Themes To Remember Vol. 1, Classical Magic

Hey Guys,
I was having coffee with kizudo and she showed me that her and her son were doing the Themes To Remember Vol. 1, Classical Magic program with some sucess. I’m musical challenge and want to teach my son about music so he’s not. Has anyone else used this program? If so what was your experience. I am planning on ordering it soon.
Thanks so much

Yes, I have it. We were using it pretty regularly, but not anymore. I am going to start it again once I get more time to devote to it. My son loved it though. There should be several discussions about it on the forum (search for classical magic).

We have it, too–we bought it at a homeschool book fair.

Personally, I really like it. It’s taught me so much about the composers. The songs talk about who wrote the song and why and during what time period. For basic facts like that it’s awesome.

It cuts songs into small peices, though, so you don’t get to enjoy the complete song the way it was written. I don’t mind, though.

You know how you’ve heard a song a million times and you don’t have any idea who composed it? You KNOW the tune. You recognize it because you’ve heard it so many times…and if someone (radio announcer or knowledgeable friend) tells you what it’s called you usually just go “uh huh” and nod your head.

Well, some time in December we were at a friend’s place and her baby’s toy started playing one of those tunes. I was so excited because I KNEW IT! I really knew it! It was Vivaldi - Spring from The Four Seasons…I knew that Vivaldi was a redheaded priest who worked in a girls school. I knew that he was a violin virtuoso. I knew it was called a concerto… I was so proud to have finally learned this! I imagine what I felt was similar to when my son sees a letter or a word that he knows - he excitedly starts dancing and pointing, shouting the recognized symbol/symbols. I didn’t shout or dance, but I did say, with evident pride :), to my son “Listen, it’s Vivaldi’s concerto!”

When I showed this product to my MIL she said that she, too, would love to have this set for herself! You’ll be surprised at how much you will learn, never mind your son, Waterdreamer!

I agree. The tunes are really catchy. Do you ever hear the classical song and start singing the words to it? I bet someone on the street would think you are crazy!

I haven’t yet, but I’m sure the day will come! :slight_smile:

I have Themes to Remember Vol. 2. My daughter loves it. As soon as I play the CD she starts saying “dancing, dancing” and tries to dance and ask me to dance with her. She is 2. I don’t think she recognized the songs authors yet but sometimes she will repeat when they say ex. “Vivaldi” or few words of the lyrics that she knows. As Kizudo mentioned is good for us too because it helps us to learn and teach our little ones when we hear the songs in somewhere else.
I got my CD w/book in this website:, cheaper than

Thanks everyone! I landed up ordering it today. I tried to order it from but when I called they told me they no longer carry that series. I’m super excited to get it in the mail :slight_smile:

Hey Guys!
Thought I thought I would get this topic going again.
We got out Themes to Remember Vol. 1 in the mail this week. We’ve been listening to it in the car. My son seems very attentive to it and seems to love it. My only complaint is I find the lyrics hard to hear. And I just deaf or does anyone else have this problem?
Also how do you guys use this program. Do you listen to one section only and read about those composers, or focus on only one composer, or just play the cd and read a new page everyday.
I’d love for people who have experience with this program to share their knowledge :slight_smile:
Thanks so much!

They were loud and clear to me. Do you have an equalizer in your car? Maybe you just need to try out different settings?
I was doing one song twice when I was doing it, but when I start back up, I think I will follow the lesson plan they have on their site.

Thanks for the input. I’ll mess around with them and see if I can get it clearer.

Also I googled Themes to Remember and could not find the offical site. Where can I find the actual websites instructions ?

It says inside the book, but that is not coming up. I will have to look around. I hope they still have their site.

Have you tried playing it inside to see if it sounds better? I played it on my stereo inside.

It looks like their site is gone :frowning: Does anyone know if they moved to a different address? I was really hoping to do the program.

Maybe this is there way to force us to buy the teachers guide?
I tried it in the car again and put on classical setting and it sounded better. Apparently my bf changed all the settings in the car to make nine inch nails sound better. Is that possible? Lol

Ha Ha , yes :smiley:

Just as an FYI - When I ordered mine I got it through “Sing & Learn” - you might find the info there…(if not, Waterdreamer, I’ll photocopy mine and give it to you the next time we meet).

I was told that the Classical Magic company sold their rights to Sing & Learn…maybe that explains why there’s some difficulty tracking them down.

You printed out the lesson plans they had on their site? Can you email them to me, please?

Hey Kizudo,
I looked on the sing and learn site and could not find what nhockaday had mentioned. I would love a copy if you don’t mind.

Just to clarify…I only printed out the listening order that they recommend…no actual lessons. I don’t have access to a scanner and I didn’t save it (I don’t think - I’ll check tomorrow)…If I don’t find it, it may take me a bit to access someone else’s scanner.