LR cards.
I’m still very much in the learning phase in this adventure. I feel like I’m stuck still in researching what I feel I should try to teach them. I feel like the education that I received wasn’t good enough. I need to try to learn about music when I don’t play an instrument, be more physically active (when I’m lucky just to pop an exercise tape in), learn foreign languages (when I’ve only had Spanish and German), and learn about tons of subjects ranging from cloud types to Asian fruits.
When I start feeling overwhelmed, I try to remember that I have gotten along fine in life not knowing a lick of Chinese and not knowing the name of the Danube Waltz if I heard the song. This process has for me really pointed out my lack of knowledge in a lot of areas. It is really quite embarrasing in a way.
I can easily see how time consuming teaching preparation is. No wonder why most parents don’t want to teach their young children. I’ve decided that I am going to take things slower this month while I try to formulate a solid teaching program. So in other words, I’m going to continue doing what I am doing, however I am preparing material that will last a month and start on that material when I am confident with it.
Here are my thoughts:
Physical activity
Summer will be coming soon, so geting enough activity won’t be as difficult. I’m currently having a hard time “running” my toddler because I can’t go outside with a little baby when it is freezing out. I’m thinking of teaching my two-year-old some simple yoga. When it is warmer, I’m going to literally run with him. All he wants is to go, go, go. I would take my sons swimming, but I need another person to help me hold one child while I’m working with the other. Why didn’t I think about child spacing! I would absolutely love to have a brachiation ladder, but I’m afraid to even ask my husband to help me make one. I don’t want him to think that I’ve gone off my rocker or anything. My youngest is doing well with tummy time. I would love to have a crawling track, but I’m afraid to ask my husband to help me make one and they are a little expensive to purchase premade.
I want to start taking piano lessons. Once I get my tuition reimbursement, I plan to purchase a keyboard and maybe a program like Soft Way to Mozart to help guide me. I’ve also thought about having my sister teach me how to play the violin. Furthermore, I’ve thought about playing a well-known classical song several times daily and telling my children who composed it and what the name of the song is. I have one semester of free tuition for Kindermusic that I might take take my youngest to. I’ve thought about having some “music time” set up like Kindermusic, but my oldest is completely uninterested (I had to take him out of Kindermusic because he hated it). My oldest has been watching Trebellina.
Oh man. I LOVE foreign languages. I’ve got a list of languages that I want to learn and languages that I want my children to at least be able to speak a little of such as Greek, Latin, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, German, French, Korean, and Russian. Currently I’m taking a German class at my local community college, and I’m listening to the short series of Pimsleur Japanese. I’m thinking about paying my brother to teach me some Japanese. Currently, we have been listening to a Lyrica language CD in German. I still need to work out my foreign language program for my children more.
At this point, I just want to be able to introduce my toddler to basic ideas about astronomy, biology, earth science, physics, chemistry anatomy, geology, and etc. This will be done at this point through LR picture and words.
I’ve just put together a list of about 200 words that he can say or that I am 100 % sure that he understands. I’m in the process of making physical cards for them now. I don’t feel so bad making the cards because I know that they are personalized for our family and that my youngest will be using them along side of his older brother. After I am done, I will be following Doman’s reading program pretty closely. I want to try to read more books to my little ones. My oldest has a hard time holding still to finish a book though.
I’m thinking about purchasing Doman’s math cards. Pretty soon I will get LM. I’ve printed our math cards, but my lamination machine ruined about ten of them so I haven’t shown my sons any cards yet. When I do get things in order, I will be following Doman’s program closely.
I want to do at least one art activity a day. I am not picky about doing craft activities with my son since at two years of age, I feel that they might need some guidence. I just purchased a one-year subscription to Kidsoup for ideas.
Sensorial activities
I want my oldest to do at least one Montessori-like activity a day such as lacing beads, transferring materials, and sorting objects so that he can work on his fine motor skills. He likes doing it anyway, and it keeps him busy.
Themed activites
I’m thinking about having a theme to every week. I might try this next week with bats. We will work on the letter “b” and read books about bats, go over bat flashcards, make bat pictures, watch Stellaluna (Reading Rainbow), watch bat movies on You Tube, do bat crafts, and so forth.